The Steemit Secret Police Holds A Gun To Your Head. Your Next Steemit Post Must Reach The Front Page Or You'll Be Mind-Blown. What Do You Post?

in #steemit8 years ago

*knock* *knock* *knock* *KNOCK*

You look up from your computer in surprise. 

Someone is knocking at your door in the dead of the night. 

You don't take interruptions to your nightly Steemit sessions too kindly... 

But... you wonder who on earth it could be at this time of the night. It's way after midnight.

You're the only one at home. 

And normally you would just ignore it and keep on Steeming.

But... the knocking continues. And it irritates you.

You rush to the door. And open it quickly. Eager to get back to your Steeming...


... you are met by a chubby old lady. With blue hair, that alternates between light and dark blue.

She wears a black suit. With what seems like a red hourglass symbol patterned down the middle.

With a smile, she introduces herself as "The Black Widow", a member of the Steemit Secret Police...

What comes next is the shocker...

... She promptly PULLS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD!

Forcing you back into your living room, and shutting the door behind her, she gives you an ultimatum.

In the next twenty minutes, you must craft a new Steemit submission. And post it. 

Your next submission MUST reach the front page. Or else...

... you may never leave your house again. Or see tomorrow's light.

Apparently, it is an ongoing initiative by the Steemit Secret Police to increase the value contributed to the Steemit community. And to keep the momentum of the site going. And valuation rising.

If you fail, she'll take a photo of your deceased body, and use it as a post submission. It'll be titled...

"The first ever Steemit assassination! OMG!"

No doubt it'll go viral for sure. And attract hundreds of new users.

If you succeed, you walk away with all the Steem Glory... and Power... and more. The choice is yours...

As sweat drops slide slowly down your head, you try to think about what to post.

What could you post that could guarantee that you would reach the front page? And thus save your life, so you could see another day?

What would you post?


Well if your life is on the line your only safe thing to do would be to break that emergency glass and whip a good'ol dickbutt

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