Joe's Editorial: Who I think in Avengers Infinity War will live or die?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Avengers Infinity War is my most anticipated film of this year. Ever since the post credits scene of the first Avengers, many people including myself were excited over the adaption of the comic book story line "Infinity War" if Marvel ever got to it. Since contracts will be expired and because the story is about the villain achieving the ultimate power in the universe, it's expected that there will be major shakeups and many characters dying. I would like to give my predictions as to who will live and who will die. In order to make the blog as concise as I can and because these characters share the same reason, the characters I think will definitely live will be Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Captain Marvel and Spider-Man because(with the exception of Spidey) they will be the new Avengers and some of them don't have a part 2 or 3 to their movie franchise; its too soon to kill these characters. Without further to do here are the characters that I think will live or die.

  1. Iron Man. Prediction dead
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    Robert Downey Jr's portrayal as Iron man helped made the MCU into what it is today. He made a character that was considered "B-list" and became the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It makes sense to kill him off for 2 reasons; 1 because Downey is getting too expensive to keep around. It was reported he made $40 million off of Civil War and made about $250 to $300 million combined off of the movies he did so far. 2nd because it made sense from a story perspective that Iron Man would die in this. Tony's character arc throughout the entire franchise is genius, billionaire playboy who profited off his business as an arms dealer underwent a dramatic change in character after his kidnapping, decides to become a superhero to protect the world and leave a better legacy, go thru post traumatic stress after fighting aliens, gets a vision that spells doom for the avengers and the world and creates an A.I, have that A.I backfire on him, and signs up with the very government that he told that they won't have his technology in order to keep the Avengers in check. It would be fitting that the end of his story ends with him dying to protect the world. It's very fitting that the guy who kicked off the franchise ends with a dramatic death.

  2. Captain America. Prediction dead.
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    You know its weird that the guy who played the Human Torch back in the mid 2000s would become of the key players of arguably the biggest film franchise ever. Like Tony, Captain America has a similar big character arc. He went from a skinny, fragile guy that wanted to serve his country to super solider, to unfortunately freeze and end up in modern day, to dealing with surviors guilt and the modern times from a social and political perspective, to seeing his best friend and remaining link to his past brainwashed and part of the organization Cap tried to destroy, to trying to save his best friend and renounce his identity. The reason I can see Steve Rogers dying, apart from his story ending in death like Tony is honestly I don't see Steve's story continuing beyond. What will he do afterwards? I can't see him leading the new team or help rebuilding the world. It'll be a tragic death but one I'm sure will be emotional satisfying for the super solider.

  3. Thor. Prediction Either or Leaning to Death
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    Yeah its a bit of a cop out to put Either or in their(spoilers there are others that have Either or) but its hard for me to figure out how Thor's story will end. His arc compared to Iron Man and Captain America is all over the place. I get that the point is he's arrogant, learns to be humble, wants to stay on Earth, and become a King but his story is all over the place(maybe because of how his solo films performed.) I can see Thor trying to rebuild the 9 realms after the conclusion with Thanos but the more and more I think about it I think he will die with the Asgardians aboard the ship. I wouldn't be surprised if Thor lives but like Captain America I can't see what story Marvel will give the character when Thanos is defeated.

  4. Black Widow. Prediction Alive
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    Black Widow is one of my favorite characters in the MCU. Her arc is subtle in that her story is learning how to trust and befriend with people. In Iron Man 2 and Avengers shes a closed off assassin and by the time Age of Ultron comes around she has rapport with the Avengers and has a relationship with the Hulk. The reason why I think Widow will be alive is purely because of the success of Wonder Woman and the continue rumors of a Black Widow standalone film. Yep just that reason. It was either alive or dead with me on her, but as the rumors of the Black Widow film continue to persist especially as Wonder Woman did exceedingly well both with critics and financially, I can see Marvel keeping her around for future films.

  5. Hawkeye. Prediction Either or Leaning to Alive
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    I don't really understand the Hawkeye hate at all. Hawkeye has been one of my favorites since the fight scene between him and Black Widow in the first Avengers film(which is my favorite fight scene.) It could go either way for Hawkeye but I'm leaning towards alive for a couple of reasons. I think it would be a bit much to hint that he will die after all of that speculation with Age of Ultron as a lot of people thought that he was going to die. Also I think when that Black Widow movie comes out, Jeremy Renner would have a role in that film as the two characters have a history with one another. I think having Hawkeye in that film would be vital because he was the one that brought Widow in with Shield.

