How to Raise the Price of Steem - Faith

in #steemit5 years ago


How to Raise the Price of Steem


I do not write from superiority or some sort of moral absolute that I am certain to shoot straight up to heaven when I die. I write from humility. Why? Oh, I have had so much fun in life that, I am a catholic because I opt for the hope of purgatory! Yes, in catholicism there is the concept of purgatory where you live on in the spirit world and eventually after all one's sins are purged Christ let's you enter heaven, a place I have been.

It is a lot like the buddhist and hindu concept of rebirth. If your acts in life are evil you build up bad karma. When you die, you are born again and you either ascend or descend spiritually and your life is either more on the punishing side or the more on the beneficent ruler side: you rule but you remain a servant.

What is faith? Do you know? I am not sure I do but was told I had faith after I said I did not believe God would do what he said he would do; I know God and know with a certainty he will do what he says he will do.

I read an article by the Pope, in fact the article contained quotes from the last three Popes, John Paul, Benedict, and Francis. The quotes all said, faith is when you know with certainty that God will do what he says he will do.

Dr. Michu Kaku, renowned physicist, says,

A parallel universe could be as little
as a millimeter away.

More Than One Universe

Now I should be bug splatter on a windshield of a car driving along the road on a warm summer day. Accidents dealt me numerous out of body experiences. Have you ever had an out of body experience? An out of body experience is when your soul detaches from your body and your consciousness is still alive and you can think and feel and move in the spirit world. I have experienced so many detachments that I can detach at will. So, I know it is real, a parallel universe and it reflects our universe. I know our universe reflects the parallel universe. Acts in each universe affects the other universe.

I could list all my out of body experiences from accidents but I won't because I am using a phone. But here's some:

  1. Broken neck.
  2. Vehicle wrecks.
  3. Electrocutions.
  4. Poisonings.
  5. More.

Accident prone is not the phrase that should be used to describe the things I have survived. I should not have survived any, especially the first one on the list.

Am I Dead?

Several times in my life, I have asked myself the question, how could I actually be alive? It is not possible. More importantly: how could I be even reasonably healthy?

I study and write logic for software development, I especially like c++. I have experienced a plethora of miracles and have done a lot of faith healing. I don't do too much software now and did not write on steemit because I could not think because I had been nuked when this exploded:

Yeah, I know you do not believe it. Anyway, I was out here building a vertical shaft windmill when a tornado hit me of a little less than F1. It was enough to pick me up and throw me around like a rag doll.

Follow Me

The really big whirlwind pulled a bit back from me and I heard from it and it spoke and said, Follow me!

It took off. I ran after it. I had to run back and get my truck to follow. It stopped about five miles the east and parked itself next to Antelope Mountain.
Down there to the left of the mountain at the bottom, I exited the truck and walked to where it stood. I was not sucked in or anything.

Felt Like Dorothy, Wizard of Oz

The tornado said, I want scientists to study this.

We had a huge wildfire in August of 2007. It was now April of 2008. The Earth was bare dirt for a thousand square miles. I had examined a bed of cactuses to the left of the mountain down in a gulley.

The cactuses were burnt just like all the trees. Standing Charcoal! I had kicked a cactus and it turned to ash dust at the impact of my foot. Poof!

The whirlwind went to those cactuses moved among the bed of about 200 clusters and instantly turned the cactuses green and alive!

I wrote about the event on a website called and other websites.

The tornado turned, went up the mountain and every tree it touched instantly returned to life.

I watched over several more months. I saw many a tree returned back to like by whirlwinds. I was so consumed with what I witnessed that it took four more months for me to realize the chronic in my neck was gone!


Yes, after 32 years, arms paralyzed twice, I was healed. I felt great!

I had always been strong and recovered from injury but this was different. Praise God!


I did not know about vortices at this time. I had many a strange bizarre occurrence. I had not discovered the stationary tornadoes/ biblical whirlwinds of chaos/Skinwalker Ranch vortices or nothing like that. No at this stage I had experienced the healing whirlwind, witnessed its effects and wrote about them.

