Giving your steem (money) away in Quadalajara Mexico Direct to Vendor update 100% transparent using Steemit:
I am still giving your money away (steem) and below is a lovely lady who said yes to her picture being taken, zoom in and see the knitting:
Guadalajara su cumpleaños (Quadalajara his birthday) below:
For those new to my blog it contains travel pictures for my family and friends. I talk about being forced into early retirement and living within ones means by cutting overhead and maybe even living in a camper van and seeing the country. The blog is also about the fact I think I created the first 100% transparent blockchain charity via steemit and I give my followers money away with picture proof.
Very cool church below, Catedral Basílica de la Asunción de María Santísima (Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of Holy Mary) in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico:
Going to do a ride in one of these:
For my followers into bitcoin here is a little on crypto currency (bitcoin): My friend said on my facebook post "What would prevent the banksters from buying enough bit coin to crash it when they need and make it an unusable currency (due to it's volatility) while cash is still king (and they can print almost limitlessly)?" I responded with: Nothing, the banksters will do that (crash it etc.) but they are owned by a few people (big money decision makers) that do not trust each other and to keep their wealth they will put their money where it can be trusted and currently the most sophisticated trust ever invented is computational trust - bitcoin. The owners of the banks will shove it in banks and governments asses as they run the world! It is not going away and you can play the deny game as long as you want. We will most likely have this same conversation every year well into the next decade.
Excellent second half of the following short video explains computer money from a very rich 20 something year old:
More money shots and a big thank you to follower @dianatrejo for helping with logistics in this give-a-way:
The lady above was so tickled pink with her donation she was smiling for a very long time -peeling sugar cane.
Please follow or bookmark me here and do note I will be engaged and thanking people in the comment section to encourage entertaining the readers with funny gifs and or intellect. Should you comment more than once on this blog please edit your first comment as it seems I am attracting spammers.
Should you want to see 1,000 pesos go to hard working poor people please just transfer any amount of steem to my wallet above and it will be 100% transparent for you to see your money in the hands of good causes.
Here in the society, the most interests are. Do you know, my friend, when I had the power, everyone used to vote for me and care about my posts, and this is this. Now when I stopped it, I don’t know Where did most of them disappear, you know that only mutual interests are forward
Rural Villages

Nearly every village in the Mexican countryside has a church and a
market. At the center of most villages is a plaza . Farm families grow
their own food. If they have extra food, they sell it at the market in the
plaza. Rural people buy nearly everything they need—clothing, food,
toys, and housewares—at the market rather than in stores.
Farm Work
Ramiro Avila (rah MEE roh ah VEE lah) grew up in the state of
Guanajuato (gwah nuh HWAH toh), in central Mexico. In his small
village, Ramiro knew everyone and everyone knew him.
Ramiro’s family were campesinos who owned no land. Even as a
young child, Ramiro had to work to help support his family. He and his
father had jobs as farm laborers. They worked on someone else’s
farm. They made less than a dollar a day. When Ramiro was 13, his
parents decided to move to Mexico City. They joined many other
Mexicans who were making this move.
Steem goes over $1.21... 🚀
Total Raised: $1,297.69
Total Distributed $1,169.88
Website updated
Once again a big THANK you for this work!
Yeah... Thank you
Fantastic I will send more.
I read a lot of blogs as I have a professional content writer. Blogging at Steemit is more fun and a lot of people are doing amazing posts at this platform. Travel blogs are my favorite ones and your travel blog is something with a twist. I mean what could be a better way to be happy by making people happy. Amazing. I would keep contributing to this noble cause through my upvotes as that is what I have at this point. Excellent job @greenrun. Steem On! happy to be part of steemit too
Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.

i send you 1 steem for your charity work
I just sent you 1 SBD for Direct to Vendor to distribute anywhere in the World. Great Work Paul. Love and Light , I hope to you accept my simple contribution to your charitable work .