How To Write Successful Posts That Trend On Steemit - Tips & Techniques!

in #steemit7 years ago

I've not been on Steemit long but I have written several posts that have been successful and I want to share my observations on the mechanics of successful posts and how they trend so that others may learn.

It can be disheartening to write long posts when you start on Steemit and not make any money. Having your post picked up by the curie is a wonderful bonus for many new users and is an important service, but this only lasts while your rating is low.

Once you are able to generate a successful post you will grow in confidence and be enthusiastic to produce more. This makes you a better member of Steemit strengthening and growing our network.

I will try to answer all questions to this post. Hopefully I will lean something too! 😃

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Identify Topics You Are Interested In Which Already Do Well on Steemit

Look around Steemit and find topics you are interested in that have successful posts. The trending feeds are the place for this. It helps if you can already write well but no matter where your writing ability is you should read as many successful posts as you can.

Get a feel for the style of the topic and how other Steemians are dealing with the subject. The comments on successful posts are always interesting. Read them and leave some intelligent comments yourself. This brings us to the next important point...

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Steemit - It's A Social Network! Be Social! 😃

Once you have identified a subject that you feel you can write an informative and interesting post on - get social! Steemit is a social network and building and joining communities is very important. You can achieve this by making intelligent comments on other peoples post, post promote, get involved with existing groups in Discord chat or start your own. Maybe you have an existing community from another network you can entice to join Steemit! 😉

I want to make a quick point on asking strangers to vote for you. I suspect that many of us have experienced the random Steemian who messages you on and asks you to vote for them, promising to vote for you in return. Many of these people sound Indian/Asian and I understand their mentality and it does not annoy me. However I never vote for strangers just because ask me. That is just how I feel, you may feel differently!

Be polite and friendly and you will make friends! 😃

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Getting Your Posts To Trend

My highest earning post was a response to a previous post I wrote about 9/11. It was a survey looking at the responses from Steemians to my initial post. Oddly I did not feel this was one of my best posts but it seemed to surf the Zeitgeist at the time.

The highest earning post was called 9/11 - Results From An Informal Steemit Survey -Does Steemit Believe The US Government Was Involved?. The post generated:

  • $439.46
  • 780 votes

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The original post was called 9/11 Do You Believe The US Government Was Involved? - An Informal Steemit Survey. The post generated:

  • $116.95
  • 137 votes

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Trending, Trending, Trending!

The results to the survey trended extremely well and stayed at the top of all it's tags during most of the week. These were significant tags too like: "life", "blog", "conspiracy" and "steemit". As you can see from the screen capture below the two 9/11 posts were ranked number one and two in the conspiracy trending feed.

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During this period I gained almost 500 followers! A lot of that I feel had to do with responding well to the comments made in the post.

However the issue still remains: how do you get your posts to trend? Apart from the usual post promotion it is clear that getting your post to trend hard requires the support of your community. Unless I know people already I don't feel comfortable with asking people directly for help.

In the case of my high earning 9/11 results to the survey post the community got behind it without me asking for them. A few big votes came in at the beginning and the post moved directly into the trending feed and continued to rise.

There is an element of Zeitgeist involved in these situations. You may just catch the Steemian opinion of the moment and be swept along with it. The other element is having a good social network. Both of these concepts are a little ambiguous but in combination can create high earning posts.

In the end it comes down to a little luck, some hard work and being very friendly! Keep that attitude and you should do well on Steemit! 😃

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Image source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Jockey loves you All - keep trending! 😉



Maybe the mistake I make is in attempts to be the funny comedian type guy, I often comment/post in ways that could be sometimes perceived as rude. I usually avoid being "polite" as this is merely an act, a "polar"-opposite, to polarise (from Latin politus ‘polished, made smooth’) and is closely linked to politics, which we all know to be pretty fake, and underhanded. I also tend to be the loner, happy alone, away from the common-unity. So thanks @jockey, honestly, I am thankful for your guidance to be more friendly and communicate in ways which are a bit less...... blunt. :P Doh. Maybe, I just did it again?!! My intention is never-ever to offend anyone, my greatest goal is to make 'em laugh. Hopefully we all lean something ; )

Hahaha! Excellent response Seb! Love it! I think you are very funny! UPvoted mate! 😃

Im first! Thanks for a newcomer like me this will help alot !:)

Great you are most welcome! Good luck! Followed and UPvoted! 😃

You are awesome! Thanks :D

Very informative, thank you.

