It's Dolphin #541,753

in #steemit6 years ago

Now What?

Last week, I announced I had eclipsed 1,000 SP in a year from posting, commenting, curating and contests. Now, I'm back with another milestone announcement.

Back in September, I bought STEEM when it fell below $0.70. After that, I told myself I wouldn't do it again unless STEEM fell below $0.50, which it has done substantially in recent days. So, when it did, I bought some more.


In doing so, the amount purchased, a little over 1,000 STEEM, put me into baby dolphin status. I was previously trying to estimate how long it would take me to get there through earnings here on the STEEM blockchain, and figured it would at least be February or March of next year if I was able to keep up October and now November's earning pace.

In the end, I guess, market forces were such that I bought my way to dolphinhood, just like I did to minnowhood earlier in the year.

In truth, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Part of it might be my cold. I'm just kind of worn down physically right now and can't really appreciate what I've done.

Or it could be I feel like I'm cheating, which is dumb, since STEEM is every much an investment platform as it is a social media one.

Yet, there is something to be said for earning your way, a feeling of satisfaction that what you've been doing is actually bringing results. And I have felt that, particularly the last couple of months.

Regardless, here I am, and it took less than a year to do it.

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I suppose I could also blame my lack of feeling like I've accomplished something on the fact that STEEM is so stinking low right now (less than 39¢ as I write this), but for those of us who weren't smart enough, fast enough, fortunate enough or whatever enough to get in on the lower prices out of the chute, this has been a great opportunity to pick up some pretty cheap STEEM before the value shoots back up.

No, I don't know when that's going to be, and my trying to predict when it's going to happen again would be akin to trying to pick the next Mega Millions lottery winner, or whatever the heck that thing is called.

It's going to happen when it happens, that's all I know for sure.

So, if you want to celebrate with me, by all means, leave a comment below. We can talk about the good old days (like last week), when I was still a minnow, or whatever.

I do have to say, though, I am looking forward to my monthly report for November because of reaching 1,000 SP before year's end, and now dolphin status. We'll see if I'm in any more of a celebratory mood by then.


This big fucking upvote was done after pressure tension from peers at the
@steemspeak community. Some person or whatever in there, called @whatsup held a gun to my operators head, and told me to pull the trigger. Her is $30 dollars, you do or do not deserve it, but welcome to STEEM little Dolphin, Sincerely @Booster - The Original Upvote Bot - Do use me every time you make a good post. Alright I have to go away now because I have shit to do and stuff.

Well, coerced or not, @booster, thank you for the welcome and the $30. :) @whatsup must have really wanted this upvote. :)

Well, and thank you to @steemspeak community, too. I do use the app often, so that's cool. :)

A nice little bonus here! Congratulations on passing 5k SP Glen!

Ah, you noticed, @abh12345!

Actually, I know you noticed since I'm on the Wall of Fame now. :) At any rate, it was a nice little bonus. Very much appreciated.

Yes I had a quick spy as I said I'd do in the post - the 5k+ SP holders are growing :)

I am soooooo celebrating with you! Did you know we both started our Steem adventures in December of 2017, and we both decided within a few hours of each other to power up 1000 STEEM to become a Dolphin?! That's pretty much amazing, we're clearly walking about the same path here...

For me going to SteemFest 'made me excited to do it', the people are pretty much what will make this place amazing even years from now.

I do understand the mixed feelings, it's also pretty spectacular to earn your way 'up', but, it's also pretty random - who upvotes who isn't always saying much about how hard you work or that other person works... I believe buying at these prices is showing insight and indeed, you can measure it pretty much in 'months of work'.

Hope to see us both grow even more the coming year, congratulations, and get well soon!

Well, thank you. Just left a comment on your celebratory post. :)

I do remember us coming in more or less at the same time (I think you have a couple of weeks on me), and I also just recently went back to look at a few of my first posts. You were among the ones commenting on a couple of them, and among other things you said:

I’m only a few days older than you, and I’m sure we will both find our way on Planet Steemit. Great you have a mentor! Good luck becoming a Minnow ;-)

Well, who knew at that point that either of us would not only be making it to Minnow (from a plankton's perspective, a minnow might as well be a whale), but be writing posts within hours of each other announcing baby dolphin status?

Considering I felt like quitting half a dozen times between January 15 when you commented the above and now, I wouldn't have bet the farm on it.

That said, I guess we're both still here, and we're both doing what we can to advance and spread our upvote around.

I am feeling a little better this morning, so hopefully it will be all gone by tomorrow and Thanksgiving. :)

And I echo your sentiments for the new year. May we both grow even more in 2019, and may STEEM also grow. In value, in users, in notoriety, etc.

Well, who knew at that point that either of us would not only be making it to Minnow (from a plankton's perspective, a minnow might as well be a whale), but be writing posts within hours of each other announcing baby dolphin status?

I think this is pretty cool and makes us pretty much Steem Siblings! What an adventure we took on, and how well we did :D

I'm glad you made it through the feelings of quitting multiple times. You now know how rewarding it is, but I hope we will find ways to tell baby Plankton they will make it too.

