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RE: Theology of Steemit Series: Article 1 - Introducing the Series

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey Rev. it's great to see another theologian come on board. Looks like you hit the ground running! And welcome to the beautiful Pacific NW. Hope your time in our fair state is the best ever.

Just curious, did you happen to make it to Wittenburg for the 500 year anniversary of Luther posting his 95 Theses? If you did I might have seen you there without knowing it.

BTW, I was raised in Shelton, attended PLU, and graduated from UW, not far from your neck of the woods.

I'll be sure to resteem this post. Looking forward to your thoughts on the theology of steemit.

And just for fun, did you know that theology means "the study of God"? Logos means in a number of places "thinking", like in logic, or "intent" in Acts 10:29, or the Logos of John 1:1, which is the Plan of God. "All things were made through the Plan."


Heya Kirby... thanks for the welcome. I didn’t make it over to Wittenburg, something about “time, money, and life”but would have thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciate your comments on Logos and the connections it has to “study of.” I did know these but I wanted to focus on the idea of “sayings/utterances”as I think this more broad connotation creates a potentially broader invitation to participate by a wider body. Sadly I find in this day “Theology”as the study of God is often relegated to the realm of the specialists or highly trained... I’m hoping to create a wider conversation based In the reality that most everyone has things they can share and relate to based in their own experiences of God and scriptures. It’s not to dismiss in any way the “study of” part of logos especially when one begins to connect that in the Greek philosphical underpinnings of the word, one almost certainly comes to see that “sayings /utterances”are almost always an exploration of truth and reality... the very thing that “study”means for us today.

Maybe a long way of saying I’m hoping to capture a bit of a “both and”rather than an “either or” that will prove accessible and useful for folks irrespective of their personal point of entry. Will I succeed... hell I don’t know, but I hope so. ;)

Great to make your acquaintance and I look forward to more to come!

And just cause I’m curious... do you still hang with the Lutheran-type Christian folk or do you tend to hang out with other types? Makes no never mind to me, I’m just always curious where folks see themselves in the “choir.”

I guess if I could put a label on where I hang, it would be with Progressive Liberals. Kind of refreshing after 30 years as an Evangelical theologian/apologist.

I was at one time investigating the Charismatic movement within Lutheranism, about the time I happened to make a trip to Minneapolis which was the epicenter of the movement with the likes of a Lutheran pastor by the name of Pfotenhauer. Even contemplated becoming a Charismatic Lutheran pastor, until I realized that if I had my way, there wouldn't be much Lutheran about it LOL! Liturgy has never been meaningful for me.

Lately my passion has been to share theology that unites Christians and Muslims as members of one historic Abrahamic faith. Would love to at some point establish a local body of believers who draw from the wisdom of the 3 monotheistic faiths, with a concerted effort to get at what the founders were all about before their respective leaders steered the faithful in directions never intended by the founders.

BTW, you didn't miss much in Wittenburg. Had more of a feeling of a Farmer's Market or County Fair, but then I didn't get invited to go indoors with the big cheese. Sure enjoyed the hot honey wine on a cold October morning though :)

MMMMmmm I do love me some Mead... warmed and spiced... soo tasty. Interesting to hear your "hatrack" - I hear ya on the liturgy stuff... I'm kind of a mutt that way. I can see parts of it yet useful when really explored, but as a "front door" of faith it probably serves more as a hindrance than most Lutheran-types would feel comfortable admitting.

... all of course in my nearly never to be terribly humble opinion :)

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