I'm Leaving Steemit - It's Not Worth The Energy

in #steemit7 years ago

I had a couple of posts, early on, that were worth a few dollars but now, no matter what I post, I'm lucky if I get a few cents. This is the complaint of most people on Steem it. I've seen some wonderful articles by other writers and they are getting the same poor rankings and ratings. Then I have seen some absolute rubbish that has simply been copied and pasted from the internet and it is earning thousands.

I'm afraid that the Whales are making the money and the Minnows are earning for them.

I expect that this platform was simply made by the select few to encourage people to invest in their newly launched crypto currency. However, we now see that the circulation of the currency on this site is simply shared amongst the elite and no-one else.

I tried, I didn't like it, so I've got my suitcase packed, my sunglasses on my nose, the engine's reving and I'm hitting the road. x


@guided do you think facebook or others blog platforms are worth the energy?

well said

Wow! Didn't see your blog until now.

You a good writer that's probably just hasn't been discovered. Hey don't give up just yet, the bigger fish are just starting to find you

#persist #keepsteemingon #justmakinguptags

hope you'll reconsider...the masses are just beginning to pour in now. We got almost 100,000 new accounts in the last 35 days, just 8 months ago there were 2 days with no signup. You were just very early and in a strange way lucky too.

Well I started a series on a Nuclear War story that I published and that went down well to begin with but then things dropped off. But I will be getting back to writing it x

I'm still waiting with my finger on the upvote button for the final chapters... 😊

I dont earn a lot on my posts, but I find that with the art contests and photo challanges etc it makes me want to do it. I wouldn't be drawing as much or have the inspiration. I try not to get down about others earning lots and me not.

I must admit its a shame to see any steemian go =( I must add you to my list of peoples posts to check out. But I find it easier on discord to see the posts.

On the discord channel steemwales were getting a good group of people =D

Dont go just yet.... i think it helps if you have friends on here actual friends not online because they do help boost your posts and will always help you.

If I can help in anyway, let me know =D

Please give it another go. We are getting are sh*t together and grouping together now to help each other now. Go on..... What's another month? Please

Finally... Have you considered following upvote bots. Somehow, I discovered that the bots plays the highest role in returns per post. I'm currently building a follow up bot. You may also join shadowbot.us they have a wonderful upvoting scheme. Getting money on steem is a big trial. I wonder if there if there are real people reading all the good stuff you write. The sweet thing here is competition, even the biggest curators uses trail following. You would be amazed how before 15mins a post is making over a $1000. It's either you get a bid bot, invest in steem power or create your own scheme. Giving up is not the best thing. You can still make good cash on Steemit.

I don't have a clue what a bit is tbh. x

Hello :)

You have the same problem as me and a lot of Steemians (as you mentioned).
I am so sorry to hear, that you are planning to go away from Steemit.
Maybe there are some changes you might think of, but we all make efforts, learn, fail and try different options.

Anyway you decide it will be your choice, but it would be big los. You already have a big reputation - look at mine, and at my numbers.
Many articles, some good, not many appreciated.

Are you a homestead person, maybe do more photos and short stories of everyday life. Longer and more ambitious articles less often, not to release to much steam.

If you have good articles maybe get them into google translator, translate to polish and put the article with #polish tag. We have nice supportive community. If you have the article translated, I can look at it and fix mistakes.

Please stay - it is my personal voice of convincing you to remain here, but maybe change few things, don't give up, be strong :)

Peace and Love :).


PS: I have resteemed your post - maybe it will help somehow - there are people that care about you and your work.

Ahh thank you. I will take on board what you have said and you have given me some good ideas - especially the translation idea. I do like that.

I'm going to be starting my new Jams and Chutney ranges for the coming season and I usually do a video blog about it, so I could try that, I suppose.

I'll have a think xxx

You will keep finding new strengths in your life - you will become stronger.

Myself - for example -I try to ignore obstacles or I treat them as opportunities.

I am glad to hear, that you are willing to look for new ideas.

Try these things - people from Poland speak English (not all of them), but I think you may do videos either on YT or DTube here, and post them in #polish.

Article, which you already have, please translate and forward to me for checking (for example on steemitchat.com, or on discord) and I fix it when I have time, but even unfixed might be good, because google translator is not too bad.

Do you use busy.org to post your articles from?

Hello Maria,
I fully agree, I made some good earnings in the early days and so I kept posting like mad with all my old paragliding exploits. I burnt myself out and took a back-seat for a while. Since then I've been adding a few posts, some that have taken a few hours to create (edited youtube videos and such) but I'm just not getting the returns for my time investment any more. I'm still active though (upvoting and odd comments) but that could be purely because the value of steem skyrocketed and I'm greedy ;)

There is a lot of quickly posted 'junk' floating around on steemit now and the site is saturated with it and so the little guys like us struggle to get our good stuff noticed.

It'll be sad to see you go though............ I was hoping you'd complete the Cenarth Falls posts,..... I was really hooked :)

Any hoo, enough rambling from me.
All the best on your chosen path...... I'm still following you on YouTube (I watched the 'sweets' video the other day) I think that was you???


Yes the sweets video was me. I made some over Christmas, they were lovely. I've got my Jams and Chutney business up and running again so I'm going to be doing videos about that. Hopefully they will go down well x

Ooo, I've not had a chutney in a long time. I'm usually boring and head for the Tescos Piccalilli when I've got cheese on the go [yup, I'm a heathen lol]
I'm sure yours will be a hit Maria :)

btw, I forgot to mention earlier, nice to finally see a photo of those sexy legs of yours at last ;)
[be careful on those train tracks though]

Bye for now,


I was gonna say you need to build a follower base, but then I checked and saw you have 500+ followers. What the heck? Are all those followers dead or something? How do you have 500+ followers and only a few upvotes per post?

However, you could argue that even a few cents is more than nothing which you get on other platforms. Other platforms will just thank you for your contribution and give you nothing in return. My biggest problem with Steemit is that it's hard for me to reach people (to engage with), because the new page just gets flooded every 10 seconds. I don't care about the rewards, I just want to discuss with other people.

Yep, follower base isn't a problem x

So what's going wrong? Why are your followers not replying and/or upvoting?
This makes me concerned, as my follower count is rising relatively slowly but steadily.
Right now I'm not getting many replies on my posts, but I blamed it on my small follower base.

Nope, my friend has over 3,000 followers but they simply don't engage. I feel that the last large round of intakes followed everyone in the hope that they would be followed back but they forget to engage. x

Too bad you are giving up. Would you have made me some where else? I know I wouldn't. I like a lot of people here, I like it more than mainstream social media, so I will hang around.

Yes, I make money on Blogger, Youtube etc x

i really love this

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