Quality vs. quantity as a creative publisher on Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey, Steemit. In tonight’s blog post, I’m taking a break from the usual lingerie models and comic art. I’m going to share my thoughts on a specific Steemit-related topic, and that’s the subject of how we post. I was having a conversation with @vermillionfox this morning on the very topic, benefits of each method, and unexpected consequences. As Steemit grows we gain thousands of new Steemians every week, and I think back to how I felt ambling through this unknown […at the time] corner of the internet that is Steemit. Before I go on, I should predicate that I, very clearly, have a preferred method of blogging on Steemit so consider that bias when reading. I am going to try to be objective to the point of view that is not my own.

Something to consider for either approach is that in regards to Steemit […and beyond], both approaches do have advantages. For new Steemit users, especially, that’s going to be a real consideration. A big factor is your ability to write, tell stories, or clearly convey a feeling, emotion or idea in written form. I’ve brought dozens of new users to Steemit and the reality is, some of them just can’t write. Others can write all day, but lack moving, gripping content that stands out from the rapidly expanding content ecosystem. So, lets take a hard look at both and weigh our options.

Another consideration in this whole internet experiment is knowing your own goals with Steemit. Is it making money? If so, you’ve got your work cut out for you in managing to distinguish yourself from the noise. When @dan, @ned and the Steemit team brought the blockchain online, I often wonder […as an artist myself] if they anticipated so many artists thriving here on the site. There is still “beta” text under the Steemit logo and I’m aware of the calibre of artists and writers that regularly contribute content! If your goals aren’t monetary, though, then what? Prestige? That reputation number is enough of an incentive for many, so what is the secret to becoming a 70 reputation in the least amount of time?

Quality work, in my opinion, is anyone’s best chance of leaving a lasting impression on Steemit. Additionally, it’s my opinion that it’s the most effective way to make money […if that’s your goal]. It’s hard, because as I mentioned, the level o completion here […at least in the arts and creative mediums like writing, music and poetry] is already becoming world class. If you feel like your art doesn’t stand up against the users who are making the highest earning posts on the site, I have a suggestion. Find something that is uniquely you, and do that to the absolute best of your ability. Whether it’s a subject or a style, find your voice and share it. That is what Steemit needs more of. This place is going to get noisier as it grows, so find your own brand and build an audience around it. 

I employ the “quality” approach to Steemit in my time here. I have since my introduction post over a year ago. To me, this is a long form medium. My posts take time. Typically, two hours to write, re-read, edit, format and often times, finish photos specifically for the blog post I’m making […at least 1/3 of the photography I post here on Steemit only sees the light of day on my personal Patreon, because I feel Steemit deserves it]. Steemit gets my very best, and from my first few months here, it seems to have reflected that in my followership and rewards. 

I’ll refer again to my wise friend @lovejoy who once casually said to me “Humans reward one another for things that are hard”. I can do a couple of things that most can’t, and even within my mediums of work […at least with photography] I have a unique style […all my photography is done with exclusively available/diegetic lighting]. That is my unique voice in art, and that’s what keeps me above the noise. As such, even from my minnowiest of days on the site, some really generous, influential folks on the site began following me […to this day, many still do].

Quantity does go far here as well. I don’t mean spammy comments. Those are sure to get you flagged. I mean machine gun posts, 5 - 10 times a day. If your goal is reputation and Steemit notoriety, there is no doubt, it is effective. I’ve seen new users show up and take over the feed.   In a few months, completely catch up […and sometimes surpass] me with that coveted reputation number. When you’re posting that often, there’s no way to put hours of thought and consideration in to each post. Contrastingly, however, you sure can post a lot. It’s not a single nail, it’s a nail gun. 

In my observation, this approach to Steemit doesn’t make you as much money, especially since the implementations of voting power after HF19. Users only have about 10 100% votes to work with, and those few 100% votes really have to earn it. Another pitfall of the quantity approach, I know this from personal experience, is posting so often does have a slightly spammy feel […at least for me]. As a result, I have unfollowed artists because I was seeing too much! Seven or eight decent photos that could have easily been formatted in one post I would have been happy to give 100% vote. Instead, though, I unfollowed that person because I want to see the best from every Steemian I chose to follow. That being said, I recently noticed said Steemian I unfollowed has almost matched me in reputation in less than 6 months. Again, it comes back to goals.

Here’s one last thought. Neither of these are right, or wrong. Your time here and stake in the site is all part of a social experiment we’re all fortunate to participate in […especially so early]. The “quality” people like myself, I see complain that new users are eclipsing their own reputation on the site, and the “quantity” publishing grumbling that they aren’t making any money. For either strategy, keep your head down, know what you’re good at and spend that time on what makes you happy. If you’re here and your posting about what makes you happy, the money and reputation matters much, much less.

