These are the 10 books you should read if you want to become rich!

in #steemit7 years ago

Greetings friends! In my post about 10 rules to become rich, I said that you need to learn something new every day. I also said, that very rich and successful people are reading one book a week. Why shouldn't we follow their steps? 

I give you 10 excellent books about money, success and how to become rich!

1. The Science of Getting Rich

Amazon link

2. The Law of Divine Compensation, On Work, Money and Miracles

Amazon link

3. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Amazon link

4. Think and Grow Rich

Amazon link

5. The Intelligent Investor of Practical Counsel

Amazon link

6. The Investment Answer

Amazon link

7. Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons In Life

Amazon link

8. The Richest Man in Babylon

Amazon link

9. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Amazon link

10. The Automatic Millionaire

Amazon link

I think, if you look hard enough, that you can find them for free, but I don't recommend you to do that. 

Thank you for seeing this list. Have a nice day/morning/night!


Great list.

I know many of these can be summed up by 'Spend less than you earn. Buy assets (things that make you more money) with the rest.

Yes, some thoughts and principals does repeat in some of them, but it is a good thing.
Repetitio ist mater studiorum. - Repetition ist mother of learning.
Thank you for commenting.

I've read some of this books the think is applying what you read ! Now that's the hard part

Yes, it is. You need to build your daily routine. You need to improve your way of living. After a while, your mind accepts it and you do not need to invest any more effort. Every start is hard, but rewards are golden!

great books


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