What is the meaning of life ?! Steemit ? NO!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

And you know, in this article we'll give you a precise answer to this question!

Only he will be in the end of the book. Remember, as a textbook on algebra in school?

That's just we have to warn you right away !!!

After reading this article, your life can change 180 degrees!

Yes Yes exactly!

Think you exactly need this answer? Are you sure you are ready to hear it?

If not, or you are not sure, feel free to close this page and move on somewhere in google or Yandex to read hundreds of other articles out there about what the meaning of life - to children!
o what is the meaning of human life? A...?

Why all this is now: work, for which you need to get up every morning, alarm clock, some goals, plans, loans, constant shortage of time, stress, traffic, subway, family, children, drugs and headaches?

Why is all this necessary? What is the meaning of this life?

Where are you going? What do you seek? You're rushing headlong into the future at a speed of 200 km / h, not noticing how outside events slip your present. And you do not even have enough time to inhale the fragrance of flowers?

Loans, suppliers, contract partners, kickbacks, tax ... and now the alarm goes off again Sutra! Tink-tink! Climb! And again flashed pictures of life at 200 frames per second speed. And where now the sun rises, surf noise, screaming gulls and smell the morning air is still cool!

Or do you come emptiness? All the colors of your life has long been erased. And you live only in the thought of reliving the past ... old grievances, heartache, betrayal, slowly fading from the lack of love, warmth, caring, understanding ... regretting opportunities, blaming their fate and other people who did it to you this ? This is, perhaps, the fate of, you say you are currently.

So what is the meaning of life then?

Why do we live?

After all, every year the wrinkles on the face is becoming more and why a person lives, what is the meaning of his life, because no one explained.

Okay, enough already guessing, poking around in his past, thoughts, feelings!

You can start with this moment to smile! Like this: :))))))))

For more detailed answer to the question will be given in this article, what is the meaning of life! Thus, the problem of the meaning of human life - solved!

Just what you were looking for!

For starters let's look at the wrong answers!

Though, probably, 99% of the people, to the question "what is the meaning of life," will answer that way, too, because do not know what it is! :))

Wrong answer number 1

The meaning of life - to children!

Yes, according to the ratings that answer the most popular!

And why not a child, you ask!


That Think: Masha's little daughter was born. Masha decided to name her daughter Katya. Beautiful name! But before the birth of Katie Masha was not the meaning of life. In general, no! More precisely, no, he was, to give birth to Kate. All 35 Maria lived only to give birth to Kate. And now at last she had a sense of life to grow and nurture their beloved daughter (or son, whatever). But what will happen when Kate grows up? When she is 21 years, and she finally says, "Mom, well, I do not have enough little ...!" Masha again lose the meaning of their lives!

It turns out that way.

The saddest thing is that most of these Mash, to which the meaning of life - children and going. After their child grows, their lives again becomes pointless and dreary.

They are trying by all means to save her daughter Kate (or son Vasya) in the "child". Indeed, in this case, she still has what to live.

But all that nature intended, sooner or later, Kate and Bob will rise and leave the parental home to start building your own life!

And if their mom (or dad) to this point and does not find the correct, natural answer to the question "what is the meaning of my life", it will continue to "cling" for their children, trying to control their lives without their!

And if we continue this conversation, because what Kate will also think, like Masha: I should have a baby, because this is the meaning of my life. And then history will repeat itself!

Night, street, lantern ... pharmacy pharmacy, street, lantern ...

Because it is not in the children the meaning of human life!

The child - this is just a tactical (intermediate) target, but not the main, strategic.

Although most people do not know what the main purpose in their lives, put on the place of the child!
Wrong answer number 2

Who cares what the meaning of life!
Do not worry. Just live and do not think about it!

And that is also an option! Really, what's the difference what is the meaning of life!

Live yourself and live! That's going to die, then there may be the top guys with white wings explain, finally, and in what sense something was. And put off or Fail ... Well, in college, remember? :) And then sent to retake back to Earth, but in a different body, in a new incarnation, a new family ... For some popuasam in the jungle. And again on the new: to be born again, screaming, sucking boob, learn to walk ... And then, one day, when the sun will be at its zenith, warming the earth with their heat rays, you will eat some soblezuby tiger in the bushes, where you stepped on the small. And again at the sky, welcome to heaven, to the selection committee with his shabby from past incarnations record book! Just circle of Samsara some!

So what's the trick, then? Can anyone explain? And already tired here and there ... It has changed how many bodies have been both men and women, how many had seen on this Earth for many centuries, as well as being a fool, and left! Hey, guys in white coats, and the meaning of life, then?

Well, finally, I thought of asking! And you type in google "what is the meaning of life," they answer the thoughts in your head. You open the site, lifexpert.ru called. You will find the article "What is the meaning of human life." And read. Read attentively! Until the end. If he lives for so many still do not understand the meaning. There you in human language to explain. And maybe this time, when you come back to Earth again to us with his record book, we will deliver you a solid 4-ku instead of zeros and ones in the past unlived life.

Wrong answer number 3

The meaning of human life = power, sex and money.

