Secret Code 38, London Nuke, August 3rdsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

There Is a world changing false flag planned for 3-8, very possibly on the 3rd August 2017, even though the 38 could apply to the 8th March I'm very concerned that current US and geo political events are pushing these Rothschilds/Jesuits to a point where they will stage a major Gladio B, False Flag. There Is a huge amount of predictive programming contained In the media pointing to the code 38 and a major false flag In London. I and many others expect the next major event to be a Nuclear Detonation, possibly In the London Underground. My only Intention, with this article, Is to make people aware of what these evil forces may do to keep their New World Order plan going, resteem and spread this Information far and wide, this Is the only way we can prevent this event from happening.


This year Is the 300th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, which was founded on the 24th June 1717. The second report released by the media on 15th June, after the Grenfell tower Incident, had the founding of the grand lodge encoded In the reports. The lodge was founded In 1717, there were 17 fatalities In the report and they reported 17 critically Injured, 24 stories In the tower and the fire brigade took 24 hours to get the fire under control. Many people will just dismiss these sorts of numbers, as being coincidence, but we see this, time and again, within these events, this Is how they operate and communicate with other members across the world. The Manchester Arena attack was on the 22nd May, had 22 Fatalities ( not Including bomber ), occurred at 2.2 longitude coordinate, time 22:33, and the age of the attacker was 22. The number 22 Is the master builder number In freemasonry.

We have now seen In Britain, during the last five months, three terror attacks and the Grenfell tower fire, which I'm convinced are all false flags, acts committed by, NATO and the authorities for the Cabal. I think the only fatalities were In the Grenfell tower Incident, which I believe was planned to happen. We must now become very aware that this Is leading us to a much larger event, an event that, just like 911, Is planned to create a desired outcome. The Cabal work on a simple formula of control, the Hegelian Dialectic, create problem - terror attack, get reaction - chaos and fear, then offer the solution - which leads to war, depopulation and mass surveillance and more control for them.

These elites, that are perpetuating this evil, practice Kabbalah and under their belief system, they have to warn us of their future plans. If they don't warn us of what Is to come, they believe that the bad karma will fall on them. If they warn us, however, and we don't see It and recognize and act on It, then the bad karma falls on us, this Is basically how they justify mass murder. For major events they use predictive programming, within movies and the media, to give us the warning, something they have to do under their belief system. There was a massive amount of predictive programming within movies and the media before 911, most of us didn't realize this until after the event.

I'm convinced these false flags events, In Britain, are building up to an absolute huge event which Is Intended for the purpose of war and to radically change society. This, pre-planned, event will have to be much bigger than 911, this will be used, by the Cabal, to rapidly transform society towards their New World Order.
David Rockefeller once stated: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need Is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

911 was one of these crisis events, he was referring to, a pre-planned event that allowed for the Invasion of multiple countries, to Install central banks and take control of resources, facilitating the Patriot Act and the mass surveillance of the western world, all under the lie of terrorism, the false boogeyman. They now need another huge false flag to save their collapsing financial system, creating WWIII, to stop populism and the freedom movement and completely censor the Internet of all Truthful content, the system we live In Is a lie system, they will attempt anything to shut down the Truth speakers online.

The massive amount of predictive programming, within movies and media, of Big Ben and London being destroyed, with the code 38, Is pointing towards a huge event, this Is really obvious and It Is very disturbing how long ago these things have been planned. These plans obviously go back many many decades, because some of the media, this code Is within, were first shown In the 70's. Most of the programming has occurred since 2001, In movies like Mars Attacks and V for Vendetta, It Is also within one of the best selling video games of all time, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3, where 38 seconds In to one of the cut scenes, with Big Ben In the back ground London Is struck with missiles, I also noticed In a South Park episode, Series 10, Episode 9 from 2006, In a segment making out 911 truthers to be retards, that the clock In the background during a main seen had the hands pointing to the 3 and the 8. This has been In a lot of media for a long time.

All the programming Is clearly showing the number 38 which may well be pointing to the 3rd August and the detonation of an underground nuclear device In London, an event that will kill many thousands of people. Please watch the below video on Youtube, by Nebulous1982, resteem this post.


@jjyeshua - Thank you for your contribution to the struggle for peace and against the world domination of the servants of the apocalypse!

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