If you don’t want to fail on Steemit. Stop doing these things! 🚫🚫🚫

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have been a Steemian for 5 months. Not a long time. I’m still a newbie and just plankton in Steemit. I don’t know how to get success in this platform because I have not succeeded yet, but I have been here long enough to know for sure what will make you fail. I write this post to give you a frankly advice: Stop doing the things bellow.


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Comment as abusing

Like any social network else, we keep posting on Steemit but most of us doesn’t know or meet each other in person. So, when you are still a new one, how to engage with the community where you don’t even know anyone? The only one way is commenting. We use comment to share about our thinking, opinion, discuss about some point of view, issues and after that getting to know each other. That is way to get engagement, follower and then upvoter.

That sounds really good. Commenting is seen as a great method to start in this platform, right? But what are you doing with commenting. It is great way to connect with others but not for abusing.

When I write something and post on Steemit. I show my own self, tell my personal stories. I want to use my post to connect with people and really wish for someone will read it. I share and I need to be shared too. I love to communicate and discuss with people. I would like to read comment which is a proof that they did read my post and really do understand what I share. With someone like that, I’m always willing to take a look in their blog to know who they are, follow them to keep being in touch and support them too.

But this is what I have read in my post recently.

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I don’t even know what he was saying in his own English but I know what he meant. I tried to give him advice but it seemed to not work well. I gave up responding.

Begging to get upvote

As I said, I just a plankton in this platform. I am not a whale or dolphin but I’m pretty sure that begging is the most unlikely to get upvote.
“Plzz upvote me”
“Plz check my blog”

Begging by commenting, begging by sending message, so on. I don’t know why. I wonder if they really think it works. Seriously???. How can they think that Whale or Dolphin will give them some pity upvote because of their begging? They don’t even care. With me, begging is the worst thing. When I joined in Steemit in the first time, even though I saw my posts was dying with pay out is 0$, I had never brought my post links to anywhere, anyone to spam “plz upvote me”. Why you make yourself so small? And it doesn’t even work. Stop being a beggar.

Acting like I owe you something

Recently, I have received some comment and msg such as: “I upvoted you. Upvote me back”; “I always upvote you, but why don’t you upvote me?” Come one. You go to my post, skip my content and scroll down quickly to comment, and your comment is just about upvoting exchange. It is not what I’m looking forward. And it is not good manner either. There is no guarantee about if you upvote someone, they will upvote you back. So don’t claim for upvoting as an exchange while you don’t even have a deal with them.

If you are out of patience, you can pretend that you care me, care about my post as well, then mention aimlessly about upvote. I’m smart enough to know what you want and still ok with it. But if you just come in and all you leave in my post is “upvote me back”. Plzz. I don’t owe you. Get out.

I always repay someones who keep supporting me loyally. I know how to show my appreciation, I upvoting them in return for their kindness without any request from them. I also try to get closer with whale and dolphin by commenting their post to make them gradually realize who I am, upvoting their posts to make them know that I keep supporting them. But I have never left a comment “upvote me back” in their post. They don’t have obligation to return anything for me. No one has that obligation. Keep supporting them or not. That is up to you. Please don’t show clearly that you are taking advantage of them even though actually you are.

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I hope he was able to pretend that he did read my post too.

You dont want to fail here, do you? So stop doing it!

I left Facebook, Instagram,.. to come in Steemit. With me it is a great opportunity. I can get reward for spending my time on it. I can earn money by doing something I love the most is writing. Steemit open for me a big chance to discuss, communicate and share with people over the world. I don’t like what people are doing – making it worse, making it become an exchange just for money but not any real value which is considered as a foundation for development of Steemit. We can gain more things if we work together, support and help each other, but not in this wrong way.

Contributing good content, telling your own story, making effort and trying to connect with others. Don’t let money control you to be a spammer, abuse-er, beggar. Steemit doesn’t charge us anything to upvote each other (just about voting power to avoid abusing), but if you keep doing stupid things like this, you may not get any because you are annoying, you don’t even know how to behave yourself. Don’t make others not even want to upvote you even though it is free.