And I echo your sentiments for the new year. May we both grow even more in 2019, and may STEEM also grow. In value, in users, in notoriety, etc.

Hell yes! Happy thanksgiving to you!

Congrats mate. That’s an awesome achievement. If I had spare cash I’d be buying up as well. :)

I so want to be a Dolphin.

Well, thank you. It's all because STEEM decided to go and tank as much as it did. :) Well, and about 500 SP I earned on my own is in that mix, I guess.

Well, with your new job and the sale of your business, you'll have spare cash in no time. I'm not saying you'll be rolling in it per se, but again, at the prices we seem to be headed to, you won't need loads. :/

I’m waiting for 1 cent Steem lol. I’ll be an instant whale then. :P

Well, alrighty then. I was thinking I could end up an orca at that price. Whale would be way beyond me even at a 1 cent. I'd have to go back in time, take out the entire investment, then come back and buy it at 1 cent. :)

Welcome to the club. With great steem power comes great responsibility

..or great suffering. Lol!

Well, thank you @kabir88. I'm not feeling the great SP yet, but I am feeling the responsibility. Have since the beginning. I guess that means I just keep plugging along and see what I can do with it. :)

Not only with steem power.....but with every power brings us more responsibility

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats! I bought my way to dolphin status a few weeks ago and don’t regret a thing!

Would’ve been dope if I was a bit more patient, but like you said, it’s like tryna predict the winning numbers of the mega millions haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @waphilip.

Well, thank you, and congratulations to you, too, then. :)

I thought about buying more, but decided to hold some in reserve just in case it drops down again. Got to make up for the earlier purchases that weren't as cheap as it's now turning out to be. :)

I think what you have done is remarkable and i don't think it's cheating purchasing Steem. As you said it is both an investment and social platform and we would all do the same if we had spare funds.

Well, I'm not sure if it's spare I'm working with. It's more taking money allocated for something else in belief that there will be a larger return on it than if I just spent it on what it's meant to be spent on. :)

I guess we'll all see if I made a wise decision.

As you say, though, the funds have to be there in order to do it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be happening.

Congrats to you. Whether you bought your way in or earned it is irrelevant. It's good to see so many regulars having faith and using their fiat.

The dolphin club continues to expand. May more join the ranks.

Hey, @slobberchops.

Thank you for the welcome and the kind words. It does feel good to be a part of the dolphin ranks, and I agree, it doesn't matter how I got here. And yes, the more the merrier. Let's build the STEEM middle class.

Or it could be I feel like I'm cheating, which is dumb, since STEEM is every much an investment platform as it is a social media one.

First, good job! Second, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media doesn't pay you! so don't feel so guilty. You treated this as worth your time investment and will get an ROI for that time spent here!

Well, thank you, @steemitqa. It's all very true. Nary a cent from any of those social media sites in all of the years I posted there, even from my own endeavors. So, no guilt there. I'm okay with all of this. I believe in the idea of putting your money where your mouth is. I just know many can't, but I also know that I can't change that much either. I'll do what I can with those who are providing the content and the engagement, and go from there.

howdy sir glen! hey what does it take to be a dolphin? I guess I should just check your sp but I'm here commenting anyway so I thought I'd ask. I know it's a big number though and a good milestone so good for you and congratulations, yeah I don't think it matters how you got there. As long as you did. lol.

Hey, @janton.

So, the different levels (redfish, minnow, dolphin, orca, and whale) are based on MVests. So, you start out at 0 and above MVests as a redfish and go up from there—1 MVest for minnow, 10 MVests for dolphin, 100 MVest for orca and 1,000 MVests for whales.

Usually, though, people will talk about it terms of SP. So, right now, (because it fluctuates), one MVest equals 496.479 STEEM. Basically, that's how much SP you would need to become a minnow (most people just say 500 SP). To get to dolphin, you would multiply it by 10, or 4,964.79 SP (again, most people round up to 5,000 SP).

So, in SP, that's what it takes. In a broader sense, it takes working at it, catching quite a few breaks, and investing. In my case, it's mostly investing. :) That, and hoping that at some point the price of STEEM will stop nose diving and go up.

Right now, it's worth around $0.33 USD.

howdy sir Glen! wow, see I had no idea the price was going down even farther. Dang. Well the good news is that it may bottom out and then can only go up unless it stays down. But everyone says it can't stay down right? Does anyone really know? I don't think so. But anyway thanks so much for the explanation. What is going on this weekend that is almost over, nothing?

Hey do Mormon's celebrate Thanksgiving? and if not why not? just curious, not a critique! lol. I know they don't celebrate some of the holidays.


Congratulations!!! Good Job!

Well, thank you, @whatsup. I think you got this second round of congratulations and upvotes rolling, which I think means @soyrosa is involved, too, from the looks of things. So, very kind of you and everyone else.

But what's this about a gun to the head of booster's operator or something? :) Didn't know it worked that way.

:') Epic. Your post was highly under-appreciated, sometimes someone needs to step in to fix that :D She did well :D

Yes, "she" did. :) Thank you for excelling in the appreciation department.

lol... There were no guns only threats of guns! :)

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