Well, here are selected for meaning in life, just put zeros (0) and one (1) in the office of heaven the angels in white coats. Just kindergarten some! Amuse your ego named person, playing in the illusion of his power over the world, well, or power over the 5 caretakers of the HOA. Who has what power ... Small, medium and large business. Policy. 20 years building his empire, and then the power went and everything fell apart like a house of cards in a few months. And in fact if it was all the meaning of life, then the next, in fact, there is no need to live it! Alcohol, rage, accident ... and then write off the flow in the column!

Knock Knock? Can? Hello, Office! Again, I come (a) to you with your record book. Che-some unfortunate incarnation happened. Somewhere I once again nakosyachil (s)!

The conversation may be something like this:

But tips were something! Well, if you remember. I do not remember?

Do not go here, chump snow fall, all the dead will be. Do not sign the contract, it smells bad, do not start this thing, look better over here ... It is much more promising and profitable.

But NO! I said, I decided, I want it, I'll do it at any cost ...

And we spoke with you, prompted, but then you can not hear ...

Your personality, your ego has grown so much that you think it's you and there. With nothing else to do there. With only your personal will, your personal agenda and your personal goals determine your life.

And if we tell you that you have your master invisible, your boss?

No, not the one who, spluttering, anger and frustration yelling at you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (By the way, your earth's Head-office did too because I do not know what is the meaning of his life).

We have about your Spirit! And his task incarnation on Earth through your physical body and your personality!

Well, what do you look back on us so dumbfounded, uncomprehending eyes, as well as 125 years ago, when you gave the last set-off?


Well, explain to a human, you can understand the language!

With images like in the comics!

And do not tell us what is not understood.

And here is the answer in the end of the book!

The correct answer to the question: "What is the meaning of human life"

But first, let's see who this person.

There are physical sheath, the material object dense plane of existence of matter. Hands, feet, head, stomach, lungs, rectum, bones, and heart.

But what separates the dead from the living?

It seems the same set of organs. But something is not enough in this set.

And that is not enough, you can answer?

Correctly! Soul, or rather thin-material object, which is joined with a physical body (biological carrier) throughout life.

A soul or spirit? What's the difference. Let us understand how everything is interconnected.

The human body is surrounded by the energy shell (different aura or biofield). These are objects of the astral plane of existence of matter. On the aura of a person (biofield) can distinguish areas of energy condensations, which are called chakras. Their 7 pieces.

Energy human shell enclosed in a cocoon of emotional shell, which feeds energy. Therefore, the more often a person is happy, the denser and more of its energy shell and the less he is ill, since there is a direct relationship of human health and the density, size, its energy shell. "Jupiter, you are angry, then you are wrong."

Further, after the emotional envelope, are the intellectual and programmatic shell structure. Their functions we discuss in another article. Oh, and the state of energy, chakra, any distortion can measure up. And we teach it as part of our research area "Infosomatika".

It looks like this:

Development of the International Institute of Social Ecology.

Every material object is distributed in space with finite velocity S. Well, you may remember from the course of the school and the institute of physics, who visited him :) Einstein has described it in his theory of relativity. What does the theory of relativity and the meaning of human life, you ask. A-next.

Thus, the physical body and the subtle material shell structure of the person spreads in space at a speed of C. And on the theory of relativity in which case the material object loses its dimensions in the direction of the axis of propagation. Those. All this thing degenerates into a disk.

And here's what a man's soul:

This is a set of disks (states rights) for each quantum of time lived from the point of birth. It contains all the stress, all the emotions of a person.

What is the meaning of life

And it can be measured! Yes, yes, you heard right. Soul man - the object of the mental plane of existence of matter - can be measured!

What we do on a regular basis, when someone comes to consultation with their problems. We shoot characteristic of the mental body and are looking for all the stress in the past that affect the present and the person helping them to him to "turn off" to rewrite his past life on the line.

It looks like this:

So what's the meaning of life, then?

But what ...

The soul, the mental body of man, is distributed by the Spirit of the surface. Spirit - is the object of the next order, it belongs to the causal plane of existence of matter. It recorded information about past human incarnations, about the experience of past lives.
This is precisely the student's record-book, which looks at the celestial office spherical objects Causal plane of existence of matter and above, of which some call angels. We call them curators. Because they are constantly supervised by the incarnate person and give him tips. The only question is whether he can hear them or cling only for his personality: I, I, I, homing ...:) Spirit, by the way, can also be measured. No ruler, of course!

Find it and manage stress programs as the current incarnation (the soul), and in the past. By the way, a person's sex may vary from incarnation to incarnation. This is related to many of the problems of sexual identity when a person's consciousness is still hears his previous incarnation, but is in a biological medium of the opposite sex.

So what's the meaning of life!

The fact that for the current incarnation to accumulate as many layers of your Spirit, and most smoothen its surface due to the positive emotions of tasks / problems on the road of life. Spirit is the very owner of the invisible, which is human life, and helps to protect it or, on the contrary, slaps on the ass! And he must slap oh, how often. Because otherwise people can not hear, or rather do not want to hear.

Indeed, many are beginning to think, to include head and change only when they feel bad!

After all, this article you find is probably not lying on the beach with a cocktail in hand.

You greetings from your Spirit! :))

Well, now to the answer, what is the meaning of life, you can add a new question ... It goes like this: as far as free will of man!

The answer!

The will of man is free within the limits set for it by the Spirit of combat missions!

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