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RE: Steemit Tax Calculation and Payment System

in #steemit7 years ago

I enjoy your work and you did a great job breaking this down, but all I really have to say is...

Taxation is theft.


Absolutely. Taxation is Theft
If ever we had an opportunity for civil disobedience to change things, now is the time. And he's publishing guides on how to cooperate with the thieves. I'm following you friend.

You are right and all we need to do to stop it is convince the people going to work for the IRS who are trying to do a good job just providing for themselves and their families to stop going to work!

I hear you. The government not only derives its power from those it takes from, but those it makes dependent upon it. Government takes more of our money, more people need to work, government grows bigger and hires more people, people got to work for the government. When the government is the biggest employer, it establishes an inertia of dependency.

The great news is we have this new freedom fighting tool called cryptocurrency. If we all do our part to support its goal of eliminating government and banks from our financial lives, we can help overcome that inertia.

On a side note Jerry, your enthusiasm, honesty, and prolific nature are amazing. I love (almost) all your work. The tax stuff, not so much ;)

I agree, it's like a government-feeding-frenzy...


Have you gotten professional opinions on the assumption that Steem is legally closer to bitcoin, a now legally recognized currency, than it is to say, Reddit karma (prior to cashing out and realizing an actual gain at an exchange rate, that is)? I would be curious to see a legal argument from an expert in this area, should one exist.

Also, the IRS was criticized for it's guidelines on Bitcoin and is due to make some sort of follow-up in the very near future, which will clearly impact this discussion directly:

They'll stop going to "work" once their paychecks are worthless.

Amazing points, we all want the same thing. <3

Well taxation is only partly theft in my eyes. Hospitals, schools, etc don´t build themselves and don´t pay for themselves. But expenses like Politicians, Military, etc etc could be cut completely imo. Problem is we can´t choose what we wan´t to pay for and what we don´t want to pay for. I also do feel overcharged by my government. It taxes my income, it taxes my day to day grocery shopping, it taxes me if i buy something and if i sell something or if i win at gambling. They tax my "wealth" even after I died.
So yes taxation is theft, but it the same way SOME taxation is necessary. But not the whole life should be taxed by our governments! I´m sure blockchain technology will change that!

I did a video on this not too long ago. Check it out:

You and I would get along quite well.

lol I'm sure we would!
By the way, here are 75,000+ reasons why

Taxation Is Theft

041415 Tax Code Complexity.jpg

Reminds me of James Madison: "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood."

Things evolve, just look at how many words are in the English language compared to 1913.

It would be nice if we each had the choice as we do on Steemit where to send our taxes!

Ha! Yeah, if that were the case, I'd stay powered up and not send them anywhere. LOL.

To some degree you do. Many corporate entities completely eliminate their tax liability through reinvestment, job growth, charity, foundations, and other deductions that are there for the proposed purpose of benefiting the common good.

I follow you're argument. I've heard it before. I disagree completely, but I don't think now is the time to get into a long discussion. I just suggest you ponder for a while a world without government (Anarchy), or at least a government limited to just protecting individual rights (Minarchy). I mean really think about it. Do you really think schools and hospitals wouldn't be built? Does man require other man to tell him what to do, or would he just sit there in the dirt crying for want?

I can imagine the farmer coming to you, saying infinite-monkey! I need a road and a harbor and some ships to export my potatoes!
Can you build it for me? I will pay you in potatoes for about... uh... 716 million years? That's ok for you?

And I would tell the farmer he shouldn't have built his farm in an area that couldn't produce enough value to warrant the free market investing its money in building a road and harbor to help him export his potatoes.


Excellent response.

taxes dont pay for hospitals etc, printed federal reserve money pays for those things
all taxes in the US go to paying off the INTEREST o the debt to the federal reserve private central bank that prints up dollars out of thin air

If I make Ice cubes with my electricity and my water that I paid for with after tax dollars and sell them on the internet, you would also have to tax businesses doing business on the internet that are not taxed now the same way. I don't have a physical store or a factory, just me and my ice cube trays. My ice cubes are $10 each. btw if you want one please reply.

I will take 2 ice cubes ....but I demand they arrive in the Ice Cube State( ie. frozen not liquid)...are you sure you don't want to add something for shipping? :P~

Its posible in Spain we stand 1 year whith no government and the PIB grow more.
We have a corrupt sistem jajaja
pd: Never believe in PIB, is handled

I can't quite fully understand what you're writing. But my understanding is that due to financial hardship Spain hasn't provided government services in quite a while and the Spanish people are doing just fine without them. It's a great example showing what people can do without government. What is the PIB?

