We are going to be moderate (English)
Do not use drugs that make you suffer over time:
People who use drugs are not always in the same world as others, something like they are not in the real world, in our world. They are not really here. At home, on a highway, in casual places, these people can be dangerous, very dangerous for society, I mean for everyone. These people are totally mistaken in believing that they "feel better", that they are "acting better" or that "they are only very happy" when they are under the effect of drugs. That is just another deception caused by herself. As the saying goes "sooner or later" the drugs are going to destroy the person physically and mentally. Do not let those around us use drugs, let's discourage those people totally, when they are doing it, let's tell them from the heart that they look for help so that they stop using them.

Do not drink alcohol in excess:
All of us who drink alcohol are not alert. Alcohol impairs your abilities to react in what we do, even when we think we are more alert thanks to alcohol. Alcohol has something like some medicinal value. But many give this a very exaggerated importance. Do not let someone who has been drinking take you on some kind of transportation, such as a car or airplanes and helicopters. We all know that alcohol can make us come alive in another way. A little bit of liquor is not bad, if we do it right, let's just drink enough; the excess can lead you to unhappiness and it is even possible that it does not lead to death, let's think about our beloved relatives and friends. We prevent our loved ones from drinking liquor frequently and in excess.
"When we avoid the previous points friends, we become physically much more apt to enjoy each of the days that gives us life"
"Do not waste time a little support will not make you less person, we will sow support to receive fruits, more support." 🙌
Good thinking bro...keep it up & keep me in your mind :) @jhoan
always giving the best, I'm following you and reading, you have a good publication @rizve47
Good think!!!!!!
thank you
Hola @jhoan0310¡
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