Dreaming Big: The Steemit Way

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Image Source- Pixabay

We all came to steemit for one reason or another.

  • To earn cryptocurrency or money
  • To write and blog
  • To try a new social media like website
  • To interact with other people

And no matter what the reason is for you joining, you are still here. We have all seen people join and some leave. The retention rate depends on what your long term reasons are for being here, how dedicated you are and how much passion you have about what you are posting.

Most people know that when I came to steemit last summer it was out of curiosity and the desire to kickstart my writing and blogging passion. What I didn't know was that I would find a place to satisfy all of the above listed reasons.

To earn cryptocurrency or money

I knew nothing about cryptocurrency when I joined steemit; except that our oldest son had Bitcoin. Pretty basic knowledge. But the thought of earning some withOUT having to actually make a monetary investment really lit up a light bulb in my head. Since I was a stay-at-home-wife I could use this platform as a way to earn cryptocurrency and some day add to our upcoming retirement years. The bonus for me was that I could do it all the while writing; which has always been my passion.

To me it was a win-win situation.

I blogged and made posts for about a week before sharing the idea with my husband. Once he saw how excited I was about writing again, he put 100% support behind me.

To write and blog

Yes! This was the main reason for me. I had been gone from being a freelance and ghost writer for two years. I had been out of the newspaper industry since 2009 and I was trying to find my way back to my passion. So when I received an email from a fellow prepper and homesteader explaining what steemit was, I had to check it out.

Once here, I started writing, looking at other members' pages and chatting some. I eventually found a homesteading and gardening group on slackers; but we soon moved to Discord. I have LOVED this group ever since. I have made some awesome friend, developed some unbelievable connections and learned WAY more from their posts here than anywhere else on the internet.

Plus they, the homesteadersonline, without realizing it have made me want to succeed. They have indirectly pushed me to be better; and I thank them for that.

I have honed in my writing skills and learned more about interacting; as I am a not a social person in real life.

To try a new social media like website

I was tired of the drama on other social media websites. There were too many arguments happening, too much high school drama and some nasty words being exchanged.

I can remember seeing two old high school classmates arguing; about something that happened in high school. Keep in mind I graduated in 1986. Yeah, I was not having fun. I stopped the facebook thing, stopped tweeting and never looked back.

To interact with other people

Having the homesteadersonline community supporting me all while I was writing, learning new skills and rediscovering my love, has made me grow as a person. I developed into a better writer, a better person and even a person who wants to learn new things.

I spend my days expanding my knowledge, learning to new homesteading and gardening skills and even pushing myself to the next level.

My Steemit Dream

My Reasons:

  • I am here for the long term. I am here to continue writing, blogging, sharing and learning.
  • I have been mentoring other steemians that are coming on steemit looking for some guidance; and I am enjoying this aspect more than I ever imaged I would.
  • I have been making friends and thoroughly enjoying every interaction and connection I've made.

My Dream:

  • To continue growing and learning
  • To be able to use my earnings some day to buy our property and move
  • To become more of a homesteader

So what are your steemit dreams?

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS
Community Link: http://homesteaders-online.com

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Your original motives mirrored mine -

To earn cryptocurrency or money
To write and blog
To try a new social media like website
To interact with other people

What has morphed for me since then is the desire to make the world a better place, even if it is just a small little ripple in a small little corner. I feel that the sharing of insight, knowledge, ideas, information etc is paramount to foster an evolution of enlightenment of the human species.

In addition and on a more objective perspective we also have the ability here to financially help impoverished individuals, communities and or support a cause. This is something I have been kicking around and would love some help with. What can I/we do? Sponsor a Steemian? Set up a Steemit fundraiser for a cause? I am open to suggestions, ideas and assistance. I want to do the groundwork to create something that will help.

The fact of cryptocurrency was not my main reason by any means. Writing was my priority. But after long discussions with my husband about retirement and purchasing of property, it has risen some.

I have been sponsoring homesteaders and gardeners for months now and love how I can add to their experience and some day success.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions of how I could use this platform to support a cause or a community?

Your story is so encouraging! I believe a big part of the reason you're succeeding is that you have a strong desire to help others. And you're right the maturity of interaction here is a great world away from sites like Facebook. I appreciate that, for the most part, I'm not going to get thoughtless, nasty or argumentative comments on my work when I spend the time creating a post.

for the most part, I'm not going to get thoughtless, nasty or argumentative comments on my work when I spend the time creating a post

So true! We can post, get comments of opposing and supportive views and everyone is usually very mature and will have a friendly debate. Such a nice feeling and refreshing way to interact.

