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RE: even two week bank holds on deposits suck..

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Please read the Steem white paper.

SP is a long term investment and should be regarded as such. This ensures that users want to grow the cryptocurrency and vote on what achieves that so the value of their SP is maximized during their 2 year stay (yes, you can get all of your SP back within 2 years if you do it right).

If you don't want that, you have the option of not doing that and just converting Steem to BTC instead.

It's your choice. There's no greed here, just how the cryptocurrency works.

EDIT: 1 year => 2 years


this ensures users dont dump your shit token to 0 satoshi.. i get it.. no need to explain to me your anti dump mechanisms i know crypto and how it works..

dont let my level 9 rank fool you

Sounds like you want to make money from this rather than find something better to reward content creators than the currently accepted scheme (patreon or what not).

lulz if i wanted to make money i can go trade on the markets.. i am here to support what i thought was a good block chain based social media platform.. turns out its just ran by a bunch of abusive power hungry whales lol pre mined losers who flag people for no reason! lol im not here to make money i already have money ;] i see your heavly invested

wow cool you read the white paper! big fucking wow! you still havent invested jack shit.. looking at your wallet now.. you just have the free steem power they gave you wow!.. here do yourself a big favor and dont waste your BTC here.. lmfao you wont see shit for two years.. oh wait. you already read the white paper LuLZ!!!

I've read the paper; I know how it works; it sounds like a good idea and eventually the whales will have no chance against the swarms of users coming in.

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