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in #steemit8 years ago

The blockchain cannot be censored, flags only result in less visibly when people sort the content by reward. What make you think that people with lots of SP will start flagging random posts ?


I'm not saying random posts, I'm saying very specific posts.

For example, I was just reading a post by someone who was saying that delusional idiots spreading dangerous lies on Steemit need to be flagged. One of the specific examples he used was "climate change deniers"

That would include me. And over 80,000 scientists.

And then he went and flagged a bunch of posts.

Another account was aiming to flag "dangerous anti-vaxers" That would also include me...

Your own blockchain experience cannot be easily censored because you have $222,000 in your wallet. I do think it sucks that you just upvoted your own comment to the tune of $25 when to get it to the top all you had to do was upvote it by about $2, but that is another issue.

I like to upvote my own comments too, but that is just to bring them up the feed - what you are doing is blatantly giving yourself big payouts.

If I was into flagging I would probably flag all your appalling porn posts, which appear to be all you post on Steemit - but I'm not, and your comment also gets to stay here right at the top as a monument to show how people with money can manipulate what is seen on Steemit. Thanks for helping to make my point!

Anyone who questions climate change?

These communists need to be bannished from Steemit. We already have FaceBook and Twitter for politically correct intolerance of opposing views.

Calling for bans in a community inherently against moderation or authority over such things.

If you are saying what I think you are saying - that banning communists on Steemit would be against what Steemit stands for - then I'm amazed to find myself agreeing with you.

Make the most of it, I'm not so on your wavelength with your other comments

This raises the question, if you are inherently against the nonsense of banning people, why did you curate it as good content?

Because I upvote every comment I reply to - but from now on I'm going to make an exception for you because you are looking like a troll.

That's 15 comments on this post now - holy crap!

And you have even set up a second account to troll Christians - and posted a comment here from that one as well.

Maybe if you run round in circles really fast something exciting will happen!

If I was into flagging, I'd flag you!

You think that other account is mine? On what basis do you accuse me of trolling people?

Wild speculation - appears to be wrong - I think you have your own Steemit stalker - I can't imagine why...

You know voting for everyone that replies to you, spam or nonsense, could be considered noise, since there is no selection over what you're voting. I just want to remind you that I have explained numerous times on this thread why flagging is required, and why it cannot be censorship, the problem is that you think those things are "trolling" since I contributed to the conversations "excessively" in your eyes, and I don't see how it's trolling by a long shot. Yeah I get it, my screen name implies troll, my engagement also?

It's a system that has worked well for me for nearly a year on Steemit because I can see which comments I've responded to - up until today because I'm not replying to all of your ones

Even though what you said is completely correct and in line, they still have a good point:

The blockchain cannot be censored, flags only result in less visibly when people sort the content by reward.

I have to say I'm a bit perplexed by your comments - and you have posted 15 of them!

Your Steemit name is Bah FucYou, which kind of suggests "troll" tendencies. Your wallet contains $745 so you are not a whale and would be pretty defenseless against the censorship accounts I'm talking about here.

You mainly resteem rather than post yourself, but even so I only had to scroll down 14 days before I saw a post on your timeline that has been censored.

Hello, my name is Urma and I am Baah's caretaker.

I think it's great that my little baah baah black sheep has learned so much about this topic, however there is something that you should know.

Baah was injured with autism after receiving the Varicella vaccine and as such struggles when he wants to interact with people.

Please remember this when speaking to him, as he is my little randy dandy boyo.

Hi Urma

Sorry to hear that Baah is another of the millions of vaccine damaged children.

He certainly is difficult to interact with as his position on a range of issues seems to be hard to decipher.

If you saw it how was it censored?

It was downvoted and greyed out, same as all censored posts...

How is that censorship, when you can get the information even so?

Anyone can look, but few people make the attempt to read grayed out posts. I am new here and was told to skip them as I browse by one of the first people who helped me. I have looked a couple of times, and in every case, I could see a good reason why the post was down-voted and I will not make another project to look at them again.

So when a post is gray - a majority of people do not look. In my case, I am sensitive and have the strongest nsfw setting. I'm here to promote my health and weight loss content, not get into controversies.

Yeah but that isn't censorship, clearly everyone can still look.

Right on, they can only make it less visible but never censored. Everything is on the blockchain.

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