rich lexicon — an indicator of intellectual development of the person

in #steemit8 years ago

if you lack words correctly to express the thoughts? If before you there was a question "How to Raise a Lexicon?", this article will be useful to you.
"The lexicon of William Shakespeare, according to the estimates of researchers, constitutes 12000 words.
In the modern world, the beautiful and saturated speech speaks about culture and a good education. The rich lexicon testifies to the level of intellectual development of the person. Society perceives the person with a rich lexicon as the smart and creative person. People with a rich lexicon get a job quicker, move ahead up an office ladder more successfully, to them in general more often and more attentively listen. The more the lexicon of the person, the is higher probability that it will succeed in life.

  1. Think of what of the banal, worn-out words and expressions you have got used to use daily in standard situations of communication. Write down them on a sheet of paper. Have written down? Now take the explanatory dictionary or the dictionary of synonyms from the shelf. Find these words which to you already cut hearing and which has bothered to hear day by day. Study the long list of alternative options and say each of these words aloud. What of them reflects your identity? What suits personally you? Try to use each of them as you try on a suit, and look what of them will seem to you convenient and cozy. Choose several such words and practice, saying them aloud until they become natural part of your lexicon;
  2. Communication is a main source of replenishment of a lexicon of the person. During conversation each its participant fills up the lexicon from an arsenal of the interlocutor, occurs словообмен between them. You speak with the friends, familiar, native as much as possible. Use new words in your lexicon, knowledge of the word nothing without its use;
  3. Read, reading books is useful. Begin with those authors who are more clear and close to your interests. Read useful literature which will help to climb to you a career ladder, develop! The text where interesting words and expressions which you want to remember meet and further to apply, re-read aloud (reading silently, we fill up the lexicon too, but not so quickly because in such a way we only see words, when reading aloud, we them in addition also hear and that the most important — we say therefore we remember better )
    4.When you notice the new word, not just you look at his definition in the dictionary. Pay attention in what turn of speech this word is used, try to replace him for yourself with the corresponding synonym. Try to rhyme, think out as much as possible suitable phrases. The more you knows about the word — the quicker you will learn to use it, without complicating at the same time the memory. It will immediately be reflected in beauty and identity of your speech;
  4. Write. Rewrite someone else's articles and your favourite literary works by an example of Demosfen who has rewritten Fukidid's "History" the whole eight time in a row.
  5. Crossword puzzles are not just entertainment, but also a method of development of a lexicon. Use this opportunity on the way, on vacation. Choose crossword puzzles in the famous editions or those that have good reputation;
    7.For those who spend much time on the way driving or at all has no free time to use books and dictionaries there is a unique opportunity to develop the speech and to increase a lexicon by means of audiobooks. The similar method will be also we accept for audience which perceives better aurally. Anyway, to while away time in traffic jams under reading good literature is much more useful and more effective for your development.

Use new words daily, getting used to them and implanting them in the life;
Use a notebook or an electronic notebook. Write down the interesting heard word, the phrase which has occurred or just beautiful expression of the thought there;
Studying value of the new word, visualize it in the right mind, add the images connected with this word, make the picture in your imagination the most saturated. Make it unforgettable;
To learn by heart verses and prose, quotes, aphorisms, proverbs, etc.

Of course, this article does not contain all methods and acceptances of increase and development of a lexicon. But also they are quite sufficient for emergence in your lexicon of new words and enrichments of a lexicon.


Yes, your vocabulary should be constantly replenished

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.2 and reading ease of 67%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.

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