Meet Steem's #1 so called "Added Value" Self absorbed Influencers

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have millions of followers that consistently see the posts and videos I make about Steem.

When steemit devs started rewarding so called influencers at the beginning under the term "added value" I called that BS.
If these are really influencers with millions of followers, they do not need anyone's support on steemit, all they need "is to have their followers join and upvote them".

From the gutters of youtube, twitter, and other social media outlets we seem to attract the worst of the worst and reward them in the hopes they bring in their imaginary followers.

I have been around the social media marketing realm for years and know the ins and outs of buying followers and faking views and so on...

We need to stop this habit of bringing self absorbed losers on this platform and pretending it's added value, it's not. I will not name the obvious from day one. But let's look at the latest joke...

This great YouTube success who has millions of followers and making videos like these on youtube:

Not that I never ever heard of this guy neither in crypto nor on youtube before, here he is complaining about abuse which is preventing him from being the #1 author on Steemit.

What added value content we expect from this great youtube success :

To be fair though he admitted it was not his proudest moment:

I posted a picture in my boxers and got $344 on it, so I'm not coming to you as some saint here who is just perfect.


After reading his rant I did look at his youtube profile, I wanted to know what this latest migrant from youtube success does:

I found a collection of nothing, which explains his latest job description:

I have millions of followers that consistently see the posts and videos I make about Steem. 2 or 3 times a day I make a new post with nearly all of my creative energy funneled into Steem. In other words, being a witness and author on Steem is what I do full time.

A full time witness and author:

let's tackle the witness part first...

OK he is not really a top witness just a back up so not a big issue there, lets look at his other full time job a steemit author:

The feedback on the video was so positive that I spent about $100 to get this post created for you here out of the video, and then edited it prior to publishing! I appreciate you being here and I hope you have a wonderful day today.

hmmm he paid someone $100 to make the post and he edited it? reminds me of another influencer who is too drunk to know what he is talking about...

OK OK he did point out some abuse which btw was already known and discussed, but let's give him some credit, what kind of abuse did he discover?

How is it @mindhunter can make photo posts like this, earning four dollars and getting 25 views, and becoming the top author?

Yes this abuse can only be topped by this:

but that's not the part that is bad, these abusers are doing something worse they are "upvoting themselves"!

could these abusers be followers of some successful youtuber who recommends "upvoting yourself"?

watch the first five minutes of this video:


maybe we have a case where the student outdone the teacher, I do not know. But one thing is certain this teacher will expose you to the public if you are standing between him and the #1 spot on steemit

What should we do as a community?

we should let these self absorbed millions of followers successful and amazing migrants bring their own support to steemit. Trust me if they are true to what they claim, 1 million upvotes from minnows will put them above and beyond what they need.

Meanwhile we should continue to support authors from the steemit community who have proven themselves. Those who do not flash imaginary following elsewhere, or who's only claim to fame is not fake views elsewhere....

Let's dump this fake added value garbage and go back to the true meaning of social media, social media that tolerates the good and the bad, and let growth police itself.

Yes we do have room for everyone, nobody needs to pay someone a $100 to to be his ghost writer... and people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

no nonsense ....


Well, you are talking about @jerrybanfield. I see that you have not mentioned his name, why? Are you afraid of downvotes or you don't believe in your point of view?
I don't know about the tricks to increase the followers on Youtube or increasing the number of views. And yes, I may agree partly with you, but not totally. You asked to watch the video just for 5 minutes, but I watched it for 10 minutes.
And what I found is, he is not asking you to self upvote your posts, in the next 5 minutes he explains that how upvoting other's comments and posts can bring you more money. I think you are biased in your approach here. He was the number 4 in the top author's list, and you are not, maybe it is not he who is ranting, but you. At least he has the followers and so many things to show to us, what you have?
I am angry with you, because I followed you for some good stuff. You think that the matter of @mindhunter was known before, but you didn't let me know about it, he let me know it first. And that $100 he paid for the article, deserves credit, not criticism, because it shows how much he values the quality of content here. You can always buy the time with money when you don't have much.
Look at the number of pictures he posts in his articles, and what you have here? You just took the screenshots of his picture or video and earned $200. I am a minnow, but I must say that your article is a BS. Downvote me if you want, I am a minnow, but I can't appreciate your BS just to get a upvote.