I have always been a person who likes to give back, support and do for others. I thank my parents for that. They instilled good qualities in me.

I am so HAPPY you found my story encouraging. Sometimes I think people forget which direction to turn and it's nice when we find our way.

This is great. Really love how you broke it down. It's a great platform, and a much more inspiring place than facebook, yet for some reason I am still using Facebook more. I am hoping to change that and grow my steemit account. I want to be able to go offgrid, maybe steemit will be the cause if I dedicate more time to it :) Thanks for the inspiration, dear!

I know everyone on steemit has goals, dreams and other success they are seeking and for me seeing it all written out is what motivates me to strive for more. Whether it's too help others, make money or just share my experiences.

Good luck on your quest to live off-grid. I'm not sure I could or would be able to achieve that. But as far as homesteading and providing more for my family; ABSOLUTELY!

Thank you, hehee :)

A very nice words @goldendawn as a newbie I wanted to learn more like what you've said in your post thanks for sharing mam

I've also come here in other interests than money I want my voice to be heard without censorship. Great article keep up the great work.

Ahh, I knew there would be reasons I had not thought of.
Good for you. I'm glad you have found a platform that doesn't censor your views.

Originally I came to steemit for cryptocurrency advice but that's not my main use anymore. I had a desire to document and share our experiences homesteading. Steemit seems like a great platform for sharing our journey and learning from other people's experience. Hopefully, our stories can help other people and earn us some money on the way.

I love that you're here to document your journey- that is awesome!

I have learned so much here from fellow homesteaders and gardeners; a wealth of information that I never would have found anywhere else online.

We share our knowledge the best we can and try to help all those we come in contact with while also learning through others experiences and failures all the while earning $$. This is crazy awesome!

It's like a win-win-win all the way around. No matter what happens, we can all strive for more, expand and learn so many new skills and ideas here.

my dream is to retire early (be financially independent of work) in 7 years or less, Though I love what I do as I am self employed, I want to spend time travelling while I can, and meet people. I think I love Steemit so much because I work from home, it can be lonely at times, and Steemit gives the company of lovely people from all around the world 24/7. There is a always a conversation to drop in on, and it is easy to start one too

Oh yes!!! That sound like a perfect plan and goal to have.
I have found that a certain mindset is key when being on steemit.

Seven years is not out of reach. My own is five here for what I want to accomplish. Fingers crossed...

good luck with the goal, I am sure you will reach it!

I have been in this platform for almost 2 months and it is nice. People interact with one another. Also the in my months here, i found the efforts of the whales supporting the minnows so good. Their support gives the minnows a motivation to do what they do. And i just want to thank you for your efforts in sharing and mentoring fellow steemians. May we continue to share, learn and grow here. And our reasons for writing compells us to do more. More power!

Yes it is nice to see so many people interacting.
I have found some great members that are constantly giving back, helping others and I have learned so much from the members of my communities.

Last October if you asked what my dream was I would have shrugged and wouldn't know how to answer. I just wanted a place for my bad poetry and stories.

Then you start being involved in communities and it changes you.

It makes you want to strive for more SP so that you can support more people, support their dreams and creative process as they grow.

Sadly the whales and dolphins in our local community are already stretched too thin so they can't really support everyone so it is up to small minnows and redfishes like us to make a difference and help retain people.
It made us dream of forming our own community that can mentor, support and help minimize attrition because of lack of support and exposure.

@steemitfamilyph has a daily curation and even a weekly newsletter now woohoo! Things we learned from the best like you.

I dream that the @giftinkindph charity that I set up here in Steemit will flourish. It has existed for the past 11 years without crowdfunding from strangers but this is the first time we are doing this. Frankly, I am nervous. It is my wish that as long as the Steem block chain exists it will continue to provide hope and opportunities for the indigenous people of Banawen.

My final dream is the possibility to do Steemit fulltime and devote all my time and energy to the causes I have.

I believe that Steem will do so much good in the world and I want to be a part of it.

Absolutely ALL obtainable!
I am proud to see you say that the charity you setup has been functioning and working without any crowdfunding- that in itself is an accomplishment.

And the advances you've made with the @steemitfamilyph are not to forgotten. I have seen you grow that from day one. KUDOS to you!

One day we will advance more and continue to be able to help others. I'm not sure I would know what to do with myself if I wasn't mentoring or helping people.

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