Tips Intelligence Quotient children can increase or increase well
Tips Intelligence Quotient children can increase or increase well
Humans in essence have an Intelligenc Quotient IQ value of around 100-120 but half a percent of the human population has an IQ of around 140 and they are people who have advantages in thinking. but human IQ will not be able to change throughout his life.
Some scientists say that human IQ can increase in value and that value will change when humans experience a period of rejuvenation or adolescence. about 75 percent of a person's IQ is determined by genetic factors, and the rest by environmental factors such as education and one's association so that ups and downs also depend on humans themselves.
When humans experience physical changes from children to adults, they are very vulnerable to change so they are classified as still in an unstable period. In this phase, a child's IQ can be increased by:
a. Increase the level of interaction speaking to the interlocutor such as parents, friends and close relatives so that children are active in thinking to express their opinions or questions that they want to convey.
b. Hone children's logic in terms of simple games so that children can think about how to use the toy so that IQ can increase by itself.
c. Teach children to read and write so that their memory of reading and writing makes children's intelligence increase.
d. Train children to tell in their lives what children see and experience while playing so that they can express their memories into stories.
e. Teach children to solve problems by practicing games such as puzzles, matching pictures or objects.
Hopefully the children we teach this make their IQ increase.