
You're the only one trolling me, so I can't really help that, and I'm not really sure what my age, which you have no clue about, has to do with that..but then again I'm not to sure about most the things you say I'm off to bed. Some of us have to work since we have jobs. Having Downs doesn't have to be a disability for you...take control of it, take your medication, build a strong support system for it, and build a nice little life for yourself. It doesn't have to be as bad as what I know it is like...I have a cousin who has a son with Downs, so I'm going to contact her tomorrow and get some advice that hopefully I can give to you to help. After all....its4thekids, which you've made it quite clear that you are

Hey thanks man just don't get trolled for 2 weeks along the way to meeting with your cousin it was fun

I'm not sure what that means, but ok sounds good. I know you've had an obsession with me for a while but it's not healthy, just like trolling isn't healthy...Medication will help. I wish you the best