Sorry my english is poor . this year the pib grow 3,2% but Economic recovery is false.
The media say that debt is stable at 100% but in real terms is Growing.

why support a system that uses your tax dollars to fund overseas wars and pay overpaid govt ceos that do nothing siting on major govt agencies wasting your money within a failing system what end..

EXACTLY and hey i like jerry and i am not trying to crticisize him, hes doing "the right thing" lol but ya he is also reminding us that we can use tax loopholes the rich use to avoid paying taxes! the rich avoid paying taxes we are the rich we shouldnt pay any taxes! taxes are for the poor! its true!

and yes we have an OPPORTUNITY to NOT pay taxes here so why would we? LOl its like with coinbase, u can keep all urmoney with coinbase and have all ur profits reported to t he IRS, or u can keep ur bitcoins on a trezzor and have all ur profits kept to yourself! or keep ur money in monro or bytecoin, and have an anonympus ledger! sure its not bulletproof but id like to see the irs try and track down all the drug dealers making Monero profits and make THE pay taxes

YEAH hey if darkney drug dealers dont pay taxes with Monero and bitcoin they earn, why should we? lol

And your detailed strategic roadmap for how “things can be changed” without putting our families’ security at risk through non-compliance?

Change would be lovely. But I’m not exactly prepared to be inflexible with a moral philosophy at the risk of having to explain to my future children why daddy’s in jail because he wasn’t willing to humble himself and slice a sliver of his abundance to give back to society for the security of being present to raise them.

However, if you have a viable plan, I’m all ears...

Agreed fine Sir!
The break down and efforts presented are legit. Jerry has skills, no doubt.

However it does not negate the fact that 100%,

Taxation is extortion

The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right. - thefreedictionary

image source

lol yes, but extortion is a form of theft so while I get the argument, the argument is in the end synonymous.

Bitcoin and Crypto have the power to kill government - embrace them.

I'd like to encourage everyone to vote up this comment so it can be the top comment on this post. Can't sit through 10 pages of compliance without saying "What the hell are we doing????"

I think it's been said a few times that only about 2.5% of Bitcoin users actually declare it on their taxes. One shouldn't be looking for more ways to be extorted.
First of all, it's a capital gains tax really and one shouldn't be taxing the rise of value, it's kind of an insane notion.
Second of all, no one should be taxed period. The point of cryptos is a competing currency, free market and free monetary alternative. Taxation shouldn't be involved.

You're preaching to the choir. I was writing my own Taxation is theft comment when I saw yours. You beat me too it! This is the second "comply with the tax man" post I've seen today. The other was on Craig Grant's page. At least just he said to pay your taxes and didn't post a how-to-guide. I still love your page Jerry.

I agree, taxation is basically what all these TV high school bullies do, they ask the weaker students for their lunch money :^)

So yeah, taxation is theft!

Move to Russian or China and then you will see what taxes pay for. If you like to drive, taxes pay for the roads. If you like to go to national parks, taxes keep in them in tip top shape. If you don't like to work, taxes keep you off the streets. I pay more taxes than the average minimum wage person made last year and I have no issues with it.

If something can't exist without being funded voluntarily then it doesn't deserve to exist it all. Theft is theft no matter what good cause the stolen money might be going to.

Most people do not want to voluntarily fund mental health wards unless they directly affected by mental health related issues. So are we to say that we should kill the mentally ill because they are stealing our money? Many people don't want to fund abortion clinics, so are we to say that all rape victims should be forced to keep their babies ? What you are purposing is fundamentally flawed. Paying your fair share of taxes isn't theft, it is your constitutional obligation. Yes I do agree that the tax schemes of many countries are unnecessarily high, however in the same breath, without taxes mainly critical and life saving service simply would not exist. If the average human wasn't a greedy piece of thrash, I would whole heartedly agree with you. But if the average person was left to make the decision on what they wanted to pay for, most would elect to pay for as little as possible.

You are dead wrong my friend. There is no fundamental reason why the private market can bring us shoes and pizza but somehow can't deliver other things that people want and needs such as roads and hospitals.

Taxation IS theft plain and simple, there is no way around it. I still pay my taxes however, for the exact same reason I would hand my wallet over to a mugger, because there is a gun to my head. It's completely immoral no matter who is holding the gun.

Because the "private market" is inherently greedy. Look at all the price fixing that goes on when the "private market" is given free reign. Do you really want to see restricted access to cancer medication or MRI's because the private market decided it was in their best interest to fix prices?

Awesome perspective.


I left Canada with a lot of resentment towards governments, spent 5 years in Bali. Oh boy, did I ever come back with a new appreciation for my home country!

People think government in first world is bad... go live in the third world for a while, experience the chaos and corruption there, and then come back and bitch about how bad we have it.

Yes, but...
Haha. Absolutely!

Amen! Our Founding Fathers would already be shooting by now! Following.

you got that right..

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