You Are Either Wong Or About To Make History.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Have you been in a position where everyone tells you are totally wrong?

You are either wrong or about to make some History. I had so many people telling me I was so wrong to invest money in Crypto Currencies, Steem Power in particular. I was called stupid, crazy and ignorant after putting thousands in the market. Thinking very well, the idea we are experiencing right now, I think they were the ones to be very wrong on this one.


The history we can make doesn't necessary has to be in the whole world. We can make history with our families, friends and people we barely know. I believe that as long as we think "BIG" and FEEL it is "POSSIBLE", History can be made if we pay the price.

Paying the price means learning about dedication, education for the future, working harder than ever, accepting criticisms from others, recognizing our mistakes, asking for forgiveness when we're wrong, creating great relationships and friendships, studying for the crypto future, and most importantly, knowing what is going in the world in order for you to make serious decisions in your life.

Based on what you know, that will be the direction your life will take. Build for the future, and forget about the past.
Many blessings to all.

"Build for the future, and forget about the past"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.


i truley agree with you dear i thinks i do those things when i belive in somethings that is really best for us . all the people in the world say different things in one idea people against this idea and say stupit you but we need to secure our future and think about our idea and then do it thanks for this greatful content

you are right dear @javybar i agree with you when all people are againt of your idea but you belive in your idea then you make history . when you belive in something then you do it and make bright future forget your past thanks for this great content .

Very true my friend, thank you for stopping by. I started following you :)

The man is in his choice and he who bears his responsibilities and the work that he does, whether true or false, but listening to the advice of friends and knowledgeable experience will benefit at times
But some things require boldness
The turning of steem power was one of the good things I did

Same here my friend. Listening is KEY in order to success in this market. Keep that up!

@javybar, Absolutely best encouraging quote indeed awesome blog. Totally agree with you. The talents and abilities we use to navigate and provide value to this world define the lives we live and the change we can offer. And by recalling our strengths in the past, we can better recognize our opportunities in the present.

We don't have to be defined by the things we did or didn't do in our past. Some people allow themselves to be controlled by regret. Maybe it's a regret, maybe it's not. It's merely something that happened. Get over it. -Pittacus Lore

Thanks it us most encouraging.

Your contribution is very encouraging my friend. I totally appreciate it.

very true ..when everyone against you and you hold on an idea it's because you believe in it... experiments are made to create history until you take a risk there no chance to create it... good one @javybar

Correct! Staying alive is a risk because we can die at anytime for anything that can happen, so why not keep risking for great ideas. Thank you my friend.

@magoo-1 on duty now.

Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.

You can check report

Buenos dias javybar , como decia mi madre , ese es mi muchacho, eso se llama tener mucho caracter , hacer lo que usted piensa y desea , usted me parece una persona muy inteligente , sus inversiones son decisiones solo suyas , se que analizo su inversion, muy bien.
Yo tambien tengo inversiones , sobre todo en bitcoin, hay que tener paciencia , no desesperarse al ver ese mercado , no apanicarse , este mercado esta muy complicado , hay que seguir informados y mucha calma.

Muy buena inversion en Bitcoin. Sus inversiones se van a triplicar este año, asi que todo con paciencia. Es mejor esto que tenerlo en el banco para que estos ladrones jueguen con nuestros ahorros de mucho trabajo y esfuerzo. Muchas gracias por la vision que tiene de mi. No ha sido facil y pues realmente me he enseñado todo esto yo solo, y comparandolo con otros mercados que yo ya conocia. Esto que estamos viendo, solo es el principio, asi agarrese bien pare ver donde el tren nos lleva. Muchas gracias :)

I'm honestly saying, I'm waiting for your post.
There are some people in our lives who just criticize us, by our mistakes. But I like to criticize because the successful and busy people are criticized in the world. . Thanx for sharing Wonderful post again dear @javybar

Stay blessed

That's excellent motivation post @javybar. Peoples can success life whenever. Whatever past event you focus on, you may need to express the feelings you have associated with the event, whether good or bad, before you can move on. There may be experiences in your past that were hurtful, but there also may be good memories as well. Getting out your pent up emotions, whether good or bad, can help you let go of the past and focus on the present. Thanks and have a nice day.

Awesome! Have a great day as well :)

Hello my friend We are from we will make our fate support them speak someday we will reach what we want and will applaud us all
We have lost our destiny, and forget that the idleness and dependency and the desire to see dream dreams reachable, behind the failure to reach the goal and realize dreams, and since the Lord has distinguished us from the minds of animals and animals, and gave us the freedom to make the decision to think and management and planning, To choose for ourselves what we want and draw the way, it may be fate coupled with our birth and our parents and the land on which we are born or die and bury them not by our hands, but below that within the choices of human beings.
We are the golden generation we are coming forward strongly
I thank you for your continued support. Thank you, Hero. @javybar

Totally agree with you my friend! We are the golden generation we are coming forward strongly. Whatever is coming, we have to be prepared ti handle it in order to gain more freedom in our lives. Thank you very much :)

Excellent post friend and i agree with your thoughts i strongly believe that we have to hear every body but need to do things what our heart says perfect and you do exactly the same thing by putting money in cryptos and i think you made a wise decision and i hope you will see more great results in near future, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us, Stay blessed

Exactly. It is your life and you are hold responsible for your actions. If you made your research and you belief some cryptos are worth it, wouldn't it be unrespectful to yourself if you hear others who say different?

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