The State of growth

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I haven’t done one of these in a log time… I have been avoiding posting steemit related stuff and using my account to let others experience the motivation that comes from trending and earning real dollars for their efforts.

There are those who are not necessarily convinced of the points @dantheman makes in this post.

The graphs listed there give the view from the blockchain back end.

The graph below gives the view from the front end… It is based on the analytics available based purely on measuring actual user site traffic to the front end.

Blue line represents visitors that visit and leave never to return.

The red line represents visitors that return more than once in quick succession… these are considered loyal users.

As can be seen there a waves of interested users that don’t find what they are looking for and immediately leave. Then there are the loyal users that peak and trough depending on the day of the week.

There are clear growth spurts followed by periods of consolidation but there is no real drop off.

These are the stats for continental users:
RED – Americas
YELLOW – Europe
GREEN – Asia
GREY – Oceana
BLUE – Africa

For all the @dollarvigilante haters out there… the spike in loyal returning users from the US coincides with when he joined.

Up till then the number of users from Europe were swapping places with the number of users from the Americas in a neck-and-neck race for first place. RED and Yellow lines


Thanks for sharing these numbers with us. Most here, like me, wouldn't even know where to start to find this info. I'm a numbers guy (full-time trader) so charts and graphs are not lost on me. Clearly we can see a growing user base, I see no need for concern. The future of steemit is right on track.

Also great spot on the correlation of @dollarvigilante and spike in returning users. Users who are popular in other arenas and bring traffic to steemit is only a good thing, regardless of there personal agenda and beliefs.

I have to say not bad Europe considering the main language is english here! I thought the US would be far far ahead. Who could we bring online to catch up with the @dollarvigilante effect? :-) Greets from Berlin!

David Hasselhoff... That would bring in the german vote

Steven Colbert.

Yes, but you mean - to help Germany catch up with USA. Well... I say we first watch the Colbert Bump in effect. LOL!! ;)

Thanks for completing our view of the data by adding front end analytics.

yup the front end eliminates doubt as its a true reflection of actual traffic...

This statistic evokes the idea that not all that bad. We hope that the new changes in the system on the part of developers will bring more positive

It's a self-reinforcing thing. The better the traffic, the more motivated the developers and the users. And the more motivated the people are, the better the site gets. And the better the site, the more traffic.

Community sites take time to build. They need to be carefully nurtured. But once they get going they feed on themselves and then become unstoppable. Look at Facebook as the classic example. Google Plus is the superior product on a technical level, but it came too late and Facebook already had an unbeatable momentum.

Nice @gavvet... what tools you use to gather the info?
Is the top chart daily uniques?
I'm curious to know your estimate of daily readers to daily active users.
I think we can improve the gap between blue line vs. the red line with just a better landing page. Not sure a 'Welcome to the Blockchain' landing page converts mainstream users.. but I don't have data. Would be good to A/B test.

Google analytics data passed through a proprietory BI engine

Nice! I might be looking for your help sometime down the road!

The idea of a Welcome Page is great! I made a short post about it.


Just because the Tinfoil Vigilante brought some people in Steemit, it doesn't mean is good for the longterm. Most of the people he brought support a certain idea and they are mostly closed within that circle.

I speak also about anarchy and libertarianism for over 10 years now in my country and I cant believe the amount of bullshit he repackages as anarchic or libertarian. The guy brought in the people who just hate "the goverment" and they are not really bright in making an argument without overgeneralising. He is also offering market advice that is downright scam so he can sell the hypes. Classic cult behaviour / mass manipulation. I am not even talking about his shady past because I just learned about him. From the looks of it though, I wouldn't be surprised if everything was true — from scamming people for millions in Chile or having a fraudelent passport business or even rape accusations.

In the same way if one celebrity imports in here a major cult, the followers, most likely, will only know each other without being able to refer others. It becomes even worse for outsiders when they realise the culture accumulating from specific groups as being culty and downright criminal. Longterm these kind of people hurt the community.

