How I became a MILLIONAIRE in 9 days on Steemit. You read that right.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Within 9 days of signing up for Steemit, I have become a millionaire! Do you want to know how?

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When I first joined Steemit, everything was new to me and I was overwhelmed.

So much so that I almost gave up. I spent hours trying to figure out how everything works in here but it was seeming as though this might not be the place for me.

Good thing I didn't give up because only about a week and a half in, and I'm already sitting pretty at over a MILLION from this platform alone.

"But @heart-to-heart, we don't care, we just want to know how you did it!"
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Just kidding, I'm a lover, not a fighter but please just hear me out my impatient friends! 💜

Quick and easy is not how you make a million dollars!

It takes time, commitment, dedication... so let's talk about how I made all of this happen.

First of all, if you haven't heard of what we lovingly refer to as "MSP" go on over here @minnowsupport and check it out.

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It's a home for drifters, new to the waters to get them settled in, train them up a bit and release them to the wild ocean it is with all the information they need to succeed and spread more life into this beautiful Steemit community!
Right, @agrroed?

If you're feeling especially up for a good time, pop on over here to the PAL Network and see what everyone is getting up to.

It's promised to be a few laughs, some info and a breeding ground of fellow minnows to befriend!

You can even get your posts upvoted if you're into that kind of thing!

But word to the wise- be respectful and follow the rules of the waters or risk banishment by @gmuxx 😉

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You can also find your new bestfriend MSP over on It's friendly, go say hi!

Don't forget to use the #minnowsupport tag in your posts! This is your new life-raft now! Stay a float!


Now that you have joined MSP and are helping the community help each other, make some friends! I know it can be a strange concept in this funny world of ours, but say 'hello!' Send a virtue hug! Tell them you liked their work! Give them some love.

This platform is all about community and if there is anything I have learned on here that is worth sharing, it's that.

Remember this isn't your other social media accounts... this is a community site where if we encourage and support each other, we all succeed.

We're all in this together. Spread the love, the upvotes and your words of wisdom and you shall gather many a friend on here.

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Be kind, be support and encourage your fellow Steemians. They are putting their hearts out there as well- acknowledge that, spread the love, help the community grow!

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I have been fortunate enough to connect with some genuinely authentic people with similar interests, dreams and goals as myself. We've been able to motivate each other and support each other creatively, it's been a loving, heart-opening experience for me. I hope the same can happen for you!


If you're asking that, you're not getting it yet.

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I write about what matters to me, what I believe in, what I love and what comes from my heart.

I only know how to be me, and being me is what I am best at, so that's who I am, that's all I can be and that's how I am able to connect with people on here or anywhere. Be you, too.

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So let's recap:

1. Join MSP @minnowsupport, Discord and [Chat}(

2. Engage and support the community 💜

3. Be yourself (nobody does it better than you!)

Got it?

That's my top secret recipe boiled down for you- use it however you will but always with heart.

Now if you've made it this far... I really need to commend you on your commitment.

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The secret to my positive experience on Steemit is the above formula, it helped me earn over A MILLION in less than 2 weeks.

OK, OK, I will tell you how:

Are you ready for it?

1 Indonesian Rupiah equals 0.000075 US Dollar OR 1 US Dollar equals 13395.00 Indonesian Rupiah

(I live in Indonesia, therefore, I am a MILLIONAIRE)

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I hope your heart is filled enough to see the humour in this!

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I mean, I am feeling like a rockstar with all these big bills.

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While it's true that Steemit has made me a millionaire... it's actually done more than that for me.

What I have gained here is priceless.

As I mentioned earlier, I have gained truly authentic relationships here which I was lacking in my life prior. I have found a place where I can read, discuss and share my interests with other community members!

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I've learned about community and taking care of one another by being involved in initiatives such as MSP. I am helping other minnows, newbies like myself get a head start.

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I've learned to face some of my biggest fears and have been incredibly supported in doing so, all within under 2 weeks of being here.

