Minnow to Minnow update #2

Today I will announce five names that are entitled to provide the best 3 post links in the post comment field below.
The names are.
Please provide three links of your best postings on this post.
The next "Minnow to Minnow" will announce 3 accounts that are eligible to receive a delegate from me for a week, see you next post, keep the spirit.
The "minnow to minnow" update # 1 program you can see here, and to see who I have received the delegate on this program before you can see here.
I will try to be transparent and fair, I do not care about your background because I will choose you if appropriate criteria.
Feel free to share this post by pressing the resteem button ;)
Let's support minnow
Let's support Aceh's steemit users
best regards @kharrazi
Informasi yang bagus,
Go go go brother @kharrazi
[1] https://steemit.com/vehiclephotography/@bim.scouting/vehiclephotography-parade-of-military-vehicles-bb39dbe5114e8
[2] https://steemit.com/indonesia/@bim.scouting/journalists-also-have-a-sense-of-empathy-bilingual-v
[3] https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@bim.scouting/steemitphotochallenge-nature-macro-roses-e4c6a407cf41b
Terimakasih atas entrynya :)
Sama-sama om @kharrazi😊😊😊
Thank you for choosing me @kharrazi
These are my 3 best link posts, in my opinion:
Thanks for your entry :)
Dear @kharrazi,
Thank you for choosing my name as one of delegate candidates. I feel so glad. These are my best 3 posts that I love to share. Happy reading.
[1] https://steemit.com/explore1918/@betterperson/the-100-year-journey-of-de-javasche-bank-in-aceh-100-tahun-perjalanan-de-javasche-bank-di-aceh-bilingual
[2] https://steemit.com/gaming/@betterperson/edu-talk-2-how-to-create-a-simple-game-without-any-programming-skill-sharing-my-experiences-in-developing-simple-2d-game-let-s
[3] https://steemit.com/love/@betterperson/mood-booster-3-what-does-love-really-mean-bilingual
Thanks for your entry @betterperson :)
Ka juoh laju2 droe... Pajan meutume duk tameugure bak droe