  1. Hulk. Prediction Either or
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    This is the only character on this list as a pure either or. Of all the characters on this list the Hulk is the one that I can't anticipate whether he'll live or die. I can see Banner perish like the other Avengers but I can't help but think that with Fox selling their movie and television division and Sony sharing Spider-Man, Marvel is holding on hope that Universal will cave and make a deal so Marvel can have another standalone movie. This is the one where I'll be on the edge of my seat.

  2. Falcon. Prediction Either or leaning to die
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    Falcon I can see, would help Bucky when everything is over. Maybe when Cap dies Falcon can join Buck and do missions covert and save people. But I'm leaning to him dying because I can't really see a story for him beyond the Avengers films. The roster for the New Avengers is getting crowded and I don't expect Falcon to come back but we'll see.

  3. Vision. Prediction dead but most likely to come back alive
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    Well of course Vision is gonna die, he has an infinity stone on his forehead. I'd imagine Thanos won't talk it from him gently. It would be a very crushing blow to the team that Vision died especially for Scarlet Witch(her brother died) and maybe Tony(it did take the Jarvis A.I. to create Vision.) Now you maybe thinking why did I put most likely to come back alive? It's because I'm not entirely convinced we'll see the last of Vision.

  4. Scarlet Witch. Prediction alive
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    I don't think she'll die. After her brother's death and Vision must likely dying, I think Scarlet Witch will live and maybe be a part of the New Avengers. I can also see her powers explode and go toe to toe with the reality stone (as in the comics she can warp reality.) I can't wait to see what she can do.

  5. War Machine. Prediction either, leaning to dead.
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    It can go either way because I can see Rhodey maybe retiring after the conclusion with Thanos, maybe helping Pepper run Stark Industries after Tony dies but I can also see War Machine being a casualty of war. It'll be sad to see especially after he got cripple in Civil War.

  1. The Guardians of the Galaxy. Prediction alive
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    There is no way that Marvel will kill off the Guardians, there's no way. James Gunn is coming back to write and direct the third one so there's no way any of them will die(though it would be a twist. Maybe the twist would be in the 3rd one its all about Star-Lord parenting a teenage Groot.) I will say the character interactions with Gamora and Drax will be interesting. I expect Gamora will have the biggest role of the team since Thanos is her father and Drax does have a grudge against him because Thanos murdered his family. I just hope the team won't throw too many jokes like in the 2nd film(a review for Guardians 2 will come I promise.)

  2. Nebula. Prediciton dead
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    Nebula has a very tragic backstory and because of that backstory she'll likely die by the hands of her father. Her training with Gamora and everytime she lose, Thanos taking her apart and rebuilding her to make her stronger and have her fight again is a very interesting story(even though any emotion got taken down by a joke. I promise I'll explain more in my Guardians 2 review.) I can see Nebula going head first with pure rage as she sees her father and then Thanos taking her out. Its a bittersweet end but I think all things considered Nebula would want to die.

  3. Loki. Predicition dead
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    I can see the theater now; hundreds of Loki fan girls squealing seeing Tom Hiddleston on the big screen again and then almost immediately bawl in tears as Thanos or the Black Order murders him. I can totally see Loki dying in the film; in the end credits scene of Ragnarok you see Thanos' ship approaching Thor's ship probably sensing that the tesseract is there. I predict that the way it will go down is Thanos and his Black Order kills everyone on that ship the Asgardians, Heimdall, Korg and his crew everyone. Loki shows up pleading for his life, bringing the tesseract and reminding Thanos of their arrangement. Thanos takes the cube and shatters it to take the space gem and attaches it to his gauntlet. Thanos then either kills Loki himself or orders the Black Order to kill him. Thor is helpless to do anything and you see Loki looking at Thor maybe thinking of everything the two brothers went through, maybe regretting what he'd did and then he dies. I guarantee that will happen.

  4. Nick Fury. Prediction Dead.
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    Yeah Fury is gonna die. Like Iron Man, Fury helped kick start the Marvel Cinematic Universe when he told Tony "You're part of a bigger universe" Like Iron Man, its fitting that he helped birth the MCU and he dies.

  5. Winter Solider. Prediction Alive
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    My guess is Bucky will be the new Captain America but I don't see him part of the New Avengers. It will be a sad scene for Bucky as Cap dies, but my guess is he will take the shield and go covert and take on the mantle of Captain America.

And that is my list of people who I think will live or die. What do you think? Am I right or wrong? Are there other characters that I forgot to mention? You guys have any opinions as to who will live or die? Let me know in the comments section.

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