I guard you during your prayers'...
The man's name is Andrew Greystone. Age 57 years He is associated with a local church in Leveshulam of Manchester, England. After the attack on Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, he has extended his hand in friendship to the British Muslims.
Andrew Greston said, "I got up in the morning to wake up, the New Zealand mosque was attacked. If British Muslims had done such a thing in the Friday prayers, then I would have been surprised to see what would have been terrible. Think about how we can respond to this incident. Are either afraid or responded in such situations with friendship. I decided to go to the local mosque. I wanted to tell them clearly, they are my friends. '
Andrew said he was associated with the local church of Levenshulom. He said that the people of Levenshulam Mishra and many cultures are in the area. But people here will choose the way of friendship. He stood with a placard outside the Medina Mosque and extended his friendship and sympathy to the Muslims here. The placard wrote, 'You are my friend. I will guard you during your prayers. '
Andrew received a good reward for such initiatives He said, 'Everyone welcomed me. At first, some thought, I think no protestor. Later they read placards and saw me smiling as I stood here as their friend. Many have joined hands with me. Someone has sent chicken biryani for me.
Imam Zafar Iqbal of Madinah Mosque said, he saw Andru's emotional activities during prayer. Inhuman devotees welcomed his initiative by clapping. He said, "Most people in the UK are used to showing respect and affection to others. Those who do terrorist activities are a very small part of society. They are bad, they have no religion. '
Twenty-eight-year-old Australian born Brianton Tarant, who shot firing at the Muslims during a Friday prayers at the local time, on Friday at Al Nur Mosque in Christchurch. The second round attack was carried out near the Lynwood mosque. 49 people killed in two mosques attack Of these, 41 people were killed in Al Nur mosque and seven were killed in the Lunwood Mosque.