How I've seen that steemit has now become the best platform for authors to publish
Hi Steemit! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has read my story so far. I am really loving the bit of money I have made from simply publishing 4 chapters of my book.
Two days ago, only a small number of people I personally know had read it, but I was stumped on how to proceed with publishing. I could have gone the traditional route and sent it to a traditional commercial publisher, but I have heard stories about people sitting on their novels for years before acceptance. I could have gone with self-publishing through Kindle or something similar, but that costs money that I don't have as a Stay-at-Home Mom. I happened upon Steemit and after some consideration, decided I should give it a go and I am so glad I did. I have made a bit of money and gained a bit of exposure and look forward to more to come.
I am an author for the sci-fi/fantasy genre and the story I have been posting a chapter a day is called Forgotten. It's the first book in my first trilogy about a woman who remembers a life she never had and has forgotten everything about her real life.
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