Hi dear @minnowhelper
I sent you 2 SBD before 9 day ago with 6 days old link but I didn't get your upvote. And told refund but you did'nt refund
Pleas refund
Hi dear @minnowhelper
I sent you 2 SBD before 9 day ago with 6 days old link but I didn't get your upvote. And told refund but you did'nt refund
Pleas refund
Before sending a transfer to @minnowhelper, verify that your publication meets these conditions (http://www.minnowhelper.com/conditions.html). After the transfer is made, no claims will be received.
Users who request help with technical problems in our publications will be ignored and in repeated cases will be placed on the blacklist. If you need help, contact us through Slack Chat.

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I made a mistake and sent 0.50 sbd to minnwobooster, instead of minnowhelper, it was my mistake though, so I expect nothing in return, lesson learnt, the hard way.
you can contact the minnowbooster technical service at https://www.minnowbooster.net/
OK I will try that, thank you very much.
Refund me my 2SBD @minnowhelper
All robots if did'nt upvoted Refunded SBd
But you No
I did not violate any condition 😏