I have recently began contemplating about my own voice and content here on Steemit. For some time now I have been on this great site, but I began questioning my purpose here. After all, I don't post the same types of content, I don't know very much about programming or developing like many of those who strike it big here. So I wondered, do I really matter?
I scrolled through some of my recent content and began thinking. What can a twenty year old girl like me contribute to this community? I can only post what I know and whatever I know might not be relatable to the general Steemit community. I am far from experienced with programming and know the least bit about the Steemit market. I originally came to Steemit to just blog and maybe vlog about my life experiences.
And that's just it. I realize it doesn't matter that I'm not the most knowledgeable about what the biggest whales are into that get them the most Steem power and following. If I was here to create a giant following then maybe I would drop what I actually like to write about and force myself to learn something I do not really have an interest in. But that's not why I'm here. I just want to share some life experiences and interests with the Steemit community and if people choose to respond to me, hey, that's great. If not, it definitely won't be the end of the world.
So if I had any advice to give someone just starting out on Steemit, do not conform and change the style of content from what you enjoy posting to what you need to post in order for you to be liked more to then get you a bigger following and more Steem. Yes, the Steem will come so long as you keep true to yourself. I feel like with anything, you can truly lose yourself, even to the point where you might lose yourself forever. So be yourself here. That's what I learned.
Thanks for reading. :)
We do have a larger number of people from the crypto world on here at the moment, but I would imagine it would change with more more 'regular' people joining.
But that should not stop you from writing about what you enjoy because you do not have to be a specialist in anything to do well here as I found out for myself!
Keep at it and build a following, and I am sure you will be rewarded well!
@Kajalpats... Sound advice...
Thank You 4 Sharing... Cheers !!
Thought provoking
This is pretty much my thoughts regarding steemit. I can't help but feel like I don't really fit in here, but then, I've never really fit in anywhere, haha. Much the same as I do in real life I'm just going to be me on here and if people like it excellent, if not, ah well, sure what can you do?
I hope more new people see this post, it might just be the difference between them sticking it out or leaving the site completely.
Great advice. I love it 😊
Don't forget that there are lots of great non-technical users here - like @sweetsssj is super popular and blogs about travel and her general life adventures.
And I do pretty well just talking about making music and art and stuff. It totally does not have to be about programming or any of that. Keep it up!