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By: @hanggggbeeee


This is a thought provoking post. I am a new user and I agree with your points regarding spam commenting and spam post. Steemit platform is full of it. I must confess I am guilty of this myself sometimes. But the real question we should ask is why people are doing it? Let me address in a few points:

  1. You started in Sep 2017, I started in Jan 2018; you know this already how incredibly hard it is to get a upvote or comment. Most people are doing it for the money (read easy money) and the system rewards for spam (read volume, not quality) at least to some extent;

  2. I got to be careful with the next comment here; but the reward system is very much pyramid like and it is rainbows and unicorn at the top and fairly dark and depressing at the bottom;

  3. Don't get me wrong, I think this platform is a wonderful concept but it is so hard to keep it clean; just think of Facebook and Twitter in terms of content; there is still great content there, but man ...the junk you have to deal with! 4) Many people here are not writers (including me) they just suddenly found out writing pays, commenting pays! Bingo!
    I personally stumbled into steemit following a youtuber who I follow regularly. I am here for the content. I am finding excellent content here. But we all must actively flight the junk.

PS. I will self up vote this comment, but is it the right thing to do?

I got your points. Let me share u somethings

  1. I dont know how hard it is now but when I joined in steemit. I also had a hard time. It was around 2 months. I got nothing. In that time, I tried to connect by commenting with someone same level, reputation with me. It would be easier than trying to make relationship with dolphin or whale right away in the first time. I didnt spam or beg anyone. I made good relationship with just commenting. Now when i get 60 reputation. Someones was same level with me before now also become minnow or dolphin. Network needs time to grow. U started in Jan 2018. Now just Feb. U should be patient a bit. 😉
  2. I agree with u about it. That is why the first time is always hard with everyone. u need to strive to escape that dark part. Once u escape. You will be totally bright.
  3. Facebook and instagram. Those are trash. In my opinion, They dont pay any. So they cant ask for quality content overthere. But with steemit. Steemit is giving us reward which is much more better than what we deserve. So we need to repay by being responsible with this platform. Dont ruin it with our greed. It is really hard to keep it clean. But not impossible if everyone against spam and abusing. We can upvote and downvote too.
  4. This platform is so amazing because it is a great opportunity for everyone with every kind of ability. Not just writing. You can post photo with stepshot, video with dtube, streaming with dlive, singing with dsound. Of course, with any form, it must be quality. Not crap.

P.s: it is totally fine if u think your comment deserve a vote. ^^ I vote u too. For your points 😉

hanggggbeeee; thank you for the reply. I am totally patient with this platform. I am actually more interested in the content and technology that this platform offers than the money side of it. I mostly write about trading which I have been doing off and on for some time now as a hobby mostly.
I wish if I could design a filter about content, a proper human induced filter as opposed to a bot, then we can filter a whole lot of it.
By largest concern outside of the general degradation of the content by spam/poor content is the potential fight back from Facebook and Google/Youtube. When 10-20% of the YouTube content creators leave YouTube for whatever reason and move to Steemit with their viewer, that will hit their bottom-line directly. 20% of YouTube Ad revenue is a very large number. YouTube will do anything in their power to protect their interest. They will probably fail, but I bet they will try very hard.

You go to my post, skip my content and scroll down quickly to comment, and your comment is just about upvoting exchange.

This. I just started a week ago, to really use steemit actively, but this is something, which I was aware of quite fast. There are so many people just begging all over the place instead of delivering high-quality content. Sure, with some of my posts I got lucky so far and received a decent amount of attention after only a short time, but I think (or hope), that's mainly because I was able to post something valuable.
Even if I write something, which takes me several hours to finish and don't get much out of it - it's still alright, because I've a passion for writing and education. It's never a waste of time, even if you don't get money out of it and I think, it should never be the main purpose of writing at all.
Just do, what you love to do, keep on in delivering good content and success will come almost inevitably at some point. Therefore, I'd agree with your claims :)

I see myself in your comment. Feel like your comment was writen by me lol.
Anyway, Steemit gives us reward which is much more better than what we deserve. Even with a few cents. If we post it in facebook or instagram,.. who gonna give us that a few cents? As someone said that keep following your passion. Success will follow you. It may not be true but sounds inspiring. Right? :))

Well, that's because, we probably share a similar mindset here :)

When I discovered Steemit, I was like "wait, I've written so much on my Facebook page and only ever got some attention for it - now I can still write, get attention and eventually make some money - that's amazing :D
But some people tend to be really annyoing because of that - today I received an invite from a random guy on Facebook, who begged me to follow and upvote him. Nope. Definitely not gonna happen. I'm honestly asking myself, if people have no shame anymore.

