Why 25cm matters? For both men and women
Hey everyone,
So yes, I'll got your attention :)
Now keep on reading, you all dirty dirty naughty minds ;)
I think one of the culture differences that struck me when I've moved to the UK six years ago was number of charities..
Charity shops, charity events, fundrising, charity runs, Christmas jumper day fundrising, lunches at work to collect money for various causes.
I mean it's all great, helping others, but I think everything is good in moderation. If it resonates with you that's great and if you're happy to subscribe to monthly donations for a charity why not. But in my opinion your time investment and non monetary deeds are the best way of contribution for a good cause. How much of the money you donated will actually reach that starving kid in Africa when you deduct all the money that goes into launching that marketing campaign?!
I believe it's great to help others and I try whenever I can, but I prefer it to do it in other ways than by donating money..e.g giving away my sandwich to homeless.
So why 25 centimeters really matters?

That goes back to two years ago..My friend from work one day come to office and her very long hair was cut very short. That's when she told me about this Polish charity who helps women with cancer, who are pregnant and decide to keep a baby and fight with cancer. The charity collects money too, but one of their campaign is donating hair for wigs to women who undergo chemotherapy.
So I've thought this is great, I'm happy my hair is naturally thick and it was long so I've decided I'll cut them and donate too.
And it felt great! Hairdressers in the salon thought I'm a superhero that instead of throwing my hair to the bin I'm giving it away. I've never felt better after having a haircut and I've felt so good deep down and proud that I can help somebody in that way, that lady with cancer can have my hair and a bit of dignity, to have a wig from natural hair instead of hiding bald head under a colourful scarf and get those looks from other people - oh yeah the scarf=cancer.
One thing I didn't undrstand though, reactions of some of female colleagues or friends:
'Oh, my gosh, you didn't regret cutting your hair?! It was so long, you didn't feel sorry?'.. It's hair...I cut my hair not my hand, it will grow back again, I'm grateful I have hair anyway.
So today,after a year and four months my hair finally was long enough...it reached magical 25cm lenght!!
Yes guys, you can donate your hair too and please do if you deciding on changing your rockstar looks :)
I went for a Polish charity, out of solidarity...These 'donate your hair' campaigns are getting popular so I'm sure you'll find some in your respective countries.
Here's a link to the one I've chosen http://www.raknroll.pl/co-robimy/programy/daj-wlos/ with all the info you need if you decide to give away your hair. So here's a shout out to Polish community on here to get the scissors and get new summer looks :) @noisy help me out to spread the word, please :)
Anyway, so these are results from today's trip to a hairdresser's. I have five kilos less on my head, new great look and I feel I'm superhero again. The hairdresser cursed me for my thick hair, but she was so much fun and did great job!
What do you guys think?
*apologies for image quality, it's taken with phone



Thanks for reading and stopping by :)
Justyna xx
Nie to, żebym się czepiał, ale i tak zrobi to zapewne @lukmmarcus więc go wyręczę - użyłaś tagu #polish a nie napisałaś ani jednego zdania po polsku ;) Staramy się tak nie robić :)
@imperfect-one przepraszam, usunelam juz. Point taken :)
Świetna akcja! Sam chętnie bym wsparł, ale niestety nie mam 25 cm :D Super, że polska społeczność na Steemicie konkretnie się rozwija :) Powodzenia!
@websensei dziekuje :) Czekam juz kiedy znow odrosna mi wlosy i bede mogla oddac ponownie :D
To hoduj te wlosy haha..Dziekuje i wzajemnie!
P.S widze Twoja notke o tym ze robisz stronki...ile za taki rarytas?
@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
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thank you :) appreciated!
Yes a worthy cause and a worthy post. fighting cancer does matter. Thanks for being the example for others to follow and taking us to school my friend. - Troy
@enjoywithtroy thank you for your kind words, appreciated - you made me feel like a hero saving world :)
I just wanted to show people that you don't have to feel forced to sign up for any donation schemes to actually really help someone.
Dlaczego tag polish? On jest do treści w j.poliskim
juz usuniety..a polski bo byla odnosnia do polskiej akcji...poprawiam swoj blad
Oh wow! It's awesome of you to donate your hair! Thank you so much for sharing! Followed!
Thank you @norez for your kind words and follow :)
Upvoted & RESTEEMED!
thank you @pork-brother and much appreciated!
Cool story :) tip!
thank you for the tip ;)
thank you!
Do you remember my long hair? We think alike.
Great justyna. They fit you great!
haha @skapanes the days of ponytails are gone, my friend :)
Thank you!! Yours is a good change too!
I think they fit me better too. and they also dry faster...
oh yeah, washing is now like 10sec, happy days :)
and thanks @skapaneas @mariandavp @avtzis.petros for resteem! you're great! xx