I post daily [...daily is about my quantity]. For more art, illustration, photography and thoughts on life and Steemit, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


I am impressed how unbiased you managed to describe this. I myself am all on the quality side, I would love for all of steemit to put more work into fewer posts. Imagine your feed being filled with few but topnotch only posts. Also the less quantity the less noise so people can consider better who to vote on.
I started off with a goal to get one post every two or weeks done. That was when I was all new on steemit. Since then I settled to post one big quality post every Thursday. I need the fixed date for myself, otherwise I wouldnt post when I'm not in the mood to write. Sadly this hasnt given me a lot of followers since one post a week tends to drown in the masses of “new“. Luckily I was discovered by curie and earned some money from them. Now I am also trying to post at least 2 times a week slowly working myself up to once a day. Thats my limit, I dont believe I can post more often without having the quality drop..
Sorry for the textwall just wanted to share my experiences and point of view on the topic.

I couldn't agree more with you. I used to post 3-4 articles/day but with a busy life I can't even manage to produce a quality content within 2 days. I am also expecting steemit to have top notch content like medium which is getting even rare by days. Anyhow, I manage to find little gem like the post and the comment above now and then.

I have now started to check out everyone who comments on my posts or comments, because many times it's users, like you who also have quality content and follow them to upgrade the quality of my feed.
It's slowly working, the noise is getting less as I defollow the big spam accounts which promise small upvotes. I used to follow them to get a decent upvote basis on my posts but it's simply not worth messing up my feed..

Yeah I´m doing the same. I unfollowed a lot of people lately, because with so much spam in my feed I often missed real quality work! Now I check out the blogs from commenters on my posts/comments. And if they have content I´m attracted to (and I mean more then one good post and a few resteems) I start following and interacting with them.

I'm finding a lot of crap floating around Steemit lately,and much of it with high numbers of either votes or dollars. It looks like a great way to get money here is just to post someone else's YouTube video or some poorly written piece about cryptocurrency.
I'm trying to up my quantity, but with a busy life it gets pretty hard to do and I just try to settle for higher quality and hope that it gets some visibility.

Write a crap post and pay a bot to upvote you - that seems to be the strategy of many users nowadays.

And most of them find out bots are not so profitable, I'm saying this from personal experience

yes all we have to do is to hide ourself from selfish and emotionless bots, increase our followers and SP ...followed

You are one of my favorites steemians to follow. You have good written content and photography/illustration. My only Issue with your content is you always post when I am sleeping and I miss them lol Keep up the good work!

I guess my goals are

  1. Interact
  2. Create quality content that people are interested in
  3. Curate great content
  4. Get some reward for my efforts.

1 is easy to do, 2 is relatively easy if you put the effort in. 3 seems to be incredibly hard as there is so much crap on here that is either just copied or contains no effort from the author. 4, I'm doing OK with, but it's frustrating that the combination of 1,2 and 3 seem in no way to relate to what you get from 4. Sometimes I can post a photo that can earn $30 but then i can post a video that i put hours of effort into that only gets me $10. I am eternally thankful that the followers i have like my stuff but it seems hard to get new followers on board that can reward you consistently for your efforts so that I can in turn reward the work that i like to see.

I've changed my approach to steemit recently and i'm now powering back up in the hope that i can try to help get the quality content to float to the top of the vat of crap that is plagiarised content and spam. Hope it's worth the effort.

@kommienezuspadt You make many good points and quality is important. I also try to interact with all people that comment on my blog postings. When I do this I reap many benefits.

yes bro you are right ...quality does matter in one way or other...but here issue at steemit is whales some times do not put any efforts for quality but got much well rewarded and newbies or minnows post even full of quality works not well rewarded in other words discouraged... So many bots are there at steemit...how can a bot judge the quality of work.....i personally am a victim of it...whenever i am going to cross 42 level Reputation i will be downvoted by a bot.... could not get the idea and mentality behind it.... bots act as per parameters feeded in these... but cannot catch the reality... any way good post bro

I don't know if it was intentional, but to me, it was a hilarious edit on your part to ask "what is the fastest way to get to a rep score of 70?" and then cut to a beautiful woman in lingerie haha.

The quality vs quantity is a hard choice to make. You seem to manage to do both if we're being honest though.

I'm pretty damn lucky to have Theresa as an artist, because there's no way I could keep doing a post a day without her. I'm a professional video editor, and most videos I do take a month to produce. Same thing goes for my short stories.

I don't really have a point, I've just been musing lately what I'd be doing on steem if I didn't have a comic book I wanted to share with the world.

You make some interesting points it's quite the conundrum for those of us that could conceivably do either, but as the platform had grown there's a question of visibility to take into account also. I've found what I believe to be a fair middle ground, and intend to stay there's until I start working on a large, in depth project.

Where is the beta by the steemit logo?? Or was this an old Post that you have only finally finished publishing today, and Steemit appears now to be out of beta?

Also, quality over quantity is the direction I'm starting to move with my blog. I tried the quantity route and was not finding the value in the way that so many others seem to find it (and I don't mean monetary value, although I was mostly failing there too).

To each his own though. There are many ways to skin a cat, and many ways to participate in the Steemit community!

Perfect life

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