But how can I not do stupid things if I am a stupid person. That would go against my nature.

haha you are really something else

he made me change my tittle right away. lol. I dont want to be too harsh.

your comment makes me think a bit about it. so i decide to edit it. i dont want to against nature. :)))

bro... I'm with you there... this is my first day on steem and already i see a bunch of spam comments. its like everyone is playing a roll of goody too shoes.

but check it out. this kind of culture is going to be built-in to this very platform i believe. because it is a system based around money... everyone sees the dollar signs and trys posting something or commenting something just to rake in a few extra bucks... as long as that dollar amount is visible right underneath every post (including this one) i think this type of behavior with have a prolonged existence here.


you are totally right. because it relates tightly, deeply with money. so absolutely people will care about money. but we should know what is best way to earn. those things I mentioned above, dont even work.
be wiser to create relationship here and then they will be able to earn more.

of course i agree with that. but heres the thing... for every 1 person who is actually trying to help the community and the platform grow there are like 10 more who just download clips from youtube and post it up here to get some money. (which i have seen done.) i just hope that those types of things get weeded out eventually.

They can do that to earn a few cents. But they cant do it for a long term. They will be nothing if keep doing it. We choose harder path to build our blog, it will be hard in first time since we need to spend a lot of time. But it will pay off. We tell our own personal stories, provide original content, show ourselves in our blog. The “real” person will be able to engage with people. People want to connect with real things. Not with a fake or copy. ^^ keep doing your work. Dont care about them and dont follow them

i noooo seriously lol tell me about it I'm still stuck at 25 rep... i have my intro movie all set and done but I'm worried it won't get anywhere with this rep level so I'm holding back on the upload lol.

I appreciate you contributing to the greater good of the Steemit community. Looking like you are on your way to making yourself into at least a dolphin and who knows maybe whale status is right around the corner for you. I always regard those who ask for upvotes and follows to be unworthy of my attention and that they will get what they deserve without me having to worry about it. I am also a newb to Steemit so I can only imagine how this can be agitating. All the best to you.

I still a plankton tho. :)))) there are a lot of things I need to learn more in Steemit. I know with newbie, they may not mean to be annoying. they may just want to succeed. But they do it in the wrong way. And with a bit experience i have in this platform. I want to share it. all of us always need to keep learning.

I like your post because it is true , to the point and from the heart without BS. I read your post yesterday about marriage. Did not comment wanted to see more from you. and now I have. with my respects to your insights

oh. thank you for supporting me. Hope u have great time here. ^^

Thank you! This is really helpful for me as a newbie to start steem it.

Yeah your right i really hate people beg for an upvote. Im still a newbee here on steemit and i think your tips would help me alot.. your also right that when commenting it should be a learning our your idea of what you read in the article not just saying like "thanks for this post." Im new here on steemit but i use commenting to earn.. because the article that i made doesn't earn a single cent.. need to communicate to other people first and make friends so they can check my blog. Thank you, looking forward for your next article. :')

I took a look in your blog. you seem to tend to post with stepshot. i think u should put more content to get more follower because the way to connect is showing yourself. then people have something to comment about it. ^^.

Yeah i was busy on my studies and only have a short time on doing long post. But i appreciate your help @hangggbeeee any tips on how to gain more followers?

I think only one tip to get follower is commenting. Hahaa. Just go and comment a lot. Especially find posts in some tag which u tend to post in. Because u will have common things with them and it will be quite easy to make relationship.

Thanks for sharing this girl! It does annoy me to see some of the examples you pointed out. I do believe eventually people are gonna learn how to behave accordingly and focus more on giving value to fellow Steemians because they'll eventually know its the best way to do it, not begging for value that most people do. Keep up the great work and more power to you!

I total agree with your views on this @hangggbeeee, spamming is not the way to go. I actually blogged about how to get noticed for minnows on post interaction.

@hanggggbeeee, I encourage you to flag this spammers, if you don't like it. That should keep them away from spamming your blogs. cheers

i have just taken a look. you are on the right way. keep it on ^^

Just saw your other post about @newhope, great to know he/she did send back your steem. :)

yea. i'm still happy now. lol

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