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RE: Is the concept of work correct that we have? Tell me your point of view please!

in #steemit7 years ago

I think you have to say F*CK to money and material objects and things of that sort, and find a job you love. I am an infant caregiver and I can tell you, I LOVE my job. LOVE it. It identifies me as a person, gives me something to live for, goals to set and attain, a purpose. I feel truly passionate about the job I do and so I do it with passion. So the key is to get a job you feel truly, truly passionate about. Yeah, I dont make the most money, but at least my job doesnt make me feel like tying a noose around my neck so I'd say its a fair trade off. Happiness over money ANY DAY! :) Just my two cents hehehe ;)


Well said, Jenny. I've been at my happiest in my life when I enjoy what I am doing, and am able to give back to the community whilst doing it.

Upvoted for your insight. Followed because anyone anticipating a zombie apocalypse is either very funny..... or very weird (just like me,) lol.

Hehehe!!! Following you too now! Thanks for the kind reply! You seem to have the work thing figured out (and what makes you happy) :)

lol.... work thing figured out? I switch careers more often than I change my underwear (or as often as you change your hair color, lol).

Good people make me happy. Live and let live, and enjoy the rich diversity that life has to offer. I've always been more of a "real world" person.

I found steemit almost 1 month ago, and from having nothing but a forced FB account, I now have Steemit, a Youtube channel (1 week old), and have joined an investment group on slack.

Things have changed a little, but after a fall from grace over the past 12 months from competitive sport, it was time to look for the next thing anyway.

I was just checking out your blog. I have never been to Pensylvania. It'd be nice to see some of those beautiful sunsets you speak of. Although if I didn't have surfing I think I would loose my mind!

P.S 27 is so young. I'm glad my sister has 2 beautiful girls. It takes the pressure off uncle Fish to have groms of his own. Bahaha.

Chat soon Jen, take it easy


You seem like a really interesting person! How exciting to be discovering new things on the internet. I discovered "paying" social media two years ago, and ended up finding a community of people that I keep in touch with, some on a daily basis, some who care about me more than the friends in my life. I just love the type of people who use these sites I guess! What is your youtube channel, I'd love to check it out!

Sorry to hear about your "fall from grace" but at least you seem to be handling the change well (judging from your comment at least haha)

Pennsylvania really is a beautiful state. We don't have any oceans but we're only a 3 1/2 hour drive from the Atlantic Ocean, and I just love the "pennsylvania culture". I'm gonna have to go check your blog out now :) :)

Thank you really and indeed we must find a job that we love. I do not speak much English, sorry hahaha

Awww oh my goodness its okay. I can ONLY speak english so I'm pretty uneducated actually blah. Thanks for chatting with me! :)

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