An Idea for creating - Premium!- This Steemien's response to spam, plagiarism, vote-begging and follow-digging.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

My Idea:
Creating . . . Premium and why it is necessary:
I don't like member/bots who don't even read my posts and ask for an upvote and a follow.
I can only imagine these members are not serious about producing quality content.
Something has to be done, and this is the answer.

We create premium content within
By setting aside space that requires a level of participation, either through member acceptance, level of steempower, or a refundable deposit to qualify; we effectively cut off poor content.

It's that simple. Problem solved @ned.

Enjoy your Steem. You are welcome.

H. G.

Example: 1)
I pay 10 sbd.
I now can activate a setting that prevents comments from others who do not pay the premium

Example 2) I hold 25 sbd.
I can now comment on others who also hold 25 sbd and above

(Something as small as 25 sbd would block spammers by a large percentage.
Have a look at how much Steem a spammer holds).

A new category titled "Premium" would be added. Where above posts would be seen.

Note: Premium members can still read all posts if they choose "new".
Let the spammers spam each other and see how profitable that is.
If a few spammers or bots get through we can still mute them.


I like this idea. Ironically, your post has 36 votes and 13 views.

I'm just waiting on the spam.

I think this would work.
It is an elegant solution to a messy problem.

Thank you for the reply.

H. G.

Better filtering in anyway would be an improvement to steemit. I am starting to write my own steem browser dapp that will allow people to have more filtering options. So filtering by a user's SP could possibly be an option.

I think another solution to the spam problem is to increase max upvote from 2% to 100%. This removes the requirement of making 50 posts per week to maximize your steem power usage.

I'd happily pay $25 if it helps my content get noticed by actual engaged Steemians like you guys.

Also Google Search behavior shows that people value longer content more.

There is a strong incentive to produce well researched articles because they will climb the rankings.

There is little incentive for newbies to create longer comprehensive content here on Steemit. It encourages a hit and run approach where you content either sinks or floats. Either way you move on and pump out more.

I would like to see a rewards system that encourages more evergreen quality content.

That would let people focus on quality and networking over quantity.

I'm not sure if 100% vote power option is a good idea. It could discourage curation....leading to Steemit influence monopolies.

Frankly, the current system seems to be designed to add numbers to the members' pool.
A kind of get rich quick social media outlet.
If the marketing department of were to drop leaflets on the slums of Mumbi that would accomplish the same thing we are experiencing.

Quality content is quickly vanquished.
I think a premium content space, as opposed to a promoted space, would work.

Getting the message to someone who will support this is the next step.

Thank you for your comment.

Upvoted and followed

H. G.

I would pay that or more to have peers read and enjoy my work....could not agree more....When you have quality it does attract appreciation but there is so much to wade through to reach one nugget....A unoriginal photo or youtube video should not be allowed unless it is supporting or for further research on a topic already thoughtfully rendered.
Great Idea! upvoted and resteemed!

Yes, and the idea of paying a nominal fee is not to be exclusive; but, to erase the impact of the spammers and bots who are not going to add anything to the community.

exactly...however my heart does tug at times regarding some of these folks and how far a dollar goes...can not blame them...The whole Christian heart and loving others...when I was hungry you fed me...when I was naked you clothed me. What you do to any of these you do to me. Paraphrased obviously. It is hard...maybe that is who i should be upvoting ...
Blessings to you and yours,
Melissa has a way of bringing the deserving to the attention of many when it is necessary.

good point ..your post did help me re-focus a bit on what is important..a balance ..sending love your way! following ... hope I can contribute something back to you from my bolg

First off let me start by saying I agree with you that some things most surely should be changed. With that said, I am most definitely a newbie - about a week now, and will proudly say I am one of the "follow diggers" mentioned in your title. I figured out almost immediately that the odds of having a post noticed through all the noise was almost nill. My logic is to gather a following, then promote my writing directly. The fact is, and I have said this in another comment, it is almost impossible to filter through all the spam to get to quality content - not sure if my writing will qualify as "quality" but i'm trying, and I guess time will tell... I don't believe the "pay to play" approach is the best way forward and could possibly lead to the death of the platform. A simpler, straight forward approach would be to dramatically reduce the use of bots, and to make the curation rewards a higher percentage of the overall pot than what is currently allocated - (currently there is very little incentive for anyone to spend time sorting through it all and actually curating) the quality would dramatically increase almost immediately... Just my opinion - and as I always say "Your gonna have to make up your own dam mind"... Steem On... :)

Thank you @drdave. This is a very thoughtful reply. I should qualify that most of the spam is simply "Follow me and I'll follow you," With out the poster reading the content, This certainly is not the case with you.
As a newbie, Welcome. And here is the difference you I would upvote and follow because you bring value to the conversation. I hope you enjoy your adventure.

