Who Out There Thinks Steemit Is Worth Their Time? The Value Of This Post Will Tell All.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Personally, I get paid for writing articles and speaking at companies. I have enjoyed making posts but things aren't really too compelling to continue investing time. Plus we have seen a deep decline in the value of cryptocurrency. Time is money the blockchain is forever! What's your time worth? I would love some feedback and insight.


People asked me to share my experiences so I threw up this tonight https://steemit.com/technology/@iot-corp/what-it-is-was-getting-rich-quick-from-wireless-boom-1-0

If really people think they'll make real income out of Steemit without investing their hard money they're living in a Lala land I like it because it separate stuff into sections and you don't have to follow first to see people post it comes into your favorite category I honestly love it

Yeah it is just frustrating when I spend time writing something and it makes .75 cents. At the same time my average LinkedIn post gets 8,000+ views.

Wow that's a lot you must be famous 8k I only have have 1 on LinkedIn and 15 on Facebook sometimes I think I'm dead

something you could do on the side it is best as a long term investment. It is still fairly new.

as the old saying goes 'don't give up your day job' ;) truthfully, right now i don't see any of the newcomers making any real impact monetarily right now unless they're willing as many people have pointed out on other posts substantial funds in buying steem power. most of the upvote power is sequestered with the whales. earning the 'hard way' takes time to build up a base of followers (which include some whales or at least dolphins). sounds like since already you're doing writing and 'talks', why not 'recycle' your previous endeavors here to get some 'traction' and see how things shake out then?

You've been UpVoted via the UpVote Experiment 002 Bot. Depending on my VP & the price of STEEM you should get a $.01-$.03 for your trouble.
Read more about this experiment here.

Thank You - @blueorgy

Earning money requires a lot of hard work. I have seen it personally so I can that if you do not have money to invest then invest your time. Its worth it.

I definitely think it's worth it! More people seem to read my stuff. Except with the influx of new users my voice seems a little more muffled in the white noise of The Borg collective.

I am a week in and already realise it will not make money with serious investment of time. That said I am enjoying the steemit experience, find the right people and you can have some great discussions

I think the only way to make real money on here is to get involved in the different contest and projects on steemit. The payouts have been a bit wack lately. You right time is money and it can be a turn off for most if they put over an hour to put a post together and it only gets a few cents.

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