
You just did respond, but I had no intention of making any sort of threat. I apologize, if it came across that way. This whole mess just has me all turned up-side-down.

You have your facts all mixed up, though, @guiltyparties. I have the text with the timestamp. It wasn't Easter at all, less than half that time and most of it was wasted on your insisting on telling me how to do tags, which had nothing to do with the issue.

It was Friday when we had our text conversation not today, Easter. It started from 12:44 PM EST. Because you hadn't read this post or any of my replies to any of the 6 posts and didn't want to speak by voice, I had to text to you the whole story all over again, which took some time. Then you spent time complaining about other issues you have had with other cases during the week, to explain why you let me fall through the cracks.

At 13:08 you asked for 10 minutes to do something else and then left me hanging for 16 minutes. You just kept insisting on the tags every time I would try to get back on point. The main issue of mine was on the one of the posts that you couldn't any longer fix, because you never ever followed up in time. I said I would have to repost it and you told me if I did, I may have this happen again for plagiarizing myself. Imagine how that burned in my gut. I then asked about how to best proceed going forward with photos I own the copyright to.

You said the best way to stop so many members from reporting to steemcleaners when I use my own pics normally, is to find another site, (ANY SITE) where a picture which I have full legal rights to happens to be on (even if it is stolen from me) and place a link to that site as source. This was essentially encouraging the exact thing that @steemcleaners was supposedly intended to stop. Now think about that for a minute. This is about as insane as it gets. Don't you think; or do you still not see that?

Then after 2 fairly sleepless nights with all this going over and over in my mind, when I found that you completely forgot to remove my links from your blacklist post, that you posted AFTER I created this original post above, it got me burning in anger. So I reacted with that comment above to seriously CONSIDER taking legal action for Defamation of Character, given that's exactly what it is doing.

The conversation ended at 14:16 or 1 hour and 32 minutes from when we started and 16 of those you were doing something else. For the record, those are the facts.

You may feel like you have wasted an hour and a half on me, but I have lost a week of my time every day attempting to get it all resolved and STILL DO NOT FEEL IT RESOLVED, if your blacklist post still has 5 of my links.

One and a half hours during Easter is still too long. Look, at the end of the day you need to learn about the platform you're using. I've done what I could for you. What we're talking about is monetizing stock images. There is no defamation of any character here -- this is a platform based on the concept of decentralization and the principles of anarchism. It is not Twitter or Facebook where everyone is entitled to everything. The list post is automated. I'd like to think that I didn't waste my time but you're proving it otherwise. I'm not responding any more to this. There are people here who need actual help outside of complaining to be allowed to monetize stockphotos they supposedly purchased once upon a time.

I apologize, @guiltyparties, for loosing my cool and overreacting on all of this. I never intended to make any sort of threat. Now that your folks have downvoted me from 46 down to 4, I give up.

I have absolutely no idea at this point what to do. You guys have won. I raise the white flag, give up, start the power down process and give up.

This is very saddening. Im sorry to see what had happend here.

Im also very curious. Lets assume that in the future steemit would attract businesses. Is it really that easy to completly ruin anybody's account? I mean: is all you need to have huge amount of SP to completly crash competition down?

That would make me believe that huge networks/corporations will be able to control this platform (since they can afford to invest solid resources).

I wish to know what can be done except of really powering down and saying good-bye to this place.

I've read your comments before and I think you pushed it little bit to much. At the end of the day you never know who is sitting on the other site and you were kind of playing with fire. Eh :(

Can you believe that after @adm nuked me from 46 to 4 for a comment, the system no longer allows me to even upload a post (or at least a pic into a post, since I haven't gotten that far to try w/o a pic)? @adm doesn't reply and @steemcleaners says nobody knows who @adm is. It is absolutely amazing to see just how centralized the power is here, when so many believe it to be decentralized.

Im not sure if that means that power is centralized.

I believe it's showing that without centralized power we are gonna deal with "local warlords" and noone ever will be able to protect you.

Steemit is in my opinion great example proving, that idea of decentralization is not always gonna be working fine.

I believe many things need to be centralized. We (as a humanity) didnt grow up to what blockchain has to offer.

"Warlords" fit so perfectly too. I know what you mean, but I still believe the true aim of being "decentralized", at least for many in the crypto-sphere, focuses really on equally distributed power (or sovereignty), as in a more Libertarian or Volunteerism form of what we call "governmental organization", more along the lines of what the Austrian School of Economics hits on some. Roger Ver especially likes to speak of this in his project, which is one of the things I really like about him. This is the sort of discourse I believe could add real value to the steemit community.

The whole distributed blockchain technology (AKA in the initial form of bitcoin) came out of the the cypher punk movement, most of whom believe more along those lines of Libertarian Volunteerism, as a way to eliminate the current "warlord" mentality of "capitalism". Steemit is an absolute complete failure in that aspect in my experience, and as I have read, Dan's intentions with steem II "seem" to aim to eliminate more of this warlord form of what I would call centralized power, based on the amount of money or value one has at their disposal to throw around, or at least move things more in that direction. I read a few posts on that and see many here in steem do not want to give up that ability to purchase (or have first in) power or influence to be able to lord it over others. Unfortunately, @adm is a perfect example of that "warlord" mentality.

You make a point that we are after all brought up in that old world "class" mentality and it is really wired into our psyche. So what we are really talking about is a complete paradigm shift in way of life on Earth. In reflection, I think in a way this line of thinking gives me more 20/20 hindsight as to what real lessons this entire experience I have had here the last 10 days can teach me.

As I read my own recent comments, I am struck with a clear battle within myself between the new and the old. In other words I now see myself going from the new in reaction to the confrontation with the old, rising up to take my power back with this original post, to falling back prey to the old "thinking", as an even larger million pound gorilla sits on my head forcing me to bow down and plea for help. It is an interesting observation - something I think I will chew on for some time. I believe it is the real purpose destiny brought me here to steemit.

So I really appreciate your comment, which led to this deep observation, @crypto.piotr :)

I really hope you're gonna stay here. Your input is enormous and I value our friendship like crazy already

Come on. Give me a break. The only one dragging this on is you. I fully complied with your demands and you still will not remove my links on your blacklist. So just remove the links to my posts like I thought you agreed to do on Friday.

You're not on the blacklist.

5 links still on as I write this stating "Photo/Image Plagiarism".

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