"I think you are biased in your approach here."

Agreed. He conveniently neglected to point out that Jerry just discovered the same thing we all did.

I made a similar post after HF19 pointing out that the interest from self-voting was now over 150%, and could this be right?

Also, the whataboutism here is nuts. Why do you handwave #1 and #2 away and decide to go after #4, Jerry? Could it be a personal reason that he rubs you the wrong way?

How is paying more money to have someone help edit his posts (so you can read them better) or witness (so it runs better) bad?

Well, you are talking about @jerrybanfield. I see that you have not mentioned his name, why? Are you afraid of downvotes or you don't believe in your point of view?

I did not mention his name because it's not about Jerry, he is not the only fake social media success we have here. I am not addressing Jerry or asking him to defend himself, I am addressing the people who chase a mirage. If we want celebrities to come to Steemit we need people, we need an audience, we do not need cheerleaders. Once you understand that, then you will understand my point. As for fear of downvotes, how is mentioning his name will contribute to me getting downvotes?

He was the number 4 in the top author's list, and you are not, maybe it is not he who is ranting, but you. At least he has the followers and so many things to show to us, what you have?

Man this part is what ticked me about Jerry's post, according to this @mindhunter is the #1 author and Jerry is not so what Jerry has? followers :/ exactly my point. Followers who think they can make hundreds of dollars a day on steemit following some guide. If that is the growth we are looking for then fine.

I am angry with you, because I followed you for some good stuff. You think that the matter of @mindhunter was known before, but you didn't let me know about it, he let me know it first. And that $100 he paid for the article, deserves credit, not criticism, because it shows how much he values the quality of content here. You can always buy the time with money when you don't have much.

I come from a background in crypto where airing dirty laundry is a bad thing. You think I should track all the abuse and make posts about it to keep you informed. My post was not an attack on Jerry, it was simply to show him anyone can do these dirty laundry posts. We need to leave this garbage off the platform and let people who know about it handle it their own way. There are proper channels to report abuse. There are people working night and day to prevent it, and the fact they do not post about it is because it has to be handled the right way. Not spamming garbage on the front page. Did that post solve the abuse? and you knowing about it, did it help solve it?

Look at the number of pictures he posts in his articles, and what you have here? You just took the screenshots of his picture or video and earned $200. I am a minnow, but I must say that your article is a BS. Downvote me if you want, I am a minnow, but I can't appreciate your BS just to get a upvote.

you and I both know my post was not about getting upvotes, and the number of pictures in his posts! what exactly that has to do with anything? My article is BS just like his, I only fed him a spoonful of the dish he was serving my friend. I do not like drama, especially drama that goes on the front page, because it's bad for steemit image, sometimes you have to fight a disease with a little serving of the same bacteria that causes it so we become immune from it. I do not downvote anyone. Maybe I have done 2 or 3 downvotes since I joined steemit in the early days and they were in the testing category when Dan asked us to downvote his test posts in the witness channel.

Dude I feel the same way as you man. Steemit nowadays is full of fucking fraud and non quality posts but still they managed to have their stupid followers upvoting on them. That guy is obviously just to provoke you. Shame on you guys who upvoted sanjay post. It's obviously so immature that you think this author will scare of downvotes. Why did he even put it up in the first place if scared of downvotes. Sanjay argument is purely immature and BS. Guys look at his profile and wallet, wouldn't it be more obvious that this guy is trying to get more upvotes than the guy who already owned 200$ per post? Are you guys really so dumb to see the drama played out here?


