Steemit users APPEAR to be rewarded primarily for having steempower, not good content.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I am not hating on #steemit or #steem but rather offering constructive criticism for steem's betterment...

Case and point - the social media meme that got $800 the other day.

Yes, it was a meme about steemit making fun of facebook.
Yes it was funny and facebook deserves the hate.
Yes, Leonardo Dicaprio looks cool in his yacht in the movie WOLF OF WALL STREET.

But did the person who posted that meme, which took all of 20 seconds, deserve more than the unknown users on here who have likely posted, probably multiple times, about cancer cures, free tesla energy devices, or the immortal quantum nature of our soul - and gotten $1, $o.56. or $0.00 as a reward??? (LONG QUESTION so consider re-reading it.)

In my opinion, both steemit and the psychological programming of mass consciousness is BROKEN or not *yet* sufficient... and in need of further improvisation.  #money needs to go to those who actively try to improve society. (the world is FULL of problems needing fixing...) Money does not need to go to the most popular people, but the most innovative and creative people. The most popular people have an easy time selling and getting money as it is. It is our duty to begin rewarding the genius nerds who end world hunger and not the ego driven drama queens who do nothing but entertain and distract everybody...

#1 Problem - STEEMIT algorithms don't reward the true value creators 100% efficiently, currently... SOLUTION = likely an easily fixable group of codes created via some critical thinking by the developers.

Please correct me if I am wrong - users with more steempower get more quickly upvoted to the top and with larger payouts per upvote, regardless of the quality of their content... OR SO IT SEEMS. Please comment to clarify if I misunderstand...

It seems those who have money to invest in steem get the most upvotes. Because of the way society has developed for the past thousand or so years, the money is generally held not by the most innovative, but by the most popular or the strongest. (think kings, bankers, owners of OLD oil vs new energy methods, politicians, celebrities, athletes) So the people investing in steem may not actually be revolutionary scientists or developers but just OLD money looking to make MORE. money.

I am sure many of steemit's investors ARE worthy, but many are not. Bill gates and steve jobs are recent anomalies, examples of worthy individuals. (Some will disagree on Gates, as he has bad vibes when it comes to his views on population control - a topic for another time.) Anomalies or exceptions to the norm always exist but are not common. This needs to be addressed with the new blockchain technology and logical nature of A.I.

STEEMIT DEVELOPERS : work on improving the model. We believe you can do it!

#2 Problem - the STUPIDITY of man: emotions and illogical reasonings will generally "donald trump" the more logical choices based on factual evidence backed reasonings...
SOLUTION = not impossible, but not easy to fix; this will take a LOT of effort on the part of anyone and everyone who writes, speaks, or does videos... and anyone who is good at talking, selling, or is popular - but also smart enough to see the truth and the problems the world has...

Why is it that people are quick to share STUPID funny and not SMART funny, or SMART in general? Sometimes, especially for us intel geeks, being smart feels like a DISADVANTAGE in this predominantly stupid society. We were all bullied in schools. Think about what 90% of society is like! People want to share short, funny, mindless posts just to make their friends laugh and feel like they have created "SOCIAL VALUE" by making their friends laugh. This is the psychological trend of the times right now, and it needs to be changed.

Read the book green eggs and ham - Dr. Seuss was a genius. Someone can *not* want something, (having not even tried it yet) but if you pester and pester and pester them to try it, sacrificing your own emotional need not to be rejected but accepted in the process; and if you pester someone enough until they try something, IF they find out they like it, (which usually they will) they will THANK you for being steadfast and persistent. If enough of us SELL humanity on the benefits and coolness of being SMART and providing REAL VALUE, even if it does not work at first... trust that eventually people will think cancer cures, tesla free energy devices, and other WORLD FREEING technologies are *COOL*, HIP, interesting, and worthy of being shared and upvoted with their friends. ANYTHING can be sold, its all based on repeat advertising. Billion dollar advertising agencies know this, it's why you've seen the Progressive Auto Lady probably 100,000 times by now!

Together, lets "Green eggs and ham" the saving of the world with blockchain, cancer curing, A.I. and tesla free energy technology!!! STEEMIT, you will either work with us, or you will fall into the pile of other social media sites who have no real purpose towards ACTIVELY healing mother earth.

In the mean time, most of us have a LOT of mental growing up to do. I know I have work to do, and so do you.

Is this post too controversial to you?

Forgive me, but without controversy, there is no change.

To build a house, one must cut down a few trees and bust up a few rocks.

To make an omelet, you must break a few #eggs.

GREEN eggs I might add. ;)

GODSPEED to the human race. BE SMART!

~ King Tyler Durden VVS

King of Kings,

Warrior of light, here to save mother earth,

and herald to the coming Golden Age of Man.


I KNOW this is a damn good post, with very thought provoking content. If it only gets pennies, I might not be posting on steemit again. Wish me luck!

You got my vote., for preaching the ideal world.. I'm sceptical anyway, since we have to deal with human beings on this platform. Maybe we should let A.I. do the voting 😁

thank you sir! will bring about the ideal world for sure. I know because I AM THE CEO and on that website, I make the initial rules and then democratic common people can vote to change anything they don't like. And the homepage will send free visitors EQUALLY to ALL members posts. True equality. Thank you d-marim!

I agree. It is a damn good post.

Please correct me if I am wrong - users with more steempower get more quickly upvoted to the top and with larger payouts per upvote, regardless of the quality of their content.

That is not right. Steem power only helps the holder to influence votes.

thank you for clarification

I agree that too many people spend too much time on stupid stuff. I too have worked to add value to the world and have received very little compensation in return. I have begun to realize that the things I find value in rarely are valued by the masses.

You present an interesting question. Is Steemit going to be just another social media website with the same old untruths and meaningless content plastered everywhere or will it be used to change the world for the better?

Another thing that I am realizing is that there is a theory, personality, taste, aptitude, tendency, skill etc., for everything under the sun.

It is important to recognize that our strength is found in our diversity, when we work together for the common good.

Let's not get too stuck on thinking that ours is the only correct way of thinking.

Thanks for your post. I hope you stick around. We need you! :)

The poster gets value from the people who vote on it. The posters SP does not give them more SP from votes. It's voters with most SP that provide the value. Of course ppl with more SP are viewed as more popular and hence get more votes but their SP does not directly impact the value of the post.

steem powers works like a multiplayer.. thats the trick here steempower is what makes the site great cause the more steem you invest in your account the more you make...

This is indeed a good post and I believe the devs are doing everything in their power to promote quality content. The survival of Steemit, as well as substantial wealth, depends on it. That said, no one can change human nature and human nature is generally crass and shallow. Boobs and quick laughs are going to get the spotlight and that is never going to change. It is very hard to automatically identify quality content and that is why Steemit pays for curation. The absolute best thing you can do to improve visibility of quality content is invest time commenting and upvoting, as I am doing here. Great post, thank you and keep them coming!

Great post. I hate to do it, but I am plugging my post as I think anyone and everyone who agrees with this should give my post a read. I think we can all do better than memes and make up

The poster didnt get that much steem becasue of his steem power. The poster got it for a couple reasons. The first thing that happened is a high steem power user saw and upvoted the post... The high power upvote earned it a lot of money, and also earned it status on the trending page. If the initial high power vote was big enough, it would keep it near the top of the trending page regardless.

That gets it more views, which gets it more votes, which continues to keep it at the top of the trending page.

thank you for clarification

Voters with more SP have more value which makes them more popular than we are . I don't really care ! Miracles happen as long as you do what you believe in ! I liked your post and upvoted as much as I downvote if I do not like . Keep up the good vibes !

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