Sonic Th movie opinion English and Spanish
Hello guys, how will you know this weekend the Sonic movie is released and has had a lot of different criticisms, mostly it has been positive and others negative, especially by fans of Birds of prey, who wanted to discredit this movie, for the ticket office failure he had. Anyway, those of us who have already been able to watch the movie have a great idea of what it was.
First, we must rescue that when the trailer was released for the first time much of those who grew up playing the video game we were not at all happy with the first look that Sonic did, it is more, there was a stir throughout the internet on the aspect that Sonic had and many fans began attacking with a lot of memes to the producer house, and almost forcing them to change the appearance of our blue hedgehog. With all this pressure the studio was almost forced to change the look of Sonic and make it as close to the game, thanks to the sky they changed it and as fans we had the obligation to go to the premiere of the movie for this.
First of all, Sonic is a movie for a child and maybe not so childish (for those of us who grew up playing the majority will be between 25 and 30 years old or more X'D). Sonic is a fun movie to have a good time with the family at the movies, despite having a predictable plot. In addition to not forgetting the great return of Jim Carrey, in which this movie did not remind us of the great actor he is, he shows us how the actor perfectly personified the villain of this movie. It's more, I feel the whole show is stolen, but it's Jim Carrey and he has done very well.
First, we must rescue that when the trailer was released for the first time much of those who grew up playing the video game we were not at all happy with the first look that Sonic did, it is more, there was a stir throughout the internet on the aspect that Sonic had and many fans began attacking with a lot of memes to the producer house, and almost forcing them to change the appearance of our blue hedgehog. With all this pressure the studio was almost forced to change the look of Sonic and make it as close to the game, thanks to the sky they changed it and as fans we had the obligation to go to the premiere of the movie for this.
Hopefully with the success of this movie the studio is encouraged to make a second part, including more characters from the world of sonic.
Hola chicos como sabran este fin de semana se estreno la pelicula de Sonic y ha tenido un monton de criticas diversas, en su mayoria ha sido positivas y otras negativas, sobre todo por los fans de Birds of prey, que querian desprestigiar esta pelicula, por el fracaso taquillero que tuvo. En fin, los que ya hemos podido ver la pelicula tenemos una gran idea de lo que fue.
Pirmero hay que rescatar que cuando se lanz por primer vez el trailer mucho de los que crecimos jugando el videojuego no quedamos nada contentos con el primer look que le hicieron a Sonic, es màs, hubo un gran revuelo por todo el internet sobre el aspecto que tenia Sonic y muco fans empezaron a atacar con un monton de memes a la casa productora, y casi obligandolos a cambiaar el aspecto del nuestro erizo azul. Con toda este presiòn el estudio se vio practicamente obligado a cambiar el aspecto de Sonic y hacerlo lo màs parecido al juego, gracias al cielo lo cambiaron y com fans teniamos la obligaciòn de ir al estreno de la pelicula por esto.
Antes que nada, Sonic es una pelicula destinada a un ublico infantil y quizas no tan infantil (para los que crecimos jugando la mayoria tendra entre 25 a 30 años o más X'D). Sonic es una pelicula divertida para pasar un buen rato con la familia en el cine, a pesar de tener una trama predecible. Ademàs de no olvidarnos del gran regreso de Jim Carrey, en el cual esta pelicula no hizo recordar el gran actor que es, nos muestra como el actor personifico de manera perfecta al villano de esta pelicula. Es màs, siento que se roba todo el show, pero es Jim Carrey y lo ha echo muy bien.
Ojala que con el exito de esta pelicula el estudio se anime a hacer una segunda parte, incluyendo mas personajes del mundo de sonic.