How Steemit completely replaced other platforms.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Im a big blogger on NY Jets sports forums as well as speaking about it on Twitter. I have quickly realized that since creating my Steemit account I am rarely if ever on Jets forums or Twitter. Sure, I peak my head in every once in a while but what I've quickly realized is that Im quickly looking for sports communities here on Steemit in order to do all of my writing and commenting on this platform. I've never been into facebook so that's not even of any interest to me. However, Steemit has quickly began to "X" out many of these other platforms.

I've also never been into instagram, but here on Steemit I've put up my 1st set of traveling photos, something that I was totally uninterested in doing on a platform like an Instagram.

If I come across an interesting topic I can discuss it within the comment section, if I want to resteem something like a retweet I can do so. Steemit has just about replaced what I spend most of my time on the internet doing because Im doing it all here, on ONE PLATFORM!

This is very powerful because this is also slowly doing the same for youtube. Im still a huge youtuber given that I like the people who im subscribed to. The awesome thing is, many of those people are quickly jumping on steemit and I can simply go through my feed here and view their content. What I began to stop doing is commenting on these people youtube pages and I make sure that I do the commenting and upvoting here on Steemit instead of commenting and liking on the youtube platform. It's much more beneficial for the content creator as well as myself.

Steemit is quickly replacing other platforms that I use. Has anyone else notice that trend with their internet habits?

Let me know what you think down in the comment section. Also, if you're looking to participate in the "Minnow pool community" that was recently started, check out this link here, follow the instructions and we'll add you to the new community! :-)

Please upvote if you liked and follow to have more content like this! If you really liked it and you would like to share it, I have no problem with your Resteem! :-)

Jeti Knight


that is reality.steemit is going to replace other platform .i t can either cause their income to decline or can cause their business to shut down

It seems like this will be the direction. The only place that in my opinion will be okay is Youtube. People use YT to upload their videos and link it to Steemit. The rest of these platforms are really unnecessary because unless you have a super huge following already on those other platforms, you can pretty much just set up shop here on Steemit.

Not to mention they do not pay you. you are simply working to supply some huge corporation with profits in trade for your 15 minutes.

That is a great point as well.

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