Then the trouble started! I was hacked brutally and forced to vacate where I lived in town 45 miles away.
The cactus patch was bulldozed. I was accused of all sorts of things, like being a cattle rustler. I made an emergency shelter out of the shed I had built to survive with the wife.

The persecution became so bad it was childish and ridiculous. Lord Hear My Prayer.

Water on the Wicked Witch

By now I had noticed the Stationary Tornadoes and initially thought were part healing whirlwind, even God himself. Like Gideon, I asked for proof because nothing went right. Mechanical devices, windmills, vehicles fell apart before my eyes. I watched them disassemble.


I have now, in order to study the very powerful aspects of the natural healing whirlwind, found four methods to remove the Stationary Tornadoes:

  1. Write on the ground- System Compromised Self Destruct.
  2. Write on the ground- DADADS(Defense Asset Detect And Destroy System) and step on it with your foot.
  3. Use a rod of Judah/Israel to capture the spirit world entity in it.
  4. In Hebrew write on the ground-The name of God, Jesus, Mary.

Of all of these, 3 and 4 are the fastest but in order to do 3 you have to be a powerful faith healer/exorcist.
2 works in about 15 minutes or so.
1 causes a hive central control system to self destruct and take all subcomponents with the central control system. You also get nuked/irradiated and that hurts very bad. Oh yes it does.

What I would like see is if people of other religions can accomplish the same thing in their language using the names of the King of Heaven, Son, and Mother in your own land. I would logically think this possible.

For example, Allah, Mohammed, and his mother in arabic. Instead of number 4 above, which I only discovered about a week ago, that even though have it spelled in rocks and will leave such rocks - the Cultists who call this forth, tend not to park a vortex on the rocks.

Helpful Hints

  1. The vortices are actually carbon nano tube based. Because the nanotubes disintegrate upon exposure to any ultra-violet light, the nanotubes or bucky balls are coated with nano layers of metals.

Salt Blocks, granular salt thrown, Holy Water, Abraham's Tears because salt is extremely corrosive as an alkaloid. and will quickly destroy protective nano layers.

  1. Proper Grounding
    The vortices emit EMP which is very destructive to electronics. It looks like blue energy or electricity crawling over everything. The EMP appears to be cancelled along the ability to disassemble devices, vehicles, and so on by properly grounding galvanized matrices such as chicken wire to 10 foot copper grounding rods driven in the earth.

Oh yes, I have read most of the Scientific American Set of Encyclopedias along with vast research into religious literatures specifically but not limited to all the versions of the Bible. Where, the whirlwind of chaos and its effects is documented in many books:

  1. Pentateuch - Moses
  2. Job
  3. Hosea
  4. Ezekiel
  5. Writings about Elijah
  6. Jeremiah
  7. Daniel

Myths and Legends?

Therefore: it is logical to conclude other major religions recorded effects and means of protection and since I read them, not with the understanding of the Bible - It is up to you!
For example, there is a legend of a chinese monk forcing a demon into a mirror with a blessed sphere and pre-muslims doing the same.

There are the stories like Aladdin from the Arabian Nights. Yes, it is all myth and legend, until you see a giant vortex outside your window and one finds out, a scientific study at Skinwalker Ranch, along the eastern border of the state in which I live, filmed a humanoid demon emerging from the vortex like Jafar riding the whirlwind for legs and feet in a Disney Film.


Faith is knowing God will do as he says he will do, like chain Satan, the devil, for a thousand years. There are actually five ways to remove a hive of vortices and all their subcomponents. The fifth is the catholic prayer: The Prayer of Exorcism Invoking St. Michael the Archangel. I said this here a couple of times here where I live and watched a massive array of lightning strikes that all hit the ground without starting fires.

There are methods which can be used around the world to fight the very ancient evils of this world. As I learned in the US Army, the pen is mightier than the sword.

If you don't have a pen a finger will do, the question is: what to write to make the world a better place, and then stomp on it?

Science is fun! Unity is the coefficient of the substitution of division by zero.

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