Nobody will Read this Anyway.

in #steemit6 years ago

Steemit is like tying a steak around your kids neck to get the dogs to play with him.


I had these lofty goals here at steemit a week ago. One quality post a day for a year, I failed already, In fact I almost quit posting at all. I do love the idea of steemit and STEEM, and I also like social networks, but after the first week and half, I am not totally sold that they belong together. These things ... are crushing my groove.

Drama Central

If I waste any more time reading the words of complaining assholes will accounts valued over 10k shoot me in the head. Just STFU! I could care less about your stupid greedy wars on posts that make $500+ in upvotes. I learned nothing from you other than this site needs an ignore, mute, and ban button, Thanks for nothing you greedy tools.

Bot Post Central

Does anyone even read posts at steemit? I have to try hard to find good content. I have to dig deep to entertain myself on steemit. It's not that the content I like is not here, most posters here do an amazing job, it just you can't easily find that content because it is buried by bot-upvoted, paid for placement schemes that have nothing to do with quality. Basically, you have to sift through all of the paid for autoposts, to find any good content. This turns Steemit into a "money making" platform, versus a "deliver quality content" platform.


This bugs the crap outta me. The best writers in the world will quit this platform before they get started. They will compete and lose against "BURN POST", quit and go where their content is valued. I was going to approach my friend who is NYT bestselling author about steemit... but there is no way she would waste her time here paying so you can read her content. Sure its all about ROI to some, to her it is about eyeballs, this shit is complicated with all the schemes and bots and tricks.. No way I am going to embarrass myself.... yet.

I am usually the guy who preaches about solutions, not problems... I will leave it with this... there are allot of possible solutions here at steemit. There needs to be a better UI and UX design. Algorithms need to be created to better ways to lift quality content. IT CAN BE DONE! But first everyone needs to stop being greedy.


Begging dogs photo Maxpixle Public Domain
Pixabay under Creative Commons
coins.png public domain


Not sure how to take this post. Are you mad that you don't feel enough people are reading your content or mad because your not making more money?

Thanks for the comment @georgeknowsall! Sorry for the steam of thought rant... I am not worried about my content (hahahaha I know its worth .03) or money... I am just kinda having a hard time digging and finding other new fresh content. I spend more time searching than enjoying... prob a personal issue with who I follow... maybe less schemes and more searching for quality publishers.

ah dude i know exactly what you mean. I like to use the phrase "wading through the shitposts" as that was 90% of my steemit browsing time! The last month or so though i've found a fair few creative tags that actually have decent content coming from them. I'm not sure of your interests but heres a few worth checking out @steemmakers @slothicorn @howtoweekly. and also a couple people off the top of my head that regularly post good content @armadilloman @docsmith. If you arent into arty/creative things they may not be for you. I really hope steemit sorts out the voting bot madness as well as the fucking spam it makes it a crappy site and like you said i'm always too embaressed to suggest it to friends in its current form

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