Steemit community has made me and my garden grow, video included :)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I joined Steemit nearly a year ago, I am such a different person now than I was back then

I am disabled and housebound, I didn't go out as I can't walk very far, I spent most time on the laptop on social media or doing surveys. It shows how much I am housebound after a blood test showed I am severely low on Vitamin D, Which I will have to take for a long time. I am not a very crafty person, I would love to be able to draw or at least achieve something but never got round to anything. I was really bad with negative thoughts, constant downs with depression and very lonely.


In 11 months I have learnt to like who I am, I now think more positive about everything, I don't have as many black times and I have started to get interested in Gardening,

Which I have probably bored you all with..... Sorry

It hasn't been easy but with the help on and supportive messages I have done it, so Thank you for caring enough

I had to start from scratch with my garden as I had nothing to work with, I had earned a little bundle with working on Steemit so put it towards my project, have a Steemit funded Project underway

I now have something I am very proud of, whenever someone visits they have to be taken out to the garden first to see my work. I want to make it better and do more so next year I have bigger plans but that's for next years posts

I have made a video for you all, just to show you in real time what is happening and how its looking now, Can you tell I am buzzing. Steemit community has improved my life, its given me so much more to think about, you have all given me some life back :)

My Steemit Flower Garden


Thank you son-of-satire


Thanks for sharing what you like doing best! Its not boring you so don't let any body say other wise! Voted for you dude! :)

Thank you very much :)

You doing a great job with lits of dedication in you
Keep steeming
Keep sharing your thoughts

Thank you I appreciate that :)

"Which I have probably bored you all with..... Sorry" This has never been the case! Enjoying your journey and the video! Thanks for staying current with us all!

Thank you for that I appreciate it :)

Your barking fur babies in the video startled me at first. I thought I was under attack! :)

They have to be involved, there a couple of divas lol

Ah your garden is lovely! I also have a little one going on my balcony. I'm struggling with my lavender though, I snipped some slips off a lavender tree at work, and I followed a YouTube tutorial on propogating lavender. It basically said where to snip it off, plant in moist soil, cover with plastic bags, and they should start sprouting roots. Two weeks later and no roots!! ☹️☹️☹️

Any tips?

I love impatience (spelling!?!), they are so underrated

It's very heartwarming and inspiring to hear how Steemit has made such a difference in your life


I grew mine from seeds so not sure as you should be seeing something growing by now

I know! 😰 Super sad! It is freezing though here

Are you keeping them inside as it might be to cold for them

As sad as it is, it can be just bad luck or something else is wrong. Different kinds of soil, temperature, humidity etc. can lead to different results.. and of course, every plant is an individual. One trick won't always work.

Some special shops sell some kind of.. substance to help plant grow roots, it might help :)

Hi, Karen,

Thanks for sharing your garden with us! It is truly lovely!

It was also nice to hear your voice, and your fur baby barking! :D



Them 2 never bldy shut up, they bark just for sake of barking lol :)

Hi Karen, what a nice video. I really feel excited upon your success. I feel rgat i can do it too.

I would like to follow your path and make my own journey.

Please follow me at @honeychum

I can learn a lot from you.

Thank you :)

Hey @karenb54 I have also been enjoying taking part in your garden journey. I can't get the vid to load probably because I'm on my phone atm but when I get back to my computer you can bet I will again try and watch the video.....keep up the good work and take care of that knee

Thank you, I hope its worth the wait lol :)

Well done karen, check uncle google for multi coloured shrubs that will live in your area..
Then you can cut them into chook shapes and wait for some eggs.

You really need help you mad buga lol

yeah, but you ain't sad today. I got a laugh didn't I

You always make me smile with your cheek lol

INSPIRATIONAL. Love this feel good story. Keep it up, and keep posting. Following you, UPVOTED.

Thank you very much :)

Honestly you should be really proud of your work, you have come a long way down the path of success