@mindhunter isn't doing anything wrong. He buys votes from a whale. How is this different from booster or randowhale etc.?
Banfield is attempting to whip up a mob with pitchforks without actually bothering to find out what is actually going on.
The fact is that the platform code allows people to vote for themselves and it allows people to post multiple times a day and it allows payouts on comments, so doing so cannot be wrong. Jerry is trying to make it morally wrong by saying that only the most popular people deserve high payouts. He is trying to equate his popularity with the quality of his posts, which is a simplistic approach to attaching value.
In his post Jerry tries to equate himself with the hugely popular @papa-pepper so that people will think that he is talking sense, but even the pepper, whose posts are great, sometimes has videos in posts with under 10 views, so, not exactly popular.
Would Jerry say that Papa didn't deserve the high payout for those unpopular videos? Like I said, his attitude is simplistic and badly thought out and probably based in greed.

"tries to equate himself with the hugely popular @papa-pepper"

Which he successfully does...with inarguable math...

"Would Jerry say that Papa didn't deserve the high payout for those unpopular videos? "

Obviously not, since he didn't even say that about Mindhunter and tamim.

The last time I checked personality doesn't equal maths and a large part of his argument against those guys was their lack of votes compared to payout, in his post, "Meet Steem's #1 Author!"

I think reward earned per view is one of many valid metrics to look at when evaluating the content of a poster.

It's undoubtedly one, but in it's evaluation how do you separate people that voted and liked the post from people who merely voted for the curation rewards?
Or, like Jerry, do you think that popularity = quality?

"It's undoubtedly one, but in it's evaluation how do you separate people that voted and liked the post from people who merely voted for the curation rewards?"

I'm afraid you can't, at present. I've been posting a series on suggestions to improve curation to break that link. Until we change that formula, it's going to keep happening.

"Or, like Jerry, do you think that popularity = quality?"

Popularity and quality may be different things, but the formula for financial reward is not:

Quality = Reward


Quality * Reach = Reward.

You may appreciate this post, despite disliking the facts as they are:

You spoke my mind.

This is so unfair how you talk about jerry. You portrait him so bad. I think that you should lead by good example joseph and create good content instead. Tne negativity of you and what you tell us about what jerrys intentions are is wrong. You don't know the person.

Yes I follow this man from more then last 2 years. I remembered the first time when I found him on udemy enrolled to his course and from that day till today I never regret once following him. A great mentor an amazing guru. The long journey of following him took me everywhere from udemy to YouTube and now here on steemit I m so excited to join steemit.
This post is not to gain some publicity for myself but to thank a man whose lessons always allowed me to discover new things.

One thing that worries me about Steemit is the power of the majority stifling minority, cutting edge or fringe opinions or beliefs. Wikipedia is controlled by mob trolls and is very ugly. I hope Steemit remains a platform for all beliefs and opinions. Should add that I found Jerry's post and this one @Joseph interesting - Live and let live! P.S. I upvoted my comment, of course.

I upvoted your comment also. Raised your dollar amount a whole .01 cent. $1.60 upto $1.61. Just because You said "(Live and let live") There is room for disagreement on steemit, there is no room for disagreement on any other platform. Youtube or facebook, you disagree with someone then you damn well better have have more friends than the one you disagreed with.

...and one more time...."Live and let live"

It is always better to let people do what they want, so that we are all free. I know that means putting up with some loathsome behavior.

So...if I take a picture of myself in my underwear....

You got me thinking.
Not always a good thing.
But I agree, lets get back to real people posting real things on a real social media platform. Tired of hype and bots here.

lets get back to real people posting real things on a real social media platform

thank you, exactly right.

"lets get back to real people posting real things on a real social media platform"

Yeah...because that's what social media is known for.


Has it not occurred to you people that success for Steemit probably looks like Facebook, which would make Jerry the "normals" and us crypto people the outsiders?

Jerry is literally bringing Facebook type people to Steemit....extrapolate that trend for me.

