How to Get 100 Follower within 2 Days on Steemit - Tips for new User | Marketing Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Hi I just started Steeming and After 15 days I think some of the new users may face some Problems to gain their followers. And After Lot of Research, I think this article will help the new steemer to get their first 100 followers easily. I
I almost watch every article about steemit and all youtube videos about steemit. That gives me a Good idea all about the platform.
Today just after joining 10 days I crossed 200 Followers Milestone.

200 steem.PNG

So here is the Step by step guide how you started.

  1. At first Go to and go to the "New" section.

![steem new.PNG]
You must have to choose "New" section because it has the best opportunity. The nest viral post will happen from the new posts. So this is the main target what you have to make.

  1. Comment Format: Now Post some related comment to the NEW post and follow this Comment Format. If you write "Re-steemed+upvote+follow" in the comment in most of the case the creator also follow you back immediately.

steem comment format.PNG

here is some immediate result where I post this comment. Inmy case success rate 70% almost

follow back comment.PNG

  1. Why Choose NEW Post?
    This is a really nice question. when you comment on the new post your comment get more attention to the author and 80% of the cases they will reply. And minimum 50% of the authors follow you back.
    This works best for me. Hope it will also work for you.

  2. To Whom I have to Follow?
    Go to this Website: and Go to Ranking-> Steem Power. After that you get a list of all the steemit members shorted by their Power. the more Steem power the user have the most benifit you get from them. Suppose if a steemit member with 10,000 Steem power upvote you it may worth of upto $100 and lower steem power profile have lower upvote waitage. So follow the Topper list like College days!!
    steem dollar.PNG

  3. Result:
    This is the Amazing Result What I got From the First Day. I also mention the average time I spend on this platform Each day to achieve this.

Day 1-> I do not take the screen capture on the first day. I think I spend 3 hours on researching and making 30 followers.

Day 2-> 4 hours

100 folowers.PNG

Day 3-> 20 min only..(Loaded with Study learn new Programming Languages Scala)

120 steemit follower.PNG

here is my scala course. Take it For Free and Leave a 5 star Review:

Day 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 -> 20 min approx each day (Fully Loaded with Study Learn Scala Language)
Here on those days I covered 200 followers and One of my post Get $130 funded (My higher Education Fund- Raising campaign)
Hope you also UPVOTE and RE-STEEM the My post to help me more.
Here I share Some Related screen shorts.

170 steem.PNG


current steemit value.PNG

IF you think this Post Helps you Please Upvote the post Re-Steem the Post. I think this post help the new commers of the Steem community.

fb like.png


Hi, thank you for sharing, following you ^^

thank you dear.

Thanks for this guide,joydip!

Re-steemed+upvote+follow! thanks for the tips!

Resteemed+upvote+follow, thanks! :)

Great post! Thanks for sharing as I'm still a noob to Steemit. This has been a learning experience trying to figure out Steemit.

thank you .

Hey this is cool. I just started and am looking for tips and advice like this, soooo please Re-steem+upvote+follow me.

Your followed :)

thank you .
Hay Do u make money from @thinkit

Yeah SS pays a little, I kinda have a small portfolio but if you search favorites- most of the first age sell every now and then- top 10 are the regular sellers. Do you sell on SS too?

No my brother is a photographer. I recommand him to sell. May I get some details article /video how we can start sell on SS?

interesting article
resteemed+upvoted +followed

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