I got STEEMIT Published and Announced on the Daily Telegraph this morning! Congrats All!
I found away to get Steemit into mainstream media, one of UK's largest media outlets! I formally announced the birth of Steemit in the Daily Telegraph in the UK.
This is dedicated to all the people who have gotten behind this platform - link at the bottom of the post!
It's official Congrats @dan @ned @dantheman
Hahaha Thats brilliant
Thanks @mister-t ! Bit of fun! my bit!
I can tell you it definitely wasn't what I was expecting.
hahaha! Someone had to announce the birth right? @mister-t
Hahahaha I'm still waiting for my cigar!
lets light em up! @andyfx
Genius. I have a FB account that I stopped using about a year ago. I think it is time for an exit post recommending Steemit, and for families to start their own private websites.
@brucemasters !!! Love it.