BAN THE BOTS! No pictures.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

This post will be short and succinct. In a community made up of creative 'people' who aid each other by upvoting quality, isn't using bots just another extension of upvoting oneself? Is it just me that thinks that this behaviour is not the best in relation to sharing. The amount of Steem Dollars that you get to allocate to others is not, in my opinion, there for you to upvote yourself with and then use bots to add to this. This just turns it into a race and the greedier people will get there quicker. That sounds too much like centralised philosophy to me. It just doesn't feel right.

Look at my posts, from the very first one. let me give you a figure - $0.07. That is what my first twelve posts received. Did this put me off? No, not at all. I accepted, from the beginning, that this was a long process and you might not make anything, but by creating posts, commenting and upvoting, things have developed and you become a part of the community very quickly.

I see it like this. Steemit is a whole lot more than just a blog site. It isn't a quick buck concept. It is something special and that is why I am creating this post and it is why I do not need to be policed or coersed into doing something that my common-sense, unselfish, long-term self can see is simply a positive thing for the growth of Steemit. It's a sad affair that people are taking advantage of Steemit, just because certain things are not in place or because the 'opportunity' is there.

I am not comfortable with upvoting oneself. The curator rewards are for those that have spent the time trawling through the plagiarised and other quality posts, not to reward ourselves more than we deserve, which by definition, it is infinitely so, due to the nature of how upvoting is meant to work. It feels like a trust has been betrayed, somehow.

I am not comfortable with the use of bots. They usurp from the communal pool and I feel that Steemit would be a more productive and interactive place without them. I have seen posts where there are three or four comments and nine or ten bot comments. This to me doesn't sit well. Why are we being creative at all if we can just use bots to pump up our wallets? To me, the idea, or the root of it, lies in creating quality, original content that you hope will be appreciated enough to be upvoted, or interesting enough to be appreciated. We also reward posts that reciprocate or vibrate correctly with us.

I am pretty much laying my hand bare here and hopefully we can have a good discussion on this matter and maybe even bring about some suggestions or changes that would benefit the healthy longevity of Steemit and protect it's interests. I am not asking for any benefits here, but instead want Steemit to be what I see it to be - a community of creative folk who enjoy and support each others' posts and comments.

Thank you for reading this and I apologise that there are no pictures, but I didn't want to dress this up or dilute the message. It's a genuine issue, I feel and I don't think that we need to keep taking like we do, as Steemit is something special that we ought to be nurturing and policing to ensure that our community is protected and grows in the right direction, with the right people at the helm, who have made it there through their input, work and likeability, and not from the pseudo-help of a bot. If you use a bot, you are a bot.

Please let me know what you think and I am more than happy to try to elucidate further, should it be required and if you feel that I am missing something, please let me know as I would not want to fail in addressing that.

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you.

Thank you.


Similar concern already highlighted yesterday. It is just a patience game here. B in yourself, bots r just gambling tool to earn quick bucks. And shortcuts are not best way to keep simple as it is.

Hi @steemflow,

Aye, I am sure it must have been highlighted before. I am hoping that in time, the bots will fade away, but that's wishful thinking and I see removing the option to upvote yourself as the only resolve to that issue. I am not sure why the option is there to start with.

Thanks for the comment and yes, patience is a virtue :)

All the best.

Indeed yes....Followed you! :)

I'm new to the whole business of how steemit works. Seems simple enough. I see something I like, I upvote. Still working up to it to put some decent content up myself. But to your topic seems to make sense that bots and self voting should not even be allowed. I am just guessing that taking away that would shock the community and ability to pump up earnings.

Hi @potplucker,

Yes, it seems to me that the shift into removing upvoting the self and using bots is not possible, due to the amount of selfish, greedy and impetuous folk who would protest, but they would be protesting against a move towards a much healthier commnity of creative and appreciative people and credit would be given more to those that create quality posts and not so much to the plagiarists, thieves and the copy and pasters.

I really don't understand how upvoting can be seen as something conducive to a better community, but then there's a lot of things in the word that I don't understand, based upon the behaviour/s of people.

the amount voting bots take from the reward pool is minimal to the high users who selfvote and vote each other and if used late are a means to pay those who voted early more curation rewards as opposed to how for they are advertised to add visibility to posts and should be used early,this isn't accurate and would need to spend $30+ for most listed tags to be seen for a short period and also gives high sp voting bots a significant portion of rewards.

also the amount of automated voting is more of an issue to bots as can be used easily to take free votes regardless of quality of content.

ideally if steemit worked to give value to high quality content by any user and not based on amount invested,or whatever vote group are a part of would see continuous growth and that high quality content creators from other sites trying to join the platform

Hi @isacoin,

I agree that a more balanced system could be put in place. If there was not a level playing field, then an incentive for whales to upvote minnows, no upvoting the self and a way to remove those that have no interest in Steemit, but just try to draw what they can from it, usually in the form of laziness, via plagiarised content or uncredited or unlinked stolen work in the form of vieos, normally from YouTube. You should only be able to share videos created by yourself.

I also feel that if something isn't done to change these glaring errors, then Steemit may well degenerate into something a lot less attractive to those with a creative angle. We are not stupid and we are investing our time, energy and cretivity into Steemit, and we are not doing it just for some arsehole to constantly draw money from the communal pot, which we all build, to make themselves fatter. It reminds me too much of that which Steemit professes not to be.

I agree that Steemit would be more attractive to the creative onlookers if it were tweaked a little and I find it hard to sell the idea to people, when I have to explain the upvoting problem. I wonder what the reason for self-upvoting being there is?

yes but current high users who benefit from these actions wouldn't support themselves losing out in the short term.

On plagiarized content until outside laws are developed for incentivesed platforms mainly crypo based,high users who run spam bots and users who post YouTube videos will continue unchecked.

Its funny because their actions are similar to what happened with the global finical crisis with those with more wealth being granted funds at the expense of the everybody else and the economy as a whole.

devaluing their own investment by centralizing income gains and not supporting new users that regularly produce high quality content.

The content creators are what give value to steem not the ability to vote.

I doubt they will ever change the system to stop this as those users who do like this think the gains they receive shouldn't be effected as they are invested so much and believe the votes they give themselves and each other are profits from investment even though the bring down the overall value by doing so.

I believe the self-voting is a means to give investors some profit from their investment.

Excellent post my friend. I've heard both sides of the story and they both can have some validity depending on point of view.
Having tried a couple curation bots left me feeling disappointed on many counts and stopped. While my vote wasn't worth much, I still wanted to do it personally and purposefully.
Just the other night tried a few SBD for upvotes, with mixed feelings.
Never having heard of a con, in this department I appreciate you mentioning it. I'll chew on it for a bit before commenting.
On a side note, check you chip balance to play poker, I'm a few short to play the 30 SBD Team play today. @bigpchef passed a few to me @ sit and go but I blew the math and still 5 short LOL.

Hi Cody.

Sorry for the late reply, but I thought I already had, but I think we were chatting in poker chat at the time, so I must have gotten confused. I have read accounts of peole using bots and receiving less than they invested in them and sometimes nothing at all. This doesn't paint a very good general picture of bots and collectively are detracting, rather than adding value to Steemit.

Upvoting oneself is an extremely bad habit, in my opinion and using bots is extremely bad practice as well.

Sorry I missed the message in time to help with the tourney entry. I'm sure you made it :). Catch you on the tables, brother.

I'm still not getting a chip top up, but not sure when I did last. Playing too much maybe hehe.
I feel the same about bots. Not it the spirit of steemit, which is about human interaction not who can run the best program to profit from.

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