The value of Steem and its users: 1 Steem user = 10 Facebook users!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steem is special for a blockchain. It delivers a working product used by end users and competes against old school social media companies as on open market driven approach. This is special because pretty much any other blockchain I know of is providing some sort of experiment or solution that is still in developement and hence speculative in nature, meaning we don't yet know if it will work and how.


  • Bitcoin. Designed as an end to end currency has to go through development life cycle and be used by a large portion of society before it can become both store of value and currency.
  • Ethereum: Great platform but so far no real applications that have shown to use it effectively with end users in a way that provides advantages over company approaches

There is nothing wrong with this; it is simply part of the development cycle of these techs and projects. We as steemians are just lucky we get to use this tech already in our daily lifes.

Steem is being used every day

Steem on the other hand is making money for bloggers commentators and other social media activities.
Significant is that while we have high transaction volumes vs other blockchains like bitcoin and ethereum these transactions are done by real end users. What I mean by that is examples like @sweetsssj who does not seem to be the averge crypto nut like most of us boys out here.


We can compare Steem to other social media solutions

The other day I asked for the amount of active monthly users steem has and @penguinpablo provided this answer (Please follow and upvote him he is proving great reports):


So currently :


What are social media users worth?

Lets look at the market cap and divide it by the amount of active users. I have simply pulled the market cap from Google and divided this by the amount of active monthly users.

Steem: 250m / 100k = $2500
Facebook : 485b/2B = $243
Twitter: 14b/328m = $42.68
Snapchat: 17b/255m = $66.67

We can see a very high divergence between Facebook vs the other guys and Steem users are valued about 10x as much as Facebook users.

Steem user are 10 times as valuable as Facebook users.

According to the metric above, Steem users are as valuable as

  • 10 Facebook user
  • 40 Snapchat users
  • 60 Twitter users

At first glance this may be un-realistic however there are a few factors that make it clear why Steem users must be more valuable:

1. Growth Potential

Steem is in its infancy relative to these other social media applications with only 260k users vs a few hundred Millions and Billions. As such Steem has a lot more growth potential and that is represented in the market, since the market does like growth potential like nothing else. It is almost impossible for FB to grow 10x while its possible for Steem to grow 2000x if it comes close to usage as Facebook and market cap (500b/250m = 2000).

2. Reward System with real value

Steem has an integrated reward system that is financial and infact provides a whole financial system. All social media sites have reward systems but they are NOT liquid value. This improvement can only be done with the technology of a blockchain and is an order of magnitude improvement over anything else we have as reward system. A Steem upvote is certainly 10x as valuable as a Facebook like to me. That of course is more of a believe of mine, but if true would mean that Steem given similar functionality should be worth about 10x as much as the other social media sites even without growth potential (i.e. 2B users would be worth $5T.

3. User growth

Steem is proven which is shown by actual users and sick growth. One year ago we had 20-30k users. Now we have close to 300k. That is 10x growth in a year. If this goes on we are at 1M in one year. That would also mean that the market cap of steem has to grow by 10x to 2-3B. Take a look at the growth that @penguinpablo has shown with his data. Now check your account and project what it means for you personally. If the number is not impressive maybe you should buy more Steem. The actual growth and the growth potential of Steem is worth at least one order of magnitude.

4. Users own it

There is one key difference between the market cap of Facebook and Steem. Steem stake is owned entirely by users, while for Facebook it belongs to funds, investors and Mark Z. The value we create here goes directly back to us, or to the people we interact with that provide value to us with their social media activity. This is a much more effective and productive incentive structure and I believe is also worth an order of magnitude in terms of value.

5. Best Coin & Financial System

Steem has perfect connection between its different currencies and seperation and is an entire financial system that can replace the $USD and lots of banking and even bitcoin. It is the only blockchain I know with an effective stable coin (SBD) a great stake coin (SP) and the normal liquid blockchain type currency. This is much better than any other blockchain and way better than fiat money, likes and company shares. While the Steem coins are all directly connected (ultimately they are all Steem) they provide the perfect separation to do stable value, stake and rewards. I think this aspect is least understood and realized so far.

There are tons of other benefits but I wanted to focus on these most significant and structurally different aspects of Steem and its design.

It is not just the money

Money is always important, but to me personally the intangible things Steem has created for me really shows me that it works. A great example is my friend @surfermarly which I introduced to the platform. She has created content I would never have seen and this has led me to meet her in Vegas to celebrate just that and meet other steemians .
The joy these sort of things have created for me far ought weighs the value of my account to me.

I think Steem is cheap

However this article is about financial value in the eyes of an investor. I think Steem is quite cheap at the moment because I have listed at least 3-5 aspect that improve the value of Steem compared to other social media investments by an order of magnitude each.

  • Steem has the potential to grow 2000x if it reaches the size of facebook
  • Steem has a financial reward system that will trump any existing social media app with rewards that are no more than a virtual thumbs up
  • Steem is currently growing 10x per year
  • Steem is owned by users vs investors which should create better incentive to improve and innovate
  • The potential to also be a global currency system due to its coin separation and super fast blockchain

So overall just one order of magnitude higher price than Facebook is way to cheap for Steem in my opinion and it is fairly likely that we will see a steem price of $10 within a year or two.

The most important thing to monitor will be usage and user growth which we can easily monitor (i.e. by following @penguinpablo). We can keep the comparison of market cap per active user as a benchmark to understand if Steem is currently cheap or not.