What really rubs me the wrong way is the fact that they weren't even steemit boxers!

hahahahaha GREAT comment we need some more humor around here!

good post thanks
I am a new steemians, maybe i should study first with you, regards know me
please follow me
I followed and upvoted.Would you like to follow and upvote me.

Unfortunately on every platform (including Steemit) there are many talented people creating valuable content, who stay invisible. And then there are others whose posts you see everywhere and they are not half as good as the invisible ones...
But on the other hand if one gets over $300 worth of upvotes by posting his photo in underwear... who is there to blame - the guy or all those who upvoted?

I'm just another user but I wanted to share my opinion on him. When he raising funds for the other user who lost her father, I had just recently joined the platform, didn't understand votes had weight, and I didn't know who anyone was. That was the first post I saw from him, I read all of the post, all of the comments, and then went to read the woman's original post. I then flagged Jerry's post. Matyr styled publicity stunt, completely unbiased opinion. Since then, I've followed him and even upvoted some posts by him that I liked, but that post stands.

A person should not include irrelevant information, as taught in writing, everything should have a purpose. The feelings a writer wants to convey will be expressed through how they write. If you are doing something for a good cause, you are doing it because you want to- it shouldn't pull you down. If you are going to complain about helping someone, then don't do it. Helping people does not cause more problems than it solves.

I wanted to weigh in, because since flagging him- I gave benefit of the doubt, maybe I made a bad judgement call. I feel that in Steemit, you are the product, not the platform, not the altcoins, but your experiences and knowledge. Taking and transforming that information to apply to where it's needed. If you are not bringing something new, or taking influences to mold something new, then what is a writers purpose on this platform?

"Matyr styled publicity stunt, completely unbiased opinion"

An unbiased opinion is a good thing...?

"Helping people does not cause more problems than it solves."

It does for you personally. Just stating the obvious here.

Heya @lexiconical everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and as stated above my actions were a result of being new to the platform.

I'll take your words with a grain of salt. Seeing as you only quoted me c:

Hi shello,

I think we may have minor language confusion.

I was just saying having an unbiased opinion is good for everyone! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the more unbiased it is, generally the better formed it will be.

PS - I try to help a lot of people, but it can be hard work!

I agree, language can be strange! Sorry for a not too well opinion, but I do like @jerrybanfield- I feel that the situation could have been presented in a different manner, having a better impact. Helping people is good, and sometimes I feel that negative reations can discourage a person from helping in the future.

Thank you for replying! :3

I know what you mean!

I like Jerry too!

Users that try to find hacks or scheme their way into making the most money for the least amount of work/value creation are actually important for the long term success of the platform. IMO it's almost like a white hat hacker, they expose a flaw and squak to their followers so that real users with a backbone can improve the project in the long run.

I thought the same thing...white hat. White hats post videos about exploits. Black hats keep it to themselves.

I do not understand the appeal of most content creators here that make hundreds of dollars per day. I personally think the trending page is a bad example of what steemit should be. More manual content curation needs to be done for the long term success of Steemit. The best thing I can do is continue manual curation and hope others realize the value of promoting a diverse type of content on Steemit.

A lot of trending posts for the wrong reasons

I totally just suggested this on another post!

100% agree with you @azfix.

@joseph you are truly right about the current situation on steemit it would be best if there was a way to remove the self voting scheme. I can't say anything against Jerry because I'm that kind of a man, yet I don't like the fact that true knowledge lies under a ton of rubbish here.. I myself joined steemit to try and make a name for myself and bring my knowledge to people. I'm not bringing a million of followers, nor would I want to have a million of fake following that up votes me only for income. Steemit is about quality for me and feedback.

Thanks for sharing this post, at least you'r word can be heard, given your rep..

Your simple post efforts do potentially bring in new steemians or may have brought in new steemians. No doubt about that. I found steemit through the search engines organically.

Hmmmm i never thought about that really :3 thanks for the heads up and inspiration :3

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