Finally, Steemit has provided for me a home to place my thoughts, idea and creativity. My stories are being shared and you have all been supporting me and encouraging me! It brings me happiness to my inner core to hear your positive comments when I share my heart with you.

There are many things money can't buy so no matter how you look at it, Steemit has made me rich and I am so thankful to be part of this community!



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You got me alright! Haha.

Happy I could make you smile today!
@heart-to-heart 💜

how did you make a million?

Read the post silly! I told you in the story :)

Thats not a good reply dear

The whole point of my post was to spread awareness and help about how to be successful on here, if I just tell him the punchline, he will have missed the point, and that is no fun now, is it. :)

It was the perfect reply. Yours on the other hand...

Hey @lawrenceho84 :) Thanks for reading this, a catchy title is one of the best ways for your content to be seen... I just happened to wake up a millionaire yesterday and wanted to share with you! Hope you enjoyed the message within, and that you have a great day!

ikr- you could make your second million doing online marketing !

Haha well I wouldn't complain about another mill in the bank ;)
@heart-to-heart 💜

It's pretty clear she wasn't literal. Click bait isn't this my friend

its just a way to grab attention and i have to agreed it really grab my attention.

I bet most people can't help clicking on it with this type of title. Nice job. But fully agree to support the community and support each other. You gave me some good laugh. Thank

Love that it made you laugh @susanli3769 :) I think community is what makes it different here and am really excited to see the future of steemit because of that!
Keep smiling :)
@heart-to-heart 💜

Can't believe I fell for it, lol.

Lol happy to bring a smile to your day :)
@heart-to-heart 💜

Haha! I knew something wasn't right. Congrats on making a mil.

Haha thanks so much :) I love hearing that, it sounds so fancy ;)
@heart-to-heart 💜

omg! haha this was brilliant clickbait. Pleasure reading it, and certainly warranted a follow from me ;)

Hey @burnafterreading thanks for reading! Please don't burn it ;)
Happy you enjoyed it! Hope you had a wonderful day!
@heart-to-heart 💜

This is incredible to read that someone became millionaire in just 9 days but i dont understand if it is a potential one or the real one. Your insights on different services such as minnowsupport and pal are cool and the idea of using steemit chat and other platforms to our use is worth giving a chance. Overall a great post without doubt.

I think anything is possible if you put your mind to it! It's all about the attitude and dedication you're willing to put in :) I'm happy to hear you're going to get involved in the groups!
Hopefully we can all be millionaires in whatever way that means to us!
@heart-to-heart 💜

lol dick move

Aww but it was friendly and caused you to smile :)
@heart-to-heart 💜

Clickbait title - Check
Overabundance of memes and animations - Check
Ultimately discussing your love of the Steemit community - Check.

Ya, you'll do just fine here.

You forgot attractive. Never forget that one!


Ugly people only have their content to help them build an audience. They are doomed.

The compliments here are going to my head ;)
Thanks for the support guys, I'm happy to have a place to share my creativity!

Have a great day!
@heart-to-heart 💜

I've done some research ;)
Thanks for the welcome @somethingsubtle! Hope you have an awesome day!
@heart-to-heart 💜

Nice heart-to-heart hmm very Intresting Posts wao fabulos

Thanks @nikki66,
Had a blast writing it, hope you have a lovely day!
@heart-to-heart 💜

Aren't we all millionaires :P

It all depends on our outlooks, I feel like a millionaire in more ways than one :)
@heart-to-heart 💜

Had to give you the 100% upvote on this one! Great positive blog that made me laugh out loud. We loved our Honeymoon to Bali and definitely felt rich when we were there, but more than financially, rich with love and the kindness of the people we met there! We still get messages at Christmas from our driver friend. Keep it up!! Great blog post :)

If you are interested read about our trip here:

Thanks @breshepard! You said it! That's how I feel too here and why I decided to make it home. :) It's a beautiful place, I will have to take a look at your experience :) I love hearing how other people got on while visiting!

@heart-to-heart 💜

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