NO - Armageddon isn't coming!!!

in #steemit6 years ago


Civil Unrest -

You're going to see an awful lot of it!!! We've seen "Protesters Clash" just this week in Portland again, and in Houston.
This is going to get much (MUCH) worse!!! Cities will burn, people will die.... Police will have an excuse to bust heads.
The false meme that you have a "Choice" in America over who runs the Country has been pushed until the so called "left" and the so called "Right" are frothing at the mouth, and ready to shoot each other in the face over a manufactured divide!!! Meanwhile the Oligarchs who REALLY run the United States are laughing all the way to the Bank!!! The things that REALLY matter... Like how the Country is being bankrupted fighting wars of aggression, the cost of your Medical Care, and the fact that over HALF of what you earn is being stolen from you in the form of Taxes are being pushed aside. As Americans squabble over the small Partisan differences that don't really make any difference in your life.... The men behind the curtain are hidden from view.
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Run away Inflation -

I've tried to warn People about this one for a long time now. We're already seeing it!!! How many ounces are in a pound of Coffee??? To make matters worse, now we have a two pronged attack on the price of the goods you buy. The Federal Reserve Bank, has conjured TRILLIONS out of thin air. The value of the money in your Wallet / Purse / Bank Account, is like anything else, and it's subject to the laws of supply and demand!!! If there's "X" amount of stuff being bought and sold... more money floating around, means it will take more cash to buy the stuff. The other thing that's going to drive up the prices of stuff you buy are these Tariffs and Trade Wars that you're hearing about. MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT... TARIFFS ARE SIMPLY A TAX!!! You want to buy something at WalMart that came from China, but the "Great Leader in Chief in the White House" has put a 25% tariff on it. (Who do you think will pay this extra 25%???) The money collected as "Tariff" goes to whom??? Tariffs WON'T bring production of goods back to the US!!! Corporations will simply pass the additional cost on to the Consumer.... YOU!!! There aren't any factories left in America, they've been abandoned for decades and the buildings are falling down!!! The economy can't stand the cost of rebuilding them. This WON'T make America great again!!! All that it will do, is funnel more of YOUR MONEY into the Military Industrial Complex, where the Politicians want to spend more on technological killing toys for the Generals to play with.
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Automation taking your job -

It's not just McDonalds workers who have to worry about robots stealing their job!!! Many many studies now predict that at least half of ALL jobs in America will be replaced by automation in the coming Years. This includes "IT", as algorithms are created to write software, more factory jobs will be lost, the list goes on. **DON'T BELIEVE THE ABSOLUTE BULLS#$T ABOUT LOW EMPLOYMENT!!! ** Sure you see "Help wanted" signs everywhere, but that's because 97 MILLION Americans have realized that it's easier on them to live in Mom and Dad's Basement.... Than it is to enslave themselves in indentured servitude to ungrateful corporate masters, for poverty wages.... Then have half of what they earn stolen from them by Government. You can denigrate 'Welfare Moms" and "Freeloaders" all you want, but who's smarter??? Them.... Or someone who works 16 hours a day for Pennies???
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A robot in a glass factory
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One making clothes dryers
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Even Farmers are not immune to losing their job to automation!!!

Increasing Oppression -

I already mentioned above that Police will soon have an excuse to beat more people up, but here are some facts. **DON'T IGNORE THEM!!! THIS IS COMING AT YOU LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN!!! **
Policemen steal more form Americans that ALL Burglars and Muggers combined!!! through so called "RICO" laws they are waging WAR on Americans!!! They can take your money, car, boat, and house without EVER even charging you with a crime, without you EVER being convicted of anything, and with nothing more than a vague suspicion of you having done anything including Jay Walking!!! They can even seize your debit cards and CLEAN OUT ANY PREPAID DEBIT CRDS YOU MIGHT HAVE right from their Patrol Car!!!
It's called an "Electronic Recovery and Access to Data" device.

SWAT teams already break down the doors of 80,000 families a year!
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Police are beating up nurses for doing their job!

These oppression's are only going to get worse.


In their never ending quest to fill the Oligarch's Bank Accounts by having an excuse to tax you more, and steal from other Countries.... Your "Fearless" political leaders will continue with more warmongering. This will negatively impact your life!!!! For example we're just now beginning to see saber rattling against Iran again. THIS IS A GIVEN, DON'T IGNORE IT!!! If the United States attacks Iran.... Iran, can and will shut down the Strait of Hormuz!!! When gasoline is $20 a gallon, how much of it can you trade your "MAGA" baseball cap for??? HERE IS ANOTHER GIVEN!!! If the false flag bulls$%t about Russia meddling in elections, some spy being poisoned in a British Cafe, or a simple mistake made by a Fighter Pilot in the S China Sea, starts a war.... Against a combined Chinese / Russian Alliance, the US will get it's a$$ kicked!!! The only alternative for your political leaders will then be the Nuclear Option!!!
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OK well..... Maybe that IS Armageddon, but they say you burn so fast that, you won't feel anything anyhow.

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