Upvoted and followed.

H. G.

Thanks... I look forward to reading your future posts... Upvoted, Followed, Resteemed... Steem on...

Spot on, drdave. I said the same thing here.
(Past payout)

I read "The seed of self-upvoting....". You said it much better than I ever could - curation is the best way to ensure quality ... I would go as far as to create something similar to the "witnesses" for the sole purpose of "curating" posts. Make it broad enough to prevent cliques from forming, and specific enough to eliminate all the "noise"... Details Coming Soon...

Agreed. I'm having trouble getting my work noticed and with all the effort I put, it kinda sucks to have no one really read it. Something definitely needs to be done about visibility and genuine interaction

There seem to be hundreds of posts that have little value flooding the "new" feed.
And many, myself included, do not have the time or the will to see plagiarised articles, stolen images and the same introduction asking for more followers and upvotes.
I want to see quality content and to be shown quality content. Then I will happily upvote and resteem. As a result, gains /holds value.

Thank for your comment.
Upvoted and followed.

H. G.

You're absolutely right... Thanks for your time.. following you too :)

i agree sir

I can agree that the bots are very annoying. Some of my posts get 30-40 upvotes but only 5-10 actual views. The upvotes are from newly created accounts with no posts/followers/following. Something does need to be done about it

We have had a flood of new members who are gaming the system. We as engaged members need to take the bull by the horns and take action; rising above the crowd.

Followed and upvoted.
Thank you, for your reply.

Much appreciated. I assume it's due to ignorance of how Steemit works (different from all other social media sites new users are coming from) , rather than malevolence . The good thing is that we can change this with language.

Care to elaborate ? I did't fully understood . I see that the domain is parked , did you code the website already or will be a future project ?

I see many posts on highlighting the problem. I focused on creating a solution; thus, the idea really just came together by answering comments.
The next step is to place this in front of a someone who can integrate it into the codes.
Thank you for your reply.

Yeah it is definitely annoying seeing the increasing amount of spam on steem. I think over time people will realize that spam doesn't pay dividends though. If we are all active and curate good posts while flagging the garbage, that will take care of a lot of the issues on here. Good idea though, would be interested to see how you would implement it

I think that proactively we Steemians need to cut our selves off from the 'noise' so to speak.
The noise will eventually die out.

Upvoted and followed.

I go through the new page several times a day looking for quality content... exactly how I found your post. I also find A LOT of garbage posts, so sometimes I leave a comment and tell people how to create better and more engaging posts in hopes they really want to help/be successful on steem.

I am glad you are doing what you can to try and clean up the garbage around here, I think there are different ways to achieve the same goal. But either way if we don't fix this problem now, the garbage will be overwhelming as more users come to the platform .

It would have to be a 'grass-roots' campaign to ask the developers to code premium content
and we would still have our favorites and followers, but, spammer and the like would not be able to comment on our posts.
In fact, I would happily put up a deposit to prevent spammers from commenting on my posts. And unless I specifically follow someone, then they would either to have the same deposit or level of steem power in their wallet in order to leave a comment. Something as small as 25 sbd would cut spammers by a large percent. Have a look at how much Steem a spammer holds.

agreed. also followed, looking forward to your future posts

I like your direction, came to the same conclusion. We can only improve the content. Thanks @henry-gant.

Thank you @lifemovedbysteem.
It's still early in the life of Steem. I'm sure that improvements are ever developing.

upvoted and followed.

So far I am loving the platform.

so am i and i have fate that through cummunicating this platform will be ever evolving. excited to be part of the process anyway :)

it is a good idea - i want to be part of something without bots and beggars

We need to repeat these ideas until they catch on.

Upvoted and followed.

I'm new, but i see what you mean, i was wondering how come a comment on my post gets more upvotes than the number of views my post has.

Automated voting bots. I don't know how they work.

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