My upvote value went up +25300% or anybody can be a voting whale !!!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Usually my vote is worth around 2 Cents if i up-vote a post. I always went to the Section with new articles and gave writers with little to no-rewards my vote so they would be encouraged to write more. 

Today, i went to the Trending Section and after reading one post, i up-voted that post and saw that the post jumped up by 2.94  USD? What happened? Did i turn into a dolphin over night?  

whale 1

So this is weird, i had to vote another post, so i voted this one and to my surprise that went up 5.06 $ !!?!! (+25300% up? if my calculation is correct?)

2016-07-24 22.15.01

As i always try to understand things, i read the Steem Whitepaper , and on page 19 i found out that payouts are non-linear! This basically means, that if you up-vote a post which has already accumulated a lot votes and $ your Voting Power will multiply Tenfold or  Hundredfold  or maybe Thousandfold !!!

So this is great news, we are not that depended on the whales as i thought. Users like me, with only 1000 Steem can push your post significantly. If a whale than steps in, the magic happens and a posts jumps to 5000$ or 10.000 $..

I learn something new on Steem everyday, and i am super excited to understand the system better, please comment if you have any advice or best practices to share !!!

P.S. i just addet a picture with proof in one of the comments,  that it really works as i wrote. v1lson pointed out that the post count was not visible, so i voted a random post and you can see the post count !! 


The upvote reward here is being captured by the author of the article. You won't get much for it yourself. But it's true, votes add up in a non-linear way so your vote can always help people a lot. So always vote for stuff you like and help shape the site.

thanks for sharing this useful information

thank you

Congrats on writing the whitepaper

haha ;)
yeah i corrected that! good catch seeing that before i corrected it !

Thanks for the article knozaki!

I just acquired 1000 steem power and will start using it on new users to see what effect it will have.

do you know what the bracket ( 106.000 ) below steem power is? I used to have that bracket with numbers in it but it just disappeared on me?

It means delegated power. Steem sometimes delegates extra power to people with low power, to help give there vote some more weight! Unfortunately i don't think the delegated power contributes towards your curation reward!

Great post was wondering about that myself, but never put much thought in it up till I read your post. Makes sense now :) .

yeah its interesting. and as you can see if i vote your post up. it only gives 1 cent now, as i have maxed out my voting powers already today !!!

Interesting :) my is still worth two cents :)

thanks for the vote man !

haha mine is not worth anything :D

it is!. it might only be worth 0.8 cents , but once someone else votes, it will go up!

thank you for the vote !

and if you already voted more than 20 articles today, your voting power just might be used up

it would be interesting too see, if a whale stepped in and voted my post, too see how much this would affect the reward !!

This is good to know @knozaki2015 and thks for refering to whitepaper to best understand that the upvoting is not-linear. This is a valu-added post.

Just gave You an up-vote and nothing happen :))) Maybe because I am on NEW posts page :p

i just gave you a vote, and it jumped 1 cent. normally it would be 2 cent but my voting power is already maxed out !!

exactly, as you have 20.921 Steem Power your vote will only give less than 1 Cent. but if more people vote, that will accumulate and than the 1cent will be given at one point (hope this is correct?)

I am aware that my STEEM POWER is in it's infancy :) Reason why I give up-vote only when I have voting power more then 90%. Now it's 90.1274%
I am not spamming giving up-vote to everything hopping to get rich tomorrow. I want my votes to be accountable.

thank you! i really appreciate your up-vote, so gave you my vote back.
i am trying to constantly providing good value content so please follow me .

Hello from italy! your theorie is correct. usually i vote i can give 0 cent. but now i vote, it give you 5 cent because many voting already. very interesting this is . i really thank you very much!!!

i just voted a post with 5000 dollar, and it went up very much 45 cents ! wow

so 25000% is not the limit, it seems it can go up to 100.000%...
this is really really intersting. thank you for posting this.

i did not saw your post, thats why a had that question! ths for redirection.
but have my respect because you upvote the little fish .
so i realise that the payouts are non linear.
depends on what?
its better for me with 10 steem power to vote for bigger posts?
why to vote? i did not get anything on voting, only for comments. i looked on steemstats.
i am to small maybe for this game.

i think it doesnt matter how much sp you have.
the timing when and which post you vote is important.

if you vote a post which is trending and has already lets say 200 votes and 380$ , than that one will earn you a bit more curation reward than a post with 0 votes and 0$ !

a little bit unfair,

i am still learning myself more about how it works. it might seem unfair, but until this point, everything they implemented seems to be working so far. so lets wait and see !

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