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RE: Is There Really an Advantage to Being a Woman on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

These are all great things but that surface level when you're talking about how things are happening and you go beyond your network then it's where are you start to see that this kind of thinking is a problem. That's when you start to see that it's a façade of saying well oh gender doesn't matter. The fact is that although we are on the Internet And this is a "decentralized freedom block chain" there are people that make the rules and we follow those rules. There are people that make changes and we have to do with those changes. And most importantly there are general consensus among the largest of groups. Steam is very small and although we can easily get locked intoour own little world. We it's still very like you can see everything happening if you just try and look. We have flag wars and we have people you know talking crap about one witness and you know #Feminism alone is something that is disturbing for anyone who's interested in women's empowerment outside of the block chain. That's kind of a situation where it's like it's great that if you stay in your little bubble and you stay in your lane then you can you know do OK without getting harassed to much. Yes some of my favorite people on steam it are meant if you check my blog you will see that I like man! And I also really love seeing women break out of traditional roles actually I love seeing men breakout of traditional roles too I love uplifting people who are struggling to own their identity because other people tell them that it's wrong . And honestly those people don't get too much shit but they kind of get ignored if it's not in a chat room or something like that. But again these are not numbers this is just my opinion and my personal experience so we can probably go back-and-forth and get nowhere

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