Civil war in America is coming!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

""Stay the course. If you see anybody from that cabinet... In a Restaurant... In a Department Store... At a Gasoline Station... You get out, and you create a crowd!!! And you push back on them.... And you tell them they're not welcome - Anymore - Anywhere!!!"" - California Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D)

"Democrats need to rise up and resist Trump by putting their bodies on the line." - Journalist Michael Moore.
make america great again.jpg

Americans are increasingly hating each other over these political divisions. To understand the mindset of the "Other Side on the Right", all you have to do is look at at the comments section of the article where I found the Michael Moore quote....
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Hatred is raging on both sides!!!

As a "Voluntaryist" who doesn't believe in obsessing over these political parties, because of my religious beliefs, I'm absolutely astounded at the level of emotional anger in America!!! Even in a Facebook group dedicated Christianity over the worship of Government, I see people who argue and debate for Statist values every day! Cognitive dissonance is raging.cognitive dissonance4.jpg

The "Media" continues to hammer the public with irrelevant, and divisive issues that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.


  • We're still engaged in the longest war in American history! the "Troops" are still dying there, and $Billions upon Billions are being wasted so that the makers of Oxycontin can have a cheap source of raw materials.

  • There's much anger over Immigrant children taken from their parents and locked in cages.... While America ignores the Politicians who KILLED half a Million kids with no remorse!!!

  • Government is stealing HALF of what you earn through taxes, fees, and so called "Fines".

  • Police are STEALING more through so called "RICO Seizures" than ALL Burglars and Muggers put together! (Whenever I share this fact... I'm met with the sound of crickets. People choose to ignore it because recognizing it would disturb their comfy little World.

  • The Chicago Police Department openly operates a "Black site Prison" called Homan Square, where people are "Disappeared" and tortured.... BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.... RIGHT HERE IN THE US!!! No one seems to care about this atrocity? This is MIND BOGGLING!!!

  • The Federal debt is now over $174,000 per Taxpayer!!! No one seems to understand that THEY WILL COME AFTER YOU FOR THIS MONEY!!! people seem to shrug their shoulders, and make plans to buy more Beer for their 4th of July Picnic.

The day is fast coming when you will NOT be able to ignore how you're being treated!!!

The day is coming when so much is being stolen from you that despite slaving at your job for 60 or 70 hours a week, you still won't be able to pay your bills.... When your "Ramen Noodle Diet" won't be enough to sustain you while you work in the salt mine. The day is coming when violent oppression will hit home. Someone you know will be beaten, or killed. A Family member will be terrorized by the so called "Justice" system for the crime of being poor.

Your anger at being wakened from your slumber will be directed at "The Other Side". You'll decide that it was the "Libtards" who did it, or maybe the "Redneck Fascists" are to blame!

The State of California is already moving towards secession. Some will say "Let those Socialist Commies go." What will happen is that the loss of such a large chunk of the economy will collapse YOUR WORLD!

Maybe a Cop will shoot a black person, and the Courts will let the cop off. (Not guilty... The penalty is a paid vacation.) Protests will happen, Police will respond with military like oppression. Someone will start "Sniping" cops. More oppression, door to door searches with no warrants like Boston after the Marathon Bombing. looting, guns seized like Katrina, some idiots with Molotov Cocktails.... Fireman won't respond it they're going to get shot at.

Cities burning!!! Open warfare.

The end of the United States of America

All while you're still blaming the "Libtards, and Rednecks". All while the politicians promise you they'll "Make America Great again, and if you like your Doctor... You can keep your Doctor.
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I like the latest talk from Stephan Molyneux
Makers vs Takers

I really feel that is the two sides of the actual war.
And Molyneux does a good job of describing why the 'takers' are so angry.
It is literally that the 'makers' are threatening their very lives. When the 'makers' say we aren't going to support the welfare state anymore, the 'takers' lives are really threatened. Where are they going to get their food stamps?

The only thing i really can't put together in this theory is women.
Unmarried women vote for more taking.
Are they all takers just by the nature of being female?
Or is it that the female mind abhors logic and so (and the politicians do not help) they do not see the connection between money given out by the state and the taxes collected by the state. Most of them talk as if the state is this magical place that can just pay and pay and pay to support more and more people.

He has a SPLC profile as a racist. Why listen to anything he says?

I do not know you well enough to know if what you say about the Southern Professional Law Criminals is tongue-n-cheek or not.

I'm a PI and they track hate groups and hate leaders. You have no problem that he has a profile on there? Did you even go read it? I'm not the only one who has called him out for is beliefs.

Did you ever listen to Stephan Molyneux?
His number one hang up is this thing called the NAP. Non-aggression principal.
He is very big on being morally rational.
I have NEVER seen/heard him be racist.

I do have a problem with the Southern Professional Law Criminals, as they are bunch of professional race inciters, and have done nothing for souther poverty.

I have seen the SPLC use their influence to tar people they do not agree with.

The next war in America will be fought by two groups of collectivists. One will win. Those of us who love individual liberty will be greatly outnumbered and need to prepare as best as we can in advance for what's coming.

I am going to use Molyneux's 'makers' and 'takers' as the supposed two sides.
The thing is, the 'takers' lose. Even if they win, they lose.

When those pulling the cart of society stop, there is nothing those in the cart can do.

If the 'makers' actually wanted to rid the world of all those neo-liberals, it would be easy to just let them all starve. They are all clustered in big cities that require trucks of food a day. They have a very tenuous life line.

Individual liberty isn't going to happen. It failed.
But also, every socialist experiment has failed.

What is going to come about is actual group functionality being implemented.
But, this will probably be after all the repressed anger is unleashed in a civil war, or some other expression.

Individual liberty isn't going to happen? Speak for yourself. I don't need to be ruled and won't be if I have anything to do with it. You're a controller, and I am not. Thanks for clarifying your position.

Sorry, you are on this thing called earth. All of your thoughts help create the reality that we experience. Which means, everyone is affecting everyone.

So, you do not get to be an individual. You are stuck here with the rest of us.
And so, your (and my) liberty gets curtailed by living in society.
We don't go around killing people.
We don't go around hurting people.
We stay out of each other's houses unless invited.
We all drive on the same side of the road.

Individual liberty has to be balanced with societal responsibility.

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