Steemit - The Oxymoron Social Media site

in #steemit7 years ago

Having stumbled across my blog, you may have asked yourself how did an anti-social media, non-millennial contrarian end up on a social media site? Well, I am presupposing that's the question my friend/(s) and family will be asking themselves were they to come across this blog.

Why Steemit?

So, why Steemit and not the countless other social media sites that I have chosen to pass on over the years? There are multiple answers to this question which you'll be glad to hear I won't bore you with. Instead, I will share with you the two main reasons.

Number one reason by far for me is that Steemit respects my privacy. I am a private person and instinctively recoils at anyone / site asking for my full name, date of birthday, marital status etc. These are private facts which I will only share where I am legally obliged to do so. Those unfortunately close enough to personally know me will off-course get to know these facts, but even then it could take a significant amount of time as the relationship matures.

Not exactly sure where this instinct comes from, but maybe it was brainwashed into me watching and reading animal farm, 1984 and remembering getting permission to stay up late to watch the fall of the Berlin wall. Where ever it originates, I am flabbergasted by the detailed personal information people are willingly entering into databases without pondering what use their details will be put to.

The second reason for using Steemit is that it's an easy platform for me to share my opinions whilst meeting the above precondition. Like most people, I am quite opinionated and will not sit on the fence for issues I am passionate about - unless legally obliged to do so. So stumbling across Steemit at a time when I was searching for a hobby is a fortunate coincidence. Especially as I was able to write my first post by just randomly hitting some keys on my keyboard. Someone had kindly taken the trouble to set it all up to go for me, no technical wizardry for me to get my head round.

It will be disingenuous of me to end this post without mentioning the money aspect of Steemit.

I am fortunate to have a very well paid job that I enjoy, so no chance of Steemit being my first, second, third etc source of income or even extra pocket money. The money aspect I was considering before signing up was whether or not this was a Ponzi scheme. I don't understand the financial infrastructure that underpins the site but reached the conclusion that it was not a Ponzi scheme when I was not asked to make a payment, promised a guaranteed return by partaking or requested to sign up others. These are my three red flags that scream out Ponzi scheme and avoid, as Steemit has not triggered any of them I am satisfied that however it works it's not a Ponzi scheme.

Normal service will be resumed in my next blog posting as I will be sharing my fantasy football team with you.


OMG, I love this description of yourself. Me too! But you are so so lucky to have a job you enjoy. I'm resteeming this quality content. I feel you could have tagged this in writing....

Thanks for the comment - what did the last sentence mean? Yes, on reflection I am fortunate to have a job I enjoy - although us being humans mean we always want more in itself not a bad trait as it leads us to innovation and technological breakthroughs.

I meant that your writing style is so cool, it should have been posted in that creative category. I loved your imagery and lively style. I see you blog footie - you remind me of a member of my family who blogs about the horses and writes brilliantly.

cheers for the feedback - much appreciated.

Most excellent post. I feel exactly the same way.

Glad you liked the post.

I love this platform I love I have some place to share my thoughts, my ideas, my photography and art. I love the community I have gained since being here. I am addicted just because of that along, and the Money is a bonus.
Not a Ponzi scheme at all I too was skeptical when I joined but I have successfully traded the SBD and STEEM for Bitcoin and traded that for USD. I am so addicted now. But right now I am starting to pour everything I make posting back into STEEM and SP because I am looking along term and will only transfer a little here and there if I need to for something our regular income won't cover.

love the enthusiasm, but not sure if long term steem will be the dominant block chain social media platform. History has shown that companies that are the first invention wise do not always end up being the winners. Can you remember Friends Reunited or Myspace?

I remember them both and yes that maybe true in many cases but this really isn't a new idea, the only new aspect of it is it being block chain supported instead of advertisement based. I have done well here because I use to write for a site that in many ways was like Steemit in the fact you got paid to post and comment when people upliked it. But the money sucked If you got a $1 for a post that was considered good. Site lasted about 2 years then they stopped paying people.

What was the name of the site? Was not aware that there was a concept similar to Steemit that had already been tried. it is still around and I hear they reward people again but it is a joke to earn $5 takes a month

and it wasn't block chained based it was advertisement supported

Thanks for the link - I checked it out and can see the similarities. Liked that they have a new users page and that users can send private messages to each other. Found the adverts irritating especially the pop up ones, community guidelines were too prescriptive - this happens when there are human moderators - and the top post was a guy complaining that his post got deleted. So a No from me for mylot.

Yeah it went to shit and it was never all that because of the low earnings. But there were things I learned there that has really helped me here. I been here for 49 days I have been earning a little more each week and I do credit what I learned there to doing well here. It use to not be so censored.

So how did you get here?
Just lucky I guess.

Like most things, through a friend - after initial research decided that this could be the platform for me.

Great post! I am the same as you. This is my first social media account ever. I feel like we have a small group of like minded, freedom loving people here. I am very excited to see where this will go.

Hope the freedom lasts and does not get consumed by self interest, censorship, redtape, or greed etc.

Seems I've just stumbled upon a group of like-minded, freedom-loving people. I'm sooo with you!

That's an idea - can groups be created on Steemit yet?

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