Since I joined Steemit, I no longer identify my self as an anarcho-capitalist or libertarian because of Dollar Vigilante and his fans. If it wasn't for the potential of the platform I would already be gone. I can't convince others to join because mostly of trashy celebrities like him.

I'm not here to defend Jeff, but I'm one of those that learned of steemit because of him. I consider myself open minded and listen to the different opinions. I wouldn't consider myself an anarchist believing in no government. Just because you listen to someone doesn't mean you follow what they do.

What I personally believe is that those in government are working not for the people but for their own and other special interest. They promise people stuff to get elected and people fall for it and they become impoverished and enslaved.

Financially we are at the point of collapse. I see that more than likely they are taking us to war. They continue to divide the people and have us fight ourselves instead of them. They keep us busy with scandal after scandal. False flag after false flag. They pick the winners and the losers. They create wars and chaos.

These are the George Soros, Rothchilds, JP Morgan's and other so called elites.

As a steemit community member, steemit is my first time owning any crypto-currency. I love how this system has made it so easy to make it and understand. I even learned the exchange and converted some out just to see if I could and now I'm a crypto-currency fan and actually bought something online with Bitcoin. Which is really cool because I'm ahead of the curve in a networking biz that just started accepting Bitcoin for payment. Whoohoo.

If you look at who I follow here in the community, what I upvote and what I post you will see that I'm pretty rounded and I think I'm a great asset to the community. Hey I was even following you and still am. :)

What I personally believe is that those in government are working not for the people but for their own and other special interest. They promise people stuff to get elected and people fall for it and they become impoverished and enslaved.

Jeff is doing much the same. This is another reason why his ethos and arguments don't hold. Goverment has a cult for making money. He has his own. Many people don't seem to be openminded enough to think about this basic premise before they even start talking about "the goverment".

Financially we are at the point of collapse.

No we are not. We never were. Never will be. Things have always been getting better even with economic collapses. He just sells the hype with gold, makes th tinfoil connection and then profit from his investements. Again. his sheeple cannot see this. Even if there is a crisis, again the economy will rise. the economy goes through circles. he is not prediciting anything. he just repeats the same things until it happens and when it does eventually he sais "i told you so". shit sherlock...

I see that more than likely they are taking us to war. They continue to divide the people and have us fight ourselves instead of them.

Who is they? again you chase ghosts. The people make out the goverment. You speak of it as it is something godly. the sheer will of the people elect the goverment. people want it. id you don't like it, leave. Even if a society was an-cap the same thing can happen. If you don't like it..leave.

These are the George Soros, Rothchilds, JP Morgan's and other so called elites.

You forgot your vigilante. although not as bright he uses the same techniques to make money from sheeple by turning his disciples against "the goverment" whatever that is.

I think you seriously need to make more research. Also nobody knows who made bitcoin. blockchain technologies are used today by many goverments and they have invested in it as well. again. i think you are chasing imaginary enemies. the people with whom you interact with are "the goverment "the religion" the science". Much like Jeff you managed to be closed minded enough to accuse a general concept rather than specific things. At the end of the day, he just sculpted your mind or at least maintained you in the same state by reinforcing the same bullshit you used to believe.

Very good analysis. My experience is that: the people i try to sign up are college level and get turned off very quickly when they see all the drug relations and anarchist post. This is not a good direction...

Most social media is off-putting in my opinion... steemit is the first social media platform I have embraced... there is plenty of good stuff for those who take the time to engage a little more deeply... this is early days... when growth is growth is growth... it will mature.

The graphs show that starts to stagnate. Need more incentives for growth.

Consolidation is good after a rapid growth spurt...IMO

Thank you for putting together this post! I saw the one from @dantheman and I didn't see any data on his post to back up the claim that real user growth is strong. This post clearly shows his assertion is true!

Can you tell me where you got the data for these graphs? Thanks again for putting it together!

Cool Post

How did you get this data?

Americas is an awfully big and populated place. Any way you can divide north and south america at least?

I have done so in the past... perhaps I will do more of these types of updates again.... just to clear up the misconceptions that have been developing in peoples minds.

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