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the value of steem and its users.

Please upvote and share this article if you like it and comment if you have some thought about what I have written.

Thank you for your attention


Great analysis. I think it is a very good idea to look for ways how to evaluate blockchain projects. The market will mature over time and the price will be based more and more on those analytics. It would be great if you would provide the value regularly as statistic like @arcange and @penguinpablo are doing so for other aspects (great work guys!). Or maybe they can add that aspect to their statistic they provide?

Yeah, this would be nice!!!
@knircky are you listening? :-))

Agree. It would be handy for us to look at statistic and evaluate the growth. Looking forward for it :) Thanks @knircky @famunger Keep it up guys :)

Hi @knircky ,

Thanks for your article

Few days ago i compared Steemit, Steem with Foursquare, Flickr and Myspace in Google Trends:

The last 3 months steem and steemit had a lift off (blue and purple lines) (others are still declining)

This is a Google Trend chart comparing Facebook and Twitter over the last 5 years:

Very excited to see that Steemit is experiencing big growth and it sure makes curieus what it can bring the world in the near future!

So many adoptors already, just wait till we get to the big masses.
You now get 10.78 USD for just 4 votes. Imagine you get 10.000 votes for a reply.... thousands of dollars for reply's!

Blog posts could get worth $1,000,000 !

Talking about value: you've just added a lot of it by publishing this article.
Second position on the trending page!!! So proud of you 🙂

Thanks for mentioning Vegas again, it's been a blast!

much love!

Same same :-*

very interesting post.this is my first time here.i found so many interesting stuff in your thread especially its discussion..

Thank you so much! Always happy to have a dialog!

welcome dear brother

My friend as I saw you share a well article please allow me to translate to chinese in order to spread it more to community,thanks! Upvote me if you like this action!
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Yes go ahead and translate it!!

I stumbled upon steemit in my crypto research, joined for the money, and stayed for the community. Seriously, I joined one month ago and never have I been proud to be a member of a social media platform. The community of Steemit is supportive and encouraging- there is truly nothing like it on the web! I am so happy to be here :)

Thanks for the post, great write up!

@arbitrarykitten... I took the same path you did. So ditto🤣!

Totally agree!

Great post with positive outlook for Steemit growth.... Like with all the other crypto we are in early infancy with Steemit and the gorwth potential is massive. Like you have pointed out Steemit has a real case use unlike many other cryptos that are in some way or the other clonse of BTC. Steemit is very unique in that way and also in the way compare to other social media since the users can be rewarded for their input. It would be also interesting to see what other features could be incorporated into the steemit platform. Since people are holding real money here it would be interesting to see if those can be exchanged for real products by steem being added to big online retailers such as E-bay or Amazon. I think that would be really massive! Oh, well, who knows, maybe in few years time:).....

Good post. Thank you for sharing.

Well written article,

To me what got me onboard is the fact that users and posters will own the social media platforms vs traditional investors. Which really is thinking outside the box to decentralise and give power back to the people by letting them think for themselves, through the social media market and not be spoon fed anymore. Time to wake up hs come!

I couldnt imagine facebook, twitter, snapchat or their media mogul overlords being happy with this at all!


If this is the case, how exactly do the developers of Steemit get paid for improving the platform? I specifically wonder how @good-karma got remunerated for developing esteem which FYI @jerrybanfield reviewed here:

I hope what you write becomes true.

I think saying 1 STEEM user is worth 10 Facebook users is a matter of opinion. On Facebook people are strictly posting for the love of posting. As a Facebook user I dont feel that a STEEM user us more valuable then me. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

We are not comparing people. We are comparing platforms and the financial value they provide. I certainly do not think my value as a person changes when i switch from steem to facebook or vice versa.

Indeed. Its not the value as a person its just the platform and the community. Steem has grown so much thanks to his great community.

As a minnow, I value every effort created by someone looking out for guys like me, (disabled) and where you said:"It delivers a working product used by end users and competes against old school social media companies as on open market driven approach" as opposed to other companies, who, because pretty much any other blockchain I know of is providing some sort of experiment or solution that is still in developement and hence speculative in nature, meaning we don't yet know if it will work and how.

Well u have a new follower. If you write content I like, my vote currently is worth about $8 :-)

I love steem if anyone can help me out how to use it to its full potential will be appreicated as I'm only new

vote me, steem me, follow me, send me steem, and anything else so i can learn more about steem .... still learning myself newbie

Makes sense. It's like practising art for the love of art itself whereas in steemit some are driven by the love of the goodies that come with the art. Nevertheless, steemit remains to be pretty cool compared to any other plarform, even though I have not grasped fully how it works as a whole

Its more like its the premium the market is putting on Steemit users. For example the market recognizes Steemit enough to value each Steemit user with the equivalent of $2500 vs only $250 per Facebook user.

Its kind of like a P/E ratio of sorts, but for the social media sector, and is actually a pretty interesting way to look at it.

Either way, I bet Facebook isn't too happy :p

totally radical dude.jpg

Me too! #knewgrowdom #litceoin $ltc wave of future, just way better technology with its blockchain capabilities. $ltc knewgrowdom cryptocurrency hacking

Hello, Interesting post. I'm @evgenya86, nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy my blog, I will follow your account and vote, please follow me and vote ... Good luck in everything :)

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