Slander on Steemit, Don't Do It! Here is Why.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Today I Was Dismayed to See a Post Slandering Someone I Have Huge Respect For.

The post was attacking @GoldSeek (Peter Spina). Here is the article SCAM UPDATE - GoldSneak Revealed!!. The post attacks Peter because not too long ago Peter called the Coeval token (Monkey Capital) a scam after people lost their shirts.

Now I am not here to judge Monkey Capital because frankly I just won't buy their tokens or any token affiliated with the team behind it. This is how free markets work. Once burned, twice shy. Our community is small and word travels fast.

Peter should have not gone after Monkey Capital either. We see the shit storm it has created. I know his intentions were good but now we have drama playing out.

Slander is Never a Good Idea.

Now I know there is a huge temptation to attack others online when you have such a powerful tool like Steemit at your disposal. We have seen Steemit be used in the ugliest ways going back to the flag wars of 2016. It is so sad to see people attacking each other on this platform especially when it slanders a person.


Steemit is unlike other social media channels. Here we are writing on the Steem blockchain and everything we put here is immutable after 7 days.


Imagine you write a piece about someone slandering them. Then two weeks later you realize your statements were false. What are you going to do? On a traditional website you can delete the post but not on Steemit. Your slanderous words are immutable and forever published on the Steem Blockchain. Imagine for a second how damaging that can be to your reputation. Apologizing won't won't help if the words can't be taken back.

@MinnowSupport Upvoting Content Slandering Someone.

I have nothing against the @MinnowSupport team. I am just asking that they pay close attention to the content they are upvoting. Having simple guidelines would go a long way. For example, if a post is being used to slander another user the best thing to do would be to not upvote it. Using such a wonderful community tool like this to attack another user can do no good.

Final Thoughts.

Just don't slander other users. It really is as simple as that. If people are found to be doing something unjust the world will find out. We don't have to use the Steem Blockchain in this way. It will never lead to anything good in the end.


For example, if a post is being used to slander another user the best thing to do would be to not upvote it. Using such a wonderful community tool like this to attack another user can do no good.

Agreed. If there are any issues with upvotes coming from Minnowsupport, please let one of us know. We do not tolerate slander, doxxing, pornography or plagiarism. Contact one of the team on our Discord If we find violations to our terms we remove the upvote.

Update: I have removed the upvote. Please bear in mind our upvote bot is used on average 2000 times a day. We cannot manually check every single one and rely on the community to point out any issues.

Wow, that is an insane amount of upvotes! Thank you for the quick response #HighFive. Your team does an amazing job.

Thank you. We try to reflect the values we would all like to see on Steemit.'re Delusional, the article against Goldseek has WAY MORE UPVOTES!...but as I said you're Delusional. I wonder why STEEMIT would go to the trouble of trying to hide the article when it has WAY MORE UPVOTES than this article?'s because STEEMIT is another Freemason Fraud website.

At our next meeting, we'll be holding back the electric car.

@hilarski Hi. I am one of the Witness's that support MSP. I understand what your saying. I can say though, MSP has over 5000 members now and growing larger everyday. When you have this many users there are always going to be some "bad apples" and I can assure you we have a dedicated team working around the clock to help minimize the scammers, and bad guys and etc..etc..

MSP does have a list of 'Rules' that are for members to follow to keep in accordance with the motto of MSP which is "Piece Abundance & Liberty"

I need to go take a look again on what it says about "slander" and also I will bring this up with admins.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. And I hope you don't hold MSP in a negative light. As we are working very very hard to help minnows on the Steemit platform

No problem, I was just bringing attention to it. You guys do a great job.

Very true..... Good post.

You know even if the data wasn't immutable and we could delete it, what is said cannot be unsaid and what is done cannot be undone. That's just the reality we have to accept. Unfortunately, people(I'm most likely guilty of this too) seem to be a lot more careless with their "tongue" in the cyber space, especially if they are hiding behind an anonymous account.

I agree, anon accounts are difficult to deal with. I prefer real accounts.

nice final toughts. I suggest to just ignore people instead of doing that. There is no need to do such things.

Disgusting how people could do something like this and true to ruin an innocent persons reputation
It seems like they tried to manipulate information to put @GoldSeek in a bad light
I'm happy that we have people like you to prevent this happening and to spread the word

Thank you.

This platform and those like it will change the landscape in many ways.
Great reminder @hilarski, SteemON!

@hilarski, I agree that slander is wrong and has not place on Steemit.

I also to remind people that whatever you write on Steemit is locked in on day #7 after your publish your post.

What I mean is that you can not edit or change your post once it reaches 7 days old and you have received a payout.

So if you slander, demean, or tear down another person, your words will be saved for all to see!

Yup, that is what the post was about. The Steem Blockchain is immutable.

Good moral advice for user on steem platform. Thank you. I hope it would be followed.