You are most welcome! UPvoted and followed! 😃

Well written!

Cheers! Great photo! UPvoted and Followed! 😃

Your mention about Indian/Asian mentality is very correct and the fact that i does not annoy you proves that you have had your share of annoyance. You are immune to it now. Being an Indian it does annoy me and its disheartening to see so many people are lacking basic sense of mannerism. Your post is bit of a help cause you have used nice styling.

Hahahaha!!! You really made me laugh! I'm chilled but if people bug me I will block them! I have lived in many countries with many kinds of people and I have a lot of compassion now! Great name! Followed and UPvoted! =)

Awesome thanks!

This is what myself and some friends have been discussing recently;

Look at what's happening in the world right now, work with that, and learn how to also spin it into new directions.

The brother of mine who I've been discussing this with capitalized on Standing Rock to launch Defund DAPL, a movement about pulling our money from banks supporting DAPL.
And now going off #MeToo, we're launching #ChangeSex, creating new conversations about how we look at sex in the world.

Thank you for a very interesting reply! Followed and UPvoted with pleasure! 😃

@jockey, this is a great post for me. I am a bit analytical and try to work from a strategic perspective in most of what I do even in my everyday life. (probably too much so at times) I am growing rather fond of this particular platform and the community spirit I see here but can't seem to connect some of the dots.

Hoping you can answer a question for me.

I want to upvote this post because I feel it is worthy and has provided me with help. I just checked my voting power at and am at 65.41%. I've read many of the help links trying to pinpoint exactly how to make this work the best and it seems I should keep my voting power between 80% - 100%.

The problem I run into is that I find so many posts that are fantastic and deserve an upvote, but does it really do any good if there is no $ to contribute? Would merely commenting on that post contribute to the author in some way (other than of course it being a sign of great appreciation for their contribution) ?

I feel bad not upvoting a post when I am making a comment, but if I upvote I continue to lose upvote power. It is like a cache 22 for me. Maybe you can help me change my way of thinking :) I truly appreciate any advise to make my efforts more effective for the whole.

Thank you very much for your comment! Followed and UPvoted - great photo! 😃 You have raised a good point. I know when you are just starting your vote isn't worth that much. Write some good posts and that will change quickly. My feeling is that even if you are not giving much money the act of support is enough. I think there are some larger players on the network who have different strategies and I appreciate that. Fundamentally this is a very interesting and new game we are playing... Lets have fun! Let your heart guide you! Love from Phnom Penh! 😃

When I began leaving thoughtful comments, I noticed a slight increase in engagement and a spate of new followers. Everyone can do this. Lets get started, yes? Upvoted.


Agreed mate! Great comment! UPvoted and followed! Love your description! =)

I just checked your blog out. Good stuff, followed back!

Thanks buddy! Great name! UPvoted! 😃

wow!!! this has been most helpful... though my opinion has always been there is no one formula to it...just write good stuffs and socialise well....unlike you i have never had that much of trending posts but there is a satisfaction that comes from writing good stuffs and relating well with those that comment... generally i just think its all in stages basically....but keep trending and i am sure to always be around the corner reading your good stuffs....much love

Cheers! Upvoted! =)

Well written indeed! In my opinion, as a newcommer, it is most time efficient to write many replies at the beginning.

Interesting point and one that I have heard before